Governing Law and Jurisdiction Voorbeeldclausules

Governing Law and Jurisdiction. (a) The Bonds and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the Bonds are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, Belgian law.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. The contract and any non-contractual obligations arising in connection with it are governed by Belgian law. The Belgian courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute arising in connection with the contract, including disputes relating to any non-contractual obligations. Each party irrevocably waives any objection which it may now or later have to proceedings being brought in the Belgian courts (on the grounds that the Belgian courts are not a convenient forum or otherwise).
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. (a) Governing law The Agency Agreement, the Calculation Agency Agreement and the Bonds and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, Belgian law.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. 1. These Terms and Conditions and the Agreement, and all noncontractual rights and obligations arising thereto, are governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction a) The present Terms & Conditions and the Agreement and any disputes or claims arising from it or related to it (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by Belgian law, with the explicit exception of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG).
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. (a) Governing Law The Trust Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Calculation Agency Agreement and the Bonds and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, English law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the provisions regarding meetings of Bondholders shall be subject to the mandatory provisions of Belgian law regarding meetings of bondholders, and (ii) the provisions regarding the Required Topco Shareholder Approvals are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, Belgian law.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement is governed by the law of the jurisdiction set out in Table 1 corresponding to the Qlik entity identified therein as the contracting party, but excluding any conflict of law rules or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is hereby expressly excluded. Any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement was made in, and this Agreement is governed by the law of the jurisdiction set out in Table 1 corresponding to the Qlik entity identified as the contracting party, but excluding any conflict of law rules or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is hereby expressly excluded. Any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the business relationship between the parties, whether based in tort, contract or statutory violation, shall be brought before the courts or arbitration boards set out in Table 1 corresponding to the contracting Qlik entity and conducted in the English language. The Parties hereby expressly and irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts or arbitral bodies for the purpose of any such suit, action or proceeding. Qlik may be irreparably harmed by a breach of the terms of this Agreement and that damages, alone, may not be an adequate remedy. Customer agrees that, in addition to any other rights or remedies permitted under applicable law, Qlik will have the right to enforce this Agreement by injunctive or other equitable relief without the need to post a bond or to prove damages or irreparable harm. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL REGARDING DISPUTES RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of The Netherlands. The parties irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Midden-Nederland, The Netherlands over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims). [WANNEER MET EEN AMERIKAANSE PARTIJ (OF ANDERE PARTIJ WAAR NEDERLAND GEEN VERDRAG TER UITOEFENING VAN VONNISSEN MEE HEEFT GESLOTEN) ZAKEN WORDT GEDAAN 11.2 VERVANGEN DOOR ONDERSTAAND ARTIKEL OF ANDER ARBITRAGEBEDING] IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement in the English language to be executed and delivered in duplicate, each of both copies constituting an original, by their duly authorized representatives on the dates indicated below. □ ________________________________ [Company A] By: [ _ ] Its: Director Place: Date: □ __________________________________ [Company B] By: [ _ ] Its: Director Place: Date:

Related to Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • Toepasselijk recht en jurisdictie 41. Deze Algemene Voorwaarden worden exclusief beheerst door Nederlands recht.

  • Statutenwijziging en ontbinding 1. Besluiten tot wijziging van de statuten of ontbinden van de SFU kunnen alleen door het bestuur worden genomen in een vergadering waarin zowel alle werkgevers- als alle werknemersleden aanwezig zijn, en ten minste tweederde der geldig uitgebrachte stemmen zich daarvoor verklaart.

  • Territorialiteit De waarborg is verworven voor een schadegeval dat zich voordoet in enig land van de Europese Unie, in Bosnië- Herzegovina, in de vorstendommen Andorra en Monaco, in Vaticaanstad, in IJsland, in Liechtenstein, Noorwegen, in Oekraïne, in San-Xxxxxx, in de Republiek Servië, in de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië, in Zwitserland, in Marokko, in Tunesië, in Turkije, alsook in elk land dat door de Koning bepaald wordt krachtens artikel 3 § 1, van de wet van 21 november 1989.

  • Definities en interpretatie 1.1. In deze Overeenkomst hebben de volgende begrippen de volgende betekenis:

  • BEROEPSPROCEDURES VI.4.1) Beroepsinstantie

  • Rechts- en forumkeuze 16.1 Op alle overeenkomsten tussen Opdrachtgever en Opdrachtnemer is uitsluitend het Nederlands recht van toepassing.

  • Interpretatie 2.1 In deze AV:

  • Bij welke conflicten heeft u recht op juridische hulp? U heeft recht op juridische hulp als u deelneemt aan het verkeer en een conflict heeft doordat een van de volgende gebeurtenissen plaatsvindt.

  • Toepasselijk recht en forumkeuze 1. Op alle overeenkomsten tussen opdrachtgever en opdrachtnemer waarop deze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing zijn, is Nederlands recht van toepassing.

  • Wanprestatie en ontbinding 24-1 Indien de opdrachtgever op enigerlei wijze wanprestatie pleegt, zal hij daarvoor alleen reeds in gebreke zijn zonder dat enige ingebrekestelling vereist is. Onverminderd het bepaalde in het Burgerlijk Wetboek zal Stocklots ingeval van wanprestatie het recht hebben zijn verplichtingen uit de gesloten overeenkomst op te schorten, de overeenkomst geheel of ten dele zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst als ontbonden te verklaren, zulks te zijner keuze. 24-2 Partijen hebben het recht om de overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang, zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst per aangetekend schrijven te ontbinden indien: