Force Majeure Przykładowe klauzule

Force Majeure. The Parties agree that if one of the Parties is unable to fulfill all or part of their obligations under the Service Agreement due to a force majeure event, the obligation of that Party to fulfill its obligations shall be suspended until force majeure ceases. A Party invoking the inability to perform an obligation or obligations under the Service Agreement due to a force majeure event shall be obliged to: immediately inform the other Party in writing about the force majeure event, its nature, scope, the date of occurrence and the estimated duration of this event, immediately take all appropriate steps to prevent this situation and in any case undertake to limit its effects. Force majeure within the meaning of the Service Agreement means an unexpected and extraordinary event, beyond the reasonable control of the Party, which could not be foreseen and could not be prevented and which significantly and adversely affects the performance by the Party, affected by such event,, of its obligations arising from the Service Agreement, including in particular: (i) war, hostilities (declared or unspoken), invasion, actions of foreign hostile forces, mobilization, requisition or embargo; (ii) rebellion, revolution, uprising, military coup or other coup d'état or civil war; (iii) riots or unrest, general strikes; (iv) floods, earthquakes and other disasters. In case of force majeure lasting more than 6 (six) months, each Party shall have the right to withdraw from the Service Agreement, unless the Parties decide on the further fulfilment of the Agreement. If a Party fails to notify the other Party in due time about the circumstances of force majeure, then it will be deprived of the right to rely on it in the future. § 9.
Force Majeure. Non-performance in full or in part of Parties’ obligations under the Contract cannot be used to present a claim against the other Party, if such non-performance results from force majeure. Force majeure shall be understood as an event that could not have been foreseen at the time of concluding the Contract, over which the Parties have no influence, and which the Parties cannot overcome, including in particular: natural disasters, wars, mobilization, closing of the borders, legal acts adopted by government or public administration bodies, which prevent the performance of the Contract in full or in part. § 12.
Force Majeure. Neither Camp America, nor AIFS shall be deemed in default of this Agreement or, unless otherwise expressly provided therein, of any ancillary agreements, addendums or materials, for any delay or failure to fulfil any obligation hereunder or thereunder so long as and to the extent to which any delay or failure in the fulfilment of such obligation is prevented, frustrated, hindered or delayed as a consequence of any event beyond such either’s reasonable control including but not limited to Acts of God, government actions (including those restricting travel), epidemics, pandemics, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, or other natural forces, war, civil unrest, accident, any strike or labour disturbance, or any other event similar to those enumerated above (a “Force Majeure Event”). In the event of any such excused delay, the time for performance of such obligations shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. A party claiming the benefit of this provision shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of any such event, (a) provide written notice to the other party of the nature and extent of any such Force Majeure Event; and (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to remove any such causes and resume performance under this Agreement, or any ancillary agreements, addendums or materials, as applicable, as soon as reasonably practicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the Force Majeure Event suffered by a party extend beyond a [two]- month period, the other party may then terminate this Agreement by written notice to the non-performing party, with the consequences of such termination as if this Agreement had been mutually terminated. Provided, however, any application or SEVIS fees paid to Camp America shall not in any event be refundable. You understand that Camp America and its staff undertake at all times to treat applicants and enquirers with courtesy and respect. In return for this we require our applicants to always be courteous and polite to our staff and associates, in speech, writing and any other means of communication. You therefore agree that hostile or aggressive behaviour by applicants or their representatives (including family members or friends) will result in immediate cancellation from the programme and the forfeiting of all fees paid. You understand that the American Institute for Foreign Study’s Camp America programme is a designated X-0 Xxxxxxxx Visitor Program sponsor through the US Dep...
Force Majeure. 1. Za siłę wyższą Strony uznają zdarzenie lub okoliczności uniemożliwiające wykonywanie Przedmiotu Umowy pozostające poza kontrolą Strony, którego to zdarzenia Strona nie mogła rozsądnie przewidzieć i uniknąć i które nie może być przypisane w sposób uzasadniony tej Stronie. Jako Siłę Wyższą rozumie się między innymi niżej wymienione zdarzenia mające wpływ na realizację Umowy:
Force Majeure. Mondi shall not be liable or be deemed to be in breach of contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control (‘Force Majeure’) including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs, insufficient supply of materials or energy, pan- or epidemics, legislative, judicial and governmental acts, quarantines, lack of transport means and similar events or circumstances. This clause shall also apply if Xxxxx’x suppliers suffer any of these Force Majeure events. If a Force Majeure event occurs during an already existing delay, the grace period which has to be granted to Mondi by the Customer shall not expire before the Force Majeure event has ceased. Mondi shall inform the Customer of the start and end of any Force Majeure event as soon as possible Tytuł prawny do wszystkich dostarczonych Towarów Mondi zachowuje do momentu zapłaty przez Klienta ceny zakupu należnej Mondi w związku z odpowiednią Umową. Klient jest zobowiązany na własny koszt odpowiednio ubezpieczyć Towary będące nadal własnością Mondi, od wszelkich powszechnych ryzyk, w szczególności od pożaru, włamania lub szkód spowodowanych przez wodę, oraz zobowiązany jest do ostrożnego obchodzenia się z nimi i odpowiedniego ich przechowywania. Klient będzie każdorazowo przechowywał Towary w taki sposób, aby ułatwić ich identyfikację zarówno w ogólnym rozumieniu, jak i poprzez odniesienie do wystawionych za nie faktur. Klient jest uprawniony do sprzedaży Towarów w ramach zwykłej działalności. Wszelkie ewentualne należności wynikające z takiej sprzedaży zostaną niniejszym scedowane na Mondi z góry, do wysokości ceny zakupu należnej Mondi, a Klient wypełni wszelkie niezbędne wymogi dotyczące publicznego zawiadomienia w celu wyegzekwowania takiej cesji, takie jak rejestracja na kontach księgowych i powiadomienie nabywcy cesji oraz zastrzeżenie tytułu własności. W przypadku sprzedaży przez Klienta jakichkolwiek towarów będących współwłasnością Mondi, cesja dotyczy
Force Majeure. 1. The Parties shall not be liable to each other for any damages, losses, or any liabilities arising from their non-performance or undue performance of the Contract, should this be caused by a Force Majeure event.
Force Majeure. 1. The Parties shall not be liable for failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations hereunder if such failure to perform or improper performance was caused by Force Majeure.
Force Majeure. 9.1 If the Seller is unable to fulfil his obligations under the sales contract due to "force majeure". The Seller shall be entitled to suspend the obligations under this agreement without the need to pay any compensation to the Buyer.
Force Majeure. 14.1 If the performance of any obligation by either Party is prevented, hindered, delayed or otherwise made impracticable by reason such as, but not limited to Force Majeure, this Party shall serve written notice thereof to the other within seven (7) calendar days from its occurrence and in addition submit supporting evidence of any such event within thirty (30) calendar days to the other Party.
Force Majeure. The Parties agree that if one of the Parties is unable to fulfill all or part of their obligations under the Agreement due to a force majeure event, the obligation of that Party to fulfill its obligations shall be suspended until force majeure ceases. A Party invoking the inability to perform an obligation or obligations under the Agreement due to a force majeure event shall be obliged to: immediately inform the other Party in writing about the force majeure event, its nature, scope, the date of occurrence and the estimated duration of this event, immediately take all appropriate steps to prevent this situation and in any case undertake to limit its effects. Force majeure within the meaning of the Agreement means an unexpected and extraordinary event, beyond the reasonable control of the Party, which could not be foreseen and could not be prevented and which significantly and adversely affects the performance by the Party, affected by such event,, of its obligations arising from the Agreement, including in particular: (i) war, hostilities (declared or unspoken), invasion, actions of foreign hostile forces, mobilization, requisition or embargo; (ii) rebellion, revolution, uprising, military coup or other coup d'état or civil war; (iii) riots or unrest, general strikes; (iv) floods, earthquakes and other disasters; (v) consequences of actions taken by the public authorities with the direct objective to counteract COVID-19 and consisting in closure of the manufacture plants, limitation of production or limitation of free movement of goods and services. In case of force majeure lasting more than 6 (six) months, each Party shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement, unless the Parties decide on the further fulfilment of the Agreement. Subject to the preceding sentence, each Party shall be entitled to withdraw from the Agreement within up to 20 (twenty) months counted from the date of the occurrence of the force majeure event. If a Party fails to notify the other Party in due time about the circumstances of force majeure, then it will be deprived of the right to rely on it in the future. § 11.