Delivery Przykładowe klauzule
Delivery. 1. Dostawa Towarów jest ograniczona do terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz jest realizowana na adres wskazany przez Klienta w trakcie składania Zamówienia. W indywidualnych przypadkach, po wcześniejszym ustaleniu ze Sprzedawcą możliwa jest dostawa do innego kraju. Koszt dostawy jest każdorazowo w Zamówieniu wskazany.
2. Dostawa Towarów odbywa się za pośrednictwem Przewoźnika lub poprzez odbiór z magazynu Sprzedawcy przez Klienta.
3. W przypadku, gdy odbiór Towaru będzie następował bezpośrednio przez Klienta (lub przewoźnika) z magazynu Sprzedawcy, zrealizowanie Umowy przez Sprzedawcę na rzecz Klienta następuje w momencie udostępnienia Towaru do wydania w magazynie Sprzedawcy. Odbiór Xxxxxx, jego załadunek oraz transport nastąpią na koszt i niebezpieczeństwo Klienta. W takim przypadku niebezpieczeństwo przypadkowej utraty, uszkodzenia lub zniszczenia Towaru przechodzi na Klienta z chwilą, gdy Xxxxx został udostępniony do odbioru przez Sprzedawcę.
4. W przypadku, gdy z Umowy nie wynika, aby dostawa miała być realizowana przez Sprzedawcę, przyjmuje się, że obowiązek dostawy (odbioru) Towaru, w tym koszty z tym związane, ciąży na Kliencie.
5. Potwierdzeniem wydania Towarów oraz dokonania przez Klienta odbioru ilościowego i jakościowego Towarów jest: a) w przypadku odbioru z magazynu – podpisany dokument WZ, b) w przypadku dostawy Towaru – podpisany list przewozowy.
6. Przyjmuje się, że osoba odbierająca Towar w imieniu Klienta została należycie do tego umocowana.
7. Jeżeli dla Towarów objętych Zamówieniem przewidziano różny okres realizacji, dla całego Zamówienia obowiązuje okres najdłuższy spośród przewidzianych, Sprzedawca zastrzega sobie prawo dostarczania Zamówienia w częściach.
8. Z chwilą wydania Towarów będących przedmiotem Zamówienia złożonego przez Klienta - Przewoźnikowi przechodzą na Klienta korzyści i ciężary związane z rzeczą oraz niebezpieczeństwo przypadkowej utraty lub uszkodzenia rzeczy.
9. Dostawa jest realizowana w Dni robocze. Sprzedawca może indywidualnie ustalić z Klientem dostawę również w dni inne niż Dni robocze.
1. Delivery of the Products is limited to the territory of the Republic of Poland and is carried out to the address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order. In individual cases, by prior arrangement with the Seller, delivery to another country is possible. The cost of delivery is each time indicated in the Order.
2. Delivery of the Products shall be carried out through a Carrier or by collection from the Seller'...
Delivery. The delivery deadline of the relevant order will be the one established in the Contract’s delivery schedule. All delivery deadlines are binding, mandatory and essential, and must be strictly met. No deliveries will be accepted before the deadlines agreed; if such deliveries are received, the Purchaser will be entitled to return any products at the Supplier’s costs received from the Supplier prior to the date agreed or, if it prefers, to accept them, albeit charging the Supplier for any storage costs or any other kind of costs incurred. The Purchaser will not be obligated to accept partial deliveries. Nevertheless, if the Purchaser accepts a partial delivery, the Purchase Order shall not be finalized until the whole fulfilment of its delivery schedule. The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate any order in whole or in part, not delivered within the relevant term, and the Purchaser may bring a claim against the Supplier for any loss and damage (including its internal costs) caused by this delay. Should the Purchaser’s clients impose any liquidated damages on the Purchaser arising from the Supplier’s failure to meet the delivery deadlines, the Purchaser will charge these damages to the Supplier.
Delivery. The Seller shall deliver goods to the point of destination, indicated in the order in accordance with Incoterms 2010, in the time defined in the order in accordance with appropriate ordering system. Seller shall, at its expense, ship by express or air shipment or by the most expeditious way if the delivery schedule is endangered for reason of Seller’s fault. Seller shall not declare value of shipment exceeding standard carrier responsibility. All items shall be packed in accordance with Buyer’s instructions or, if none are specified, in accordance with good commercial practice in a manner sufficient to ensure arrival in an undamaged condition. Not agreed packaging costs are not allowed for.
Delivery. 6.1 The risk of looping or damaging the product shall be transferred to the Buyer upon giving out the Buyer the product, in accordance with the order conditions on the basis of INCOTERMS 2010.
6.2 The execution of partial deliveries is allowed.
6.3 If Seller notifies the Buyer that the products are ready for shipment and the Buyer does not accept delivery of the products, then such products shall be stored at the risk of the Buyer and are deemed for purposes of payment to have been delivered; in such cases, Seller reserves the right to store the products on Seller’s premises and to charge storage fees to the Buyer, or to hand the products over to a shipping agent, at the cost and risk of the Buyer.
Delivery. 1. In the event that the Parties agree that the Seller will deliver the Product to the Client, unless otherwise stipulated in the Agreement, the provisions in these GTCS shall be binding. 2. The Products will be delivered in time agreed in the Agreement and to the place and by means of transport specified in the Agreement. Services will be provided on time and at the place specified in the Agreement, provided that the Client, prior to the date of the Services and at its own expense, will provide the appropriate necessary conditions for the Services. The Parties allow a partial delivery and the collection of individual Products and their components, as well as the partial providing of the Services. The Products are concerned to be delivered, especially when the Seller releases the Products to the Client at the agreed place.
3. Unless otherwise agreed, all Products will be delivered in accordance with Incoterms 2010 (EXW).
4. All risks, particularly the risk of accidental loss or damage of the Products, and the benefits and burdens associated with the Products pass to the Client upon receipt of the Products by the Client or issuing the Products to the carrier. 5. If the Seller is late in delivery of the Products or parts thereof or is late in providing the Services or performance of other obligation under the Agreement, the Client shall agree with the Seller an adequate additional period for the proper performance of the aforementioned of at least fourteen (14) days from the period agreed in the Agreement. In case of failure to agree the aforementioned additional time, the Seller on its own is entitled to indicate an additional period of no less than fourteen (14) days from the deadline agreed in the Agreement. The change of the delivery date specified in the Agreement does not give the Client right to make any claims against the Seller in respect of such changes. 6. In case the Products are delivered by the Seller’s carrier, the Client, on the date of delivery, shall acknowledge the receipt of the Products in writing on the transport documents. The Client is obliged to check the Products immediately after delivery in the presence of a carrier who provides the Products and to check the units and, under penalty of losing the possibility to raise any claims in respect thereof, the Client is obliged to determine the deficiencies in quantity or quality of the Products if possible, including loss or damage which should be recorded on transport documents and shall...
Delivery. 1. Delivery or collection of the Products shall take place from one of the Seller's premises. The Seller shall determine and inform the Buyer from where the collection is to take place (in the case of collection by Xxxxx).
2. The receipt of the Products must take place within 3 working days after they have been made available by the Seller.
3. The Seller shall use disposable packaging. If returnable packaging is used, deliveries shall be made as agreed in detail and the Buyer shall return the packaging at his own expense.
4. In the case of domestic sales and domestic deliveries organised by the Seller, the rules and delivery prices set out in Appendix 1 shall apply.
5. The delivery terms and conditions agreed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the latest Incoterms edition.
6. In the event of a delay in delivery/collection for reasons attributable to the Buyer, the Seller reserves the right, at his sole discretion, to:
a) charge the Buyer with the storage costs as per Appendix 1 and any other additional costs incurred by the Seller from the date of the agreed delivery/collection date;
b) ship the goods at the Buyer's expense;
c) sell the Product to another customer.
7. Upon receipt of the Products, the Buyer shall, without undue delay, verify that the labelled Products on the packaging are consistent with those stated by the Buyer in his order and those in the Seller's respective order confirmation or acceptance. The Buyer shall carry out a full review in respect of the Products delivered in terms of quantity and any defects.
Delivery. Delivery is made by using the Bella waiter robot or by the employees of the Galicya Restaurant. The Service includes the delivery costs.
Delivery. 7.1 The deadlines or periods of order completion indicated by the Seller are indicative deadlines, not giving rise to liability on the part of the Seller in connection with exceeding them. The Buyer should collect the Goods within 7 days of being notified by the Seller of the readiness of the Goods for release. The Goods may be delivered by the Seller before the stated delivery date after appropriate notice to the Buyer.
7.2 Unless the Seller agrees otherwise in documentary form, the Goods are delivered according to the FCA formula (Incoterms 2020) at the Seller's plant (in Bruszczewo or any other location in the world, in accordance with the notification sent to the Buyer).
7.3 The Buyer will not be able to refuse to accept the Goods if the Seller delivers up to 10% of the Goods more or less (inclusive) in relation to the quantity ordered. The invoice for the order will then be adjusted proportionally.
7.4 The Seller shall not be liable for defects, loss, damage or shortages of the Goods if the Buyer does not notify the Seller thereof in writing within the following deadlines:
(a) if the Seller was responsible for the carriage of the Goods - within three days of delivery in the event of loss, damage, defect or shortage of delivery if such loss, damage, defect was or should have been visible at the time of delivery, the fact of loss of or damage to the Goods must be recorded in the consignment note;
(b) in the case of collection of the Goods from the Seller's plant - within five days from the date of receipt;
(c) immediately after the Buyer discovers defects not visible at the time of delivery or acceptance (or the time at which he should have discovered them).
7.5 If the Seller recognizes the complaint submitted by the Buyer regarding the defect, loss, damage or lack of delivery of the Goods, the Seller, at its own discretion, will remove the defect of the Goods, replace the Goods at its own expense or refund the price for the Goods covered by the complaint. Subject to the previous sentence, the Seller shall not bear any other liability for defects, loss, damage or non-delivery of the Goods, in particular the Seller shall not be liable for damage suffered by the Buyer in connection with defects or loss of the Goods.
7.6 In case of any quality complaints, the Seller may commission a quality control of the Goods by the accredited laboratory of its choice. The inspection will be carried out at the place of delivery of the Goods. The samples taken will be exa...
Delivery. 6.1. Delivery of the Goods will be organized pursuant to conditions of delivery as defined in these Terms and Conditions and Confirmation of the Order.
6.2. The Buyer will collect/take delivery of the Goods within 14 days of the Company giving it notice that the Goods are ready for collect/delivery (in case of lack different accepted agreements), subject to provisions of the Condition 6.8.
6.3. All delivery times are quoted in the Confirmation of the Order and are estimates only. The Company will use reasonable endeavours to deliver each of the Buyer’s orders for the Goods within the time stated in the Confirmation of the Order and, if no time is stated, then within a reasonable time. If, despite those endeavours, the Company is unable for any reason to fulfil any delivery or performance on the specified date, the Company will be deemed not to be in breach of the Contract, nor (for the avoidance of doubt) will the Company have any liability to the Buyer for direct, indirect or consequential loss (all three of which terms include, without limitation, pure economic loss, loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and like loss) howsoever caused (including as a result of negligence) by any delay or failure in delivery except as set out in Condition 6.4.
6.4. Any delay in delivery will not entitle the Buyer to cancel the order unless and until the Buyer has given 7 days written notice to the Company requiring the delivery to be made calculated from the day of receiving of such written notice and the Company has not fulfilled the delivery within that period. If the Buyer cancels the order in accordance with this Condition 6.4 then: the Company will refund to the Buyer any sums which the Buyer has paid to the Company in respect of that order or part of the order which has been cancelled by the Buyer by fault of the Company. wszelkie sumy, które Nabywca zapłacił Spółce w związku z zamówieniem lub częścią zamówienia, od którego Nabywca odstąpił z winy Spółki.
6.5. W sytuacji gdy Spółka jest odpowiedzialna za organizację transportu na podstawie zawartej Umowy, Nabywca ma obowiązek rozładowania Towaru w ciągu 4 godzin od momentu podstawienia transportu na miejsce rozładunku wskazanego w Potwierdzeniu Zamówienia. W przypadku opóźnienia w rozładunku Towaru Spółka ma prawo do naliczenia kary umownej od Nabywcy w wysokości 50 PLN za każdą rozpoczętą godzinę opóźnienia, jeśli miejsce rozładunku znajduje się na terytorium Polski. W przypadku gdy miejsce rozł...
Delivery. 6.1 The risk of looping or damaging the product shall be transferred to the Buyer upon giving out the Buyer the product, in accordance with the order conditions on the basis of INCOTERMS 2010.
6.2 The execution of partial deliveries is allowed.
6.3 If Seller notifies the Buyer that the products or goods are ready for shipment and the Buyer does not accept the delivery, then such products and goods shall be stored at the risk of the Buyer and are deemed for purposes of payment to have been delivered and the Buyer shall be responsible for any additional costs as a result; in such cases, Seller reserves the right to store the products and goods on Seller’s premises and to charge storage fees to the Buyer, or to hand the products and goods over to a shipping agent, at the cost and risk of the Buyer.