Quotations Voorbeeldclausules

Quotations. 4. All quotations are valid for 20 days after the date of the quotation (including the day of sending and receiving the quotation), but are made entirely without obligation. If the offer contained in the quotation is accepted, Indutrade BV has the right to revoke the offer within 5 working days after receipt of the acceptance. 5. Oral and telephone agreements as well as promises from Indutrade BV employees are only binding on Indutrade BV if they have been confirmed by Indutrade. 6. Samples or specimens provided to the opposing party by Indutrade BV with or after the quotations are approximate indications. Information derived from this is only binding if expressly agreed.
Quotations. All of our quotations must be deemed to be invitations to the potential buyer to make an offer. Thus, they do not bind us in any way unless the quotation itself explicitly and unequivocally provides to the contrary (in writing). An order that is placed with us constitutes an offer, which will not be deemed to have been accepted by us until after we have confirmed it in writing (the ‘order confirmation’).
Quotations. All information, brochures, drawings and technical documentation of any kind, are provided to the customer by way of information and are in no way binding to BESTOWIN. All offers of BESTOWIN, done in whatever form, are without obligation and are done without commitment. They are valid for 30 days from the date of issue, unless a different period has been expressly provided. BESTOWIN is in no way liable for any consequences arising from an incorrect statement by the customer. Orders by the customer are only valid and binding after a written order confirmation given by the authorized person (s) of BESTOWIN. Any alteration proposed or made by the customer to the original agreement, can be accepted by BESTOWIN, provided the possibility of changing the originally formulated conditions (including price, payment conditions, execution times, ...). A rejection by BESTOWIN of the proposed change does not affect the original agreement. Any change to an order or to the initial offer releases BESTOWIN from the originally promised delivery period. Any cancellation of the order by the customer must be made in writing and is only valid upon written acceptance by BESTOWIN. In case of cancellation, the customer owes a fixed compensation of 20% of the amount of the order, without prejudice to BESTOWIN's right to prove its actual damage. The fee covers fixed and variable costs and possible loss of profit. BESTOWIN reserves the right to refuse orders or cancellations without claiming any right to compensation. The refusal must not be motivated in any way.
Quotations. The assurances and special conditions given by our agents and authorised representatives can only be binding after written confirmation.
Quotations. 2.1. All quotations are without any obligation. Seller is held to obligations only after acceptation of buyers written confirmation of an order and issuing of acknowledgement. 2.2. In case no prior official written acknowledgement of an order took place, for example with sale from stock, the agreement becomes valid when the seller meets the buyers request in part or in full to deliver, or when the seller supplies an invoice to the buyer whom requested delivery of goods. 2.3. For errors in pictures, drawings and descriptions, dimensions, sizes and mass specifications, as well as all other specifications as published in pricelists, brochures and in quotations and/or acknowledgements the seller has no liability except in case an error has serious effects on capacity or proper functioning of the machines. 2.4. All materials like drawings, pictures, software, documents etc. as supplied by seller are and remain exclusive property of seller and distribution, copying or reproduction without sellers written permission is prohibited. ARTICLE 3
Quotations. 1. All offers are, unless expressly agreed otherwise, non-binding. Green Clean Group is only bound after confirming the order in writing or if it has actually started performing the Activities. 2. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, quotations are valid for three months, after which they automatically expire. 3. All prices stated by Green Clean Group are indicative and exclusive of VAT, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Quotations. 2..1. All given quotations and rates are non binding to the seller and are only given as information. They can there for never form any engagement. Not respecting the given rates can not form a cause for reimbursement by the seller.
Quotations. 1. All quotations and offers issued by Heliview Conferences & Training are free from obligation unless expressly stated otherwise in the quotation or offer; they can still be revoked by Heliview Conferences & Training within five working days after acceptance by the Other Party. 2. Quotations are based on the information which may be provided by the Other Party on request. 3. If the offer has been compiled using different amounts, Heliview Conferences & Training shall not be obliged to execute part of the offer for a corresponding part of the price specified in the offer. 4. Notwithstanding the above, Heliview Conferences & Training's quotations and offers remain valid for 30 days from the date on which the quotation or offer was sent or for much shorter a period as stated in the quotation or offer.

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