Uruguai. Brasil Disposições gerais: Você deve notificar a Signify de qualquer reclamação por escrito e no prazo de 30 dias a partir da data do evento que deu origem a tal reclamação. Qualquer ação judicial relacionada a uma reclamação deve ser ajuizada no prazo de 1 ano a partir da data de tal notificação. Todas as outras reivindicações serão nulas e sem efeito. Provision is not applicable. Cláusula não aplicável. República Popular da China Disposições gerais: Você deve notificar a Signify de qualquer reclamação por escrito e no prazo de 30 dias a partir da data do evento que deu origem a tal reclamação. Qualquer ação judicial relacionada a uma reclamação deve ser ajuizada no prazo de 1 ano a partir da data de tal notificação. Todas as outras reivindicações serão nulas e sem efeito. Provision is not applicable. 该条款不适用 Definição: Definition: 定义 Leis de Proteção de Dados Aplicáveis: as disposições do GDPR e outras leis obrigatórias aplicáveis que contenham regras para a proteção de Dados Pessoais. Applicable Data Protection Laws: the provisions of GDPR, and other applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China containing rules for the protection of Personal Data, cybersecurity, and protection of data in general, which includes but is not limited to Personal Information Protection Law, Data Security Law and Cybersecurity Law. 适用的数据保护法指:GDPR以及其他在中国适用的有关个人数据保护,网络安全保护以及其他数据保护的法律法规,其中包括但不限于中国的个人信息保护法,网络安全法及数据安全法。 Os termos Dados Pessoais, Processamento, Processador, Controlador terão o significado estabelecido no GDPR. The terms Personal Data, Processing, Processor, Controller will have the meaning as set out in the Personal Information Protection Law, where the Personal Data should refer to Personal Information, Processor should refer to Entrusted Data Handler and Controller shall refer to Data Handler. 个人数据,处理,处理者,控制者应该具有中国个人信息保护法项下对应的含义,其中个人数据应指个人信息,处理者应指受托人(即受个人信息处理者委托处理个人信息的主体),控制者指个人信息处理者。 Hungria Disposições Gerais You declare that, pursuant to Section 6:78 (1) of the Hungarian Civil Code, prior to entering into this contract We have enabled You to familiarize yourself with the content of these Terms, and that we have provided You with specific information on the following terms and conditions pursuant to Section 6:78 (2), which you expressly accept pursuant to Section 6:78 (3): Signify’s Responsibilities, What is Signify allowed to do? Your Responsibility, Assignment, Remedies, General limitations of warranty, Price & Payment, Intellectual Property, Suspension & Termination, Consequences of termination, Liability, Indemnification, General provisions Ön kijelenti, hogy a magyar Polgári Törvénykönyv 6:78. § (1) bekezdése alapján lehetővé tettük az Ön számára, hogy a jelen Xxxxxxxxxx tartalmát a szerződéskötést megelőzően megismerje, továbbá az alábbi szerződési feltételekről a 6:78. § (2) bekezdése alapján külön tájékoztatást adtunk, mely feltételeket Ön ezt követően a 6:78. § (3) bekezdése alapján kifejezetten elfogad: A Signify kötelezettségei, Mire jogosult a Signify? Az Ön kötelezettségei, Átruházás, Jogorvoslatok, Általános szavatossági korlátozások, Ár és fizetés, Szellemi tulajdonjog, Felfüggesztés és megszüntetés, A felmondás következményei, Felelősség, Kártalanítás, Általános rendelkezések Índia Impostos All prices are in the currency as specified in Service Documents and net of any costs and Taxes (except Withholding tax). • You must bear all such Taxes and Signify may add these to the price or invoice separately. • You will reimburse Signify promptly on first request. • You are not allowed to withhold any Taxes from payments under Service Documents, except if any governmental authority requires You to do so. In the event where, as per the domestic tax laws, You are required to withhold any taxes from the sum payable hereunder, You will make the payment to Signify, net of such withholding tax. You will be responsible to discharge the withholding tax liabilities to the Government. All prices are in the currency as specified in Service Documents and net of any costs and Taxes (except Withholding tax). • You must bear all such Taxes and Signify may add these to the price or invoice separately. • You will reimburse Signify promptly on first request. • You are not allowed to withhold any Taxes from payments under Service Documents, except if any governmental authority requires You to do so. In the event where, as per the domestic tax laws, You are required to withhold any taxes from the sum payable hereunder, You will make the payment to Signify, net of such withholding tax. You will be responsible to discharge the withholding tax liabilities to the Government. Itália Disposições gerais To following clause is added to the provision “General Provisions”: “With Your Subscription, Your declare to accept, according to article 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the following clauses, Signify’s Responsibilities, Your Responsibility, What is Signify allowed to do? Assignment, Service Levels, Price & Payment, Intellectual Property, Suspension La presente clausola è da intendersi aggiunta alla previsione “Previsioni Generali”. “Con la Tua Sottoscrizione, dichiari di accettare, ai sensi e per gli effetti di cui agli articoli 1341 e 1342 del codice civile italiano, le clausole Responsabilità di Signify, la Tua responsabilità, Cosa è autorizzata a fare Signify?, Cessione, Livelli di Servizio, & Termination, Consequences of termination, Liability, Indemnification, General Provisions.” Corrispettivi e pagamenti, Proprietà intellettuale, Sospensione e risoluzione, Conseguenze della risoluzione, Responsabilità, Indennizzo, Previsioni Generali.” Romênia Disposições gerais By using the Subscriptions to certain Software Services, You irrevocably agree and accept all provisions of the Service Documents and Terms, including those relating to limitation of liability, the right to unilaterally terminate the Subscription, to suspend performance of Subscription, automatic renewal, applicable law, arbitration clauses. Prin utilizarea Abonamentelor la anumite Servicii software, sunteți de acord și acceptați irevocabil toate prevederile Documentelor și Termenilor Serviciilor, inclusiv cele referitoare la limitarea răspunderii, dreptul de a rezilia unilateral Abonamentul, de a suspenda executarea Abonamentului, reînnoirea automată, legea aplicabilă, clauzele privind instanta competenta. Reino Unido Responsabilidade civil NA EXTENSÃO MÁXIMA PERMITIDA POR LEI, A SIGNIFY, SUAS AFILIADAS E SEUS RESPECTIVOS FORNECEDORES: ▪ NÃO SERÁ RESPONSÁVEL PERANTE VOCÊ, SUAS AFILIADAS, SEUS REPRESENTANTES, USUÁRIOS AUTORIZADOS OU QUALQUER TERCEIRO SOB OU EM CONEXÃO COM SUA ASSINATURA POR QUAISQUER DANOS CONSEQUENCIAIS, ESPECIAIS, INCIDENTAIS OU INDIRETOS (POR EXEMPLO: PERDA DE DADOS, PERDA DE LUCROS , PERDA DE RECEITAS), INDEPENDENTEMENTE DE SE BASEAR EM UMA REIVINDICAÇÃO OU AÇÃO DE ILÍCITO, CONTRATO, GARANTIA, NEGLIGÊNCIA, RESPONSABILIDADE ESTRITA, VIOLAÇÃO DE DEVER ESTATUTÁRIO OU QUALQUER OUTRA TEORIA LEGAL OU CAUSA DE AÇÃO, MESMO SE AVISADA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAL DANOS. ▪ NÃO SÃO RESPONSÁVEIS EM CASO DE FORÇA MAIOR OU POR SERVIÇOS DE SOFTWARE FORNECIDOS GRATUITAMENTE. ▪ LIMITAM SUA RESPONSABILIDADE AGREGADA PARA COM VOCÊ, SUAS AFILIADAS, SEUS REPRESENTANTES, USUÁRIOS AUTORIZADOS OU QUALQUER TERCEIRO POR TODA E QUALQUER REIVINDICAÇÃO OU AÇÃO DECORRENTE DE OU RELACIONADA A DOCUMENTOS DE SERVIÇO A UM MÁXIMO DE 20% DOS PREÇOS PAGOS PELA ASSINATURA AFETADA. Liability TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SIGNIFY, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: ▪ WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (FOR EXAMPLE: LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUES), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BASED UPON A CLAIM OR ACTION OF TORT, CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE OF ACTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ▪ ARE NOT LIABLE IN CASE OF FORCE MAJEURE OR FOR SOFTWARE SERVICES PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE. ▪ LIMIT THEIR AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR ACTIONS ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO SERVICE DOCUMENTS TO A MAXIMUM OF 100% OF THE PRICES PAID FOR THE AFFECTED SUBSCRIPTION. Liability TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SIGNIFY, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: ▪ WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (FOR EXAMPLE: LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUES), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BASED UPON A CLAIM OR ACTION OF TORT, CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE OF ACTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ▪ ARE NOT LIABLE IN CASE OF FORCE MAJEURE OR FOR SOFTWARE SERVICES PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE. ▪ LIMIT THEIR AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR ACTIONS ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO SERVICE DOCUMENTS TO A MAXIMUM OF 100% OF THE PRICES PAID FOR THE AFFECTED SUBSCRIPTION. Estados Unidos da América Disposições gerais The following provision is added to the provision “General Provisions”:
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Software Services Terms, Software Services Terms, Software Services Terms
Uruguai. Brasil Disposições gerais: Você deve notificar a Signify de qualquer reclamação por escrito e no prazo de 30 dias a partir da data do evento que deu origem a tal reclamação. Qualquer ação judicial relacionada a uma reclamação deve ser ajuizada no prazo de 1 ano a partir da data de tal notificação. Todas as outras reivindicações serão nulas e sem efeito. Provision is not applicable. Cláusula não aplicável. República Popular da China Disposições gerais: Você deve notificar a Signify de qualquer reclamação por escrito e no prazo de 30 dias a partir da data do evento que deu origem a tal reclamação. Qualquer ação judicial relacionada a uma reclamação deve ser ajuizada no prazo de 1 ano a partir da data de tal notificação. Todas as outras reivindicações serão nulas e sem efeito. Provision is not applicable. 该条款不适用 Definição: Definition: 定义 Leis de Proteção de Dados Aplicáveis: as disposições do GDPR e outras leis obrigatórias aplicáveis que contenham regras para a proteção de Dados Pessoais. Applicable Data Protection Laws: the provisions of GDPR, and other applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China containing rules for the protection of Personal Data, cybersecurity, and protection of data in general, which includes but is not limited to Personal Information Protection Law, Data Security Law and Cybersecurity Law. 适用的数据保护法指:GDPR以及其他在中国适用的有关个人数据保护,网络安全保护以及其他数据保护的法律法规,其中包括但不限于中国的个人信息保护法,网络安全法及数据安全法。 Os termos Dados Pessoais, Processamento, Processador, Controlador terão o significado estabelecido no GDPR. The terms Personal Data, Processing, Processor, Controller will have the meaning as set out in the Personal Information Protection Law, where the Personal Data should refer to Personal Information, Processor should refer to Entrusted Data Handler and Controller shall refer to Data Handler. 个人数据,处理,处理者,控制者应该具有中国个人信息保护法项下对应的含义,其中个人数据应指个人信息,处理者应指受托人(即受个人信息处理者委托处理个人信息的主体),控制者指个人信息处理者。 Hungria Disposições Gerais You declare that, pursuant to Section 6:78 (1) of the Hungarian Civil Code, prior to entering into this contract We have enabled You to familiarize yourself with the content of these Terms, and that we have provided You with specific information on the following terms and conditions pursuant to Section 6:78 (2), which you expressly accept pursuant to Section 6:78 (3): Signify’s Responsibilities, What is Signify allowed to do? Your Responsibility, Assignment, Remedies, General limitations of warranty, Price & Payment, Intellectual Property, Suspension & Termination, Consequences of termination, Liability, Indemnification, General provisions Ön kijelenti, hogy a magyar Polgári Törvénykönyv 6:78. § (1) bekezdése alapján lehetővé tettük az Ön számára, hogy a jelen Xxxxxxxxxx tartalmát a szerződéskötést megelőzően megismerje, továbbá az alábbi szerződési feltételekről a 6:78. § (2) bekezdése alapján külön tájékoztatást adtunk, mely feltételeket Ön ezt követően a 6:78. § (3) bekezdése alapján kifejezetten elfogad: A Signify kötelezettségei, Mire jogosult a Signify? Az Ön kötelezettségei, Átruházás, Jogorvoslatok, Általános szavatossági korlátozások, Ár és fizetés, Szellemi tulajdonjog, Felfüggesztés és megszüntetés, A felmondás következményei, Felelősség, Kártalanítás, Általános rendelkezések Índia Impostos All prices are in the currency as specified in Service Documents and net of any costs and Taxes (except Withholding tax). • You must bear all such Taxes and Signify may add these to the price or invoice separately. • You will reimburse Signify promptly on first request. • You are not allowed to withhold any Taxes from payments under Service Documents, except if any governmental authority requires You to do so. In the event where, as per the domestic tax laws, You are required to withhold any taxes from the sum payable hereunder, You will make the payment to Signify, net of such withholding tax. You will be responsible to discharge the withholding tax liabilities to the Government. All prices are in the currency as specified in Service Documents and net of any costs and Taxes (except Withholding tax). • You must bear all such Taxes and Signify may add these to the price or invoice separately. • You will reimburse Signify promptly on first request. • You are not allowed to withhold any Taxes from payments under Service Documents, except if any governmental authority requires You to do so. In the event where, as per the domestic tax laws, You are required to withhold any taxes from the sum payable hereunder, You will make the payment to Signify, net of such withholding tax. You will be responsible to discharge the withholding tax liabilities to the Government. Itália Disposições gerais To following clause is added to the provision “General Provisions”: “With Your Subscription, Your declare to accept, according to article 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the following clauses, Signify’s Responsibilities, Your Responsibility, What is Signify allowed to do? Assignment, Service Levels, Price & Payment, Intellectual Property, Suspension & Termination, Consequences of La presente clausola è da intendersi aggiunta alla previsione “Previsioni Generali”. “Con la Tua Sottoscrizione, dichiari di accettare, ai sensi e per gli effetti di cui agli articoli 1341 e 1342 del codice civile italiano, le clausole Responsabilità di Signify, la Tua responsabilità, Cosa è autorizzata a fare Signify?, Cessione, Livelli di Servizio, & TerminationCorrispettivi e pagamenti, Consequences of Proprietà termination, Liability, Indemnification, General Provisions.” Corrispettivi e pagamenti, Proprietà intellettuale, Sospensione e risoluzione, Conseguenze della risoluzione, Responsabilità, Indennizzo, Previsioni Generali.” Romênia Disposições gerais By using the Subscriptions to certain Software Services, You irrevocably agree and accept all provisions of the Service Documents and Terms, including those relating to limitation of liability, the right to unilaterally terminate the Subscription, to suspend performance of Subscription, automatic renewal, applicable law, arbitration clauses. Prin utilizarea Abonamentelor la anumite Servicii software, sunteți de acord și acceptați irevocabil toate prevederile Documentelor și Termenilor Serviciilor, inclusiv cele referitoare la limitarea răspunderii, dreptul de a rezilia unilateral Abonamentul, de a suspenda executarea Abonamentului, reînnoirea automată, legea aplicabilă, clauzele privind instanta competenta. Reino Unido Responsabilidade civil NA EXTENSÃO MÁXIMA PERMITIDA POR LEI, A SIGNIFY, SUAS AFILIADAS E SEUS RESPECTIVOS FORNECEDORES: ▪ NÃO SERÁ RESPONSÁVEL PERANTE VOCÊ, SUAS AFILIADAS, SEUS REPRESENTANTES, USUÁRIOS AUTORIZADOS OU QUALQUER TERCEIRO SOB OU EM CONEXÃO COM SUA ASSINATURA POR QUAISQUER DANOS CONSEQUENCIAIS, ESPECIAIS, INCIDENTAIS OU INDIRETOS (POR EXEMPLO: PERDA DE DADOS, PERDA DE LUCROS , PERDA DE RECEITAS), INDEPENDENTEMENTE DE SE BASEAR EM UMA REIVINDICAÇÃO OU AÇÃO DE ILÍCITO, CONTRATO, GARANTIA, NEGLIGÊNCIA, RESPONSABILIDADE ESTRITA, VIOLAÇÃO DE DEVER ESTATUTÁRIO OU QUALQUER OUTRA TEORIA LEGAL OU CAUSA DE AÇÃO, MESMO SE AVISADA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAL DANOS. ▪ NÃO SÃO RESPONSÁVEIS EM CASO DE FORÇA MAIOR OU POR SERVIÇOS DE SOFTWARE FORNECIDOS GRATUITAMENTE. ▪ LIMITAM SUA RESPONSABILIDADE AGREGADA PARA COM VOCÊ, SUAS AFILIADAS, SEUS REPRESENTANTES, USUÁRIOS AUTORIZADOS OU QUALQUER TERCEIRO POR TODA E QUALQUER REIVINDICAÇÃO OU AÇÃO DECORRENTE DE OU RELACIONADA A DOCUMENTOS DE SERVIÇO A UM MÁXIMO DE 20% DOS PREÇOS PAGOS PELA ASSINATURA AFETADA. Liability TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SIGNIFY, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: ▪ WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (FOR EXAMPLE: LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUES), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BASED UPON A CLAIM OR ACTION OF TORT, CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE OF ACTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ▪ ARE NOT LIABLE IN CASE OF FORCE MAJEURE OR FOR SOFTWARE SERVICES PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE. ▪ LIMIT THEIR AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR ACTIONS ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO SERVICE DOCUMENTS TO A MAXIMUM OF 100% OF THE PRICES PAID FOR THE AFFECTED SUBSCRIPTION. Liability TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SIGNIFY, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: ▪ WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (FOR EXAMPLE: LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF REVENUES), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BASED UPON A CLAIM OR ACTION OF TORT, CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY OR CAUSE OF ACTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ▪ ARE NOT LIABLE IN CASE OF FORCE MAJEURE OR FOR SOFTWARE SERVICES PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE. ▪ LIMIT THEIR AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO YOU, YOUR AFFILIATES, YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED USERS, OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR ACTIONS ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO SERVICE DOCUMENTS TO A MAXIMUM OF 100% OF THE PRICES PAID FOR THE AFFECTED SUBSCRIPTION. Estados Unidos da América Disposições gerais The following provision is added to the provision “General Provisions”:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Software Services Terms