Scope. The Agreement regulates the Processor's Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Controller, and outlines how the Processor shall contribute to ensure privacy on behalf of the Controller and its registered Data Subjects, through technical and organisational measures according to applicable privacy legislation, including the GDPR. The purpose behind the Processor’s Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Controller is to fulfill the Service Agreements and this Agreement. This Agreement takes precedence over any conflicting provisions regarding the Processing of Personal Data in the Service Agreements or in other former agreements made between the Parties. The original Norwegian text takes precedence over this translation. The Processor shall only Process Personal Data on behalf of and in accordance with the Controller’s instructions. By entering into this Agreement, the Controller instructs the Processor to process Personal Data in the following manner; i) only in accordance with applicable law, ii) to fulfill all obligations according to the Service Agreement, iii) as further specified via the Controller’s ordinary use of the Processor’s services and iv) as specified in this Agreement. The Processor has no reason to believe that legislation applicable to it prevents the Processor from fulfilling the instructions mentioned above. The Processor shall, upon becoming aware of it, notify the Controller of instructions or other Processing activities by the Controller which in the opinion of the Processor, infringes applicable privacy legislation. The categories of Data Subject’s and Personal Data subject to Processing according to this Agreement are outlined in Appendix A. The Processor shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Personal Data according to privacy legislation applicable to The Processor. The Processor shall implement systematic, organisational and technical measures to ensure an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art and cost of implementation in relation to the risk represented by the Processing, and the nature of the Personal Data to be protected. The Processor shall assist the Controller by appropriate technical and organisational measures, insofar as possible and taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor, in fulfilling the Controller’s obligations under applicable privacy legislation with regards to request from Data Subjects, ...
Scope. This Chapter shall apply to all SPS measures of a Party that may, directly or indirectly, affect trade between the Parties. behov for å opprettholde muligheten for å anvende bilaterale beskyttelsestiltak seg imellom. I disse gjennomgangene kan partene beslutte å avslutte anvendelsen av denne artik- kelen.
Scope. A RT 1 C LE 2 1. The S tates shall, through th eir custom s authorities and in accordance w ith the condi- tions set ou t in this A greem ent, afförd each o th er m utual adm inistrative assistance
Scope. Dersom leverandøren bruker underleverandører for å oppfylle kontrakten, er leverandøren ansvarlig for å videreføre kravene i leverandørkjeden.
Scope. Disse salgs- og leveringsbetingelsene gjelder for alle leveranser fra selskapene Stryvo AS, Stryvo Bismo AS og Stryvo Oslo AS (heretter STRYVO) med mindre annet er skriftlig avtalt. Unntak og fravikelser er bare bindende i den grad det foreligger skriftlig avtale. KJØPER aksepterer vilkårene gjennom skriftlig bestilling, ved mottak av varer eller forøvrig ved å inngå avtale om leveranser fra STRYVO.
Scope. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, this Chapter applies to measures adopted or main- tained by the Parties affecting trade-related and investment-related aspects of labour and environ- mental issues.14
Scope. These sales and delivery conditions apply to all deliveries received from companies in Hatteland Group (seller) unless otherwise agreed in writhing. If seller's suppliers have delivery terms to the Company that have an impact on present sales and delivery conditions for the seller, the buyer should be made aware of this and that these conditions apply. If buyers have their own purchasing conditions these do not apply without a written agreement of changes in these terms.
Scope. This Chapter applies to trade in goods between the Parties.
Scope. This Code sets out the requirements towards Providers who have access to NBIM’s systems, premises or certain investment related information. This Code, as updated from time to time, is an integral part of the contract with the Provider.
Scope. Within the framework set forth in these Terms of Reference the Secretariat shall primarily:
2.1 provide administrative, analytical and techni- cal support to the meetings of the Steering Committee and the High Level Meetings by preparing and circulating the necessary infor- mation and documents for consideration and discussions;
2.2 prepare draft minutes of the meetings of the Steering Committee and the High Level Som en bekreftelse på dette har de undertegnede som er behørig bemyndiget til det av sine respek- tive regjeringer undertegnet denne avtale. Utferdiget i Riga den 28. mai 2018 i ett original- eksemplar på engelsk som skal deponeres hos depositaren. Depositaren skal utstede bekreftede kopier til alle partene. For Republikken Finlands regjering For Republikken Latvias regjering For Kongeriket Norges regjering For Republikken Polens regjering For Den russiske føderasjons regjering For Kongeriket Sveriges regjering Mandat for sekretariatet til Den nordlige dimen- sjons kulturpartnerskap