Withdrawal from the contract Przykładowe klauzule

Withdrawal from the contract. 1. The Contracting Authority may withdraw from the Contract in the event of failure to perform or improper performance of an obligation by the Economic Operator. In such a case, the Contracting Authority shall call the Economic Operator in writing to perform the Contract within no less than 7 days. In the case of ineffective expiry of the aforementioned deadline, the Contracting Authority shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract within 30 days, counting from the expiry of the deadline specified for performing the obligation referred to in the previous sentence.
Withdrawal from the contract. Notwithstanding the regulations provided for in § 12 of the Regulations, the Participant who is a consumer in each case has the right (pursuant to Article 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights) to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days of its conclusion. The instruction on the right to withdraw from the contract is attached as Annex 2 to the Regulations, while the model declaration for withdrawal is attached as Annex 3 to the Regulations.
Withdrawal from the contract. 1. The Ordering Party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in the event that: a) The Contractor does not commence the performance of the Contract or has interrupted its performance and, upon the Ordering Party's request in writing or by e-mail, will not undertake its performance within 7 days from the date of submitting the request; b) The Contractor improperly performs the Contract and, despite being called for due performance and setting a deadline, fails to do so. 2. The Ordering Party may submit a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement for the reasons indicated in sec. 1 above, within 14 days from the date of expiry of the time limits specified in sec. 1 lit. a) and b). 3. Withdrawal from the Agreement shall be made in writing, otherwise null and void. The declaration should indicate the circumstances justifying the withdrawal from the Agreement. The declaration should be sent to the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgment of § 8 Postanowienia końcowe 1. W sprawach nie uregulowanych niniejszą Umową mają zastosowanie polskie przepisy ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych oraz kodeksu cywilnego. 2. Wszelkie zmiany niniejszej Umowy wymagają formy pisemnej w postaci aneksu pod rygorem nieważności. 3. Spory wynikłe z realizacji niniejszej Umowy będą rozstrzygane przez Sąd właściwy dla siedziby Zamawiającego. 4. W wykonaniu przepisu art. 4c ustawy z dnia 08 marca 2013 r. o przeciwdziałaniu nadmiernym opóźnieniom w transakcjach handlowych, Zamawiający oświadcza, że posiada status dużego przedsiębiorcy w rozumieniu art. 4 pkt 6 tej ustawy. 5. Strony oświadczają, iż dane osobowe wskazane w Umowie, w szczególności w jej komparycji i w § 2, przetwarzane będą z należytą starannością na podstawie Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE, a przetwarzanie wskazanych wyżej danych osobowych, jest niezbędne do wykonania Umowy. 6. Umowa została sporządzona w 2 jednobrzmiących egzemplarzach, po 1 egzemplarzu dla każdej ze stron w języku polskim i angielskim. receipt or in the form of a letter submitted at the premises of the other Party against receipt. Withdrawal is effective upon delivery of the declaration of withdrawal to the other Party. §8 Final provisions 1. Polish regulations of the Public Procurement Law and the Civil Code apply to cases ...
Withdrawal from the contract. 1. If the Services performed under the Contract do meet the quality or technological or efficiency requirements or if the Contractor is in delay in the performance of the subject of the Purchase Order of 30 calendar days (lack of technical acceptance), the Ordering Party is entitled to withdraw from the performance of the Purchase Order within 60 days of the date of becoming aware of the basis of the withdrawal. Unless the Ordering Party’s withdrawal notice indicates otherwise, if the Ordering Party exercises its right to withdraw, the Contractor shall be obliged to restore the Ordering Party’s infrastructure to its original condition and to remove, at its own expense, the devices or equipment delivered as part of the performance of the Contract. Such action shall not deprive the Ordering Party of the right to charge contractual penalties and compensations for lost benefits.
Withdrawal from the contract. 1. The Seller may withdraw from the Contract in accordance with the conditions reserved in the Terms, generally applicable regulations and if the Buyer significantly violates the provisions of the Contract, including in particular:
Withdrawal from the contract. 1. Regardless of its statutory right, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be entitled to withdraw from the CONTRACT either wholly or partially until expiry of the quality guarantee period in the case of:
Withdrawal from the contract. 1. In the case of total or partial withdrawal from the contract by the customer or in the event of reservations referred to in point II.3 of the GTCS, the Customer shall reimburse to FOBARO all costs incurred by them, including the costs of storing goods, preparing them, delivering etc. The above does not exclude the right of FOBARO to claim compensation from the Customer on general terms.

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