CONFIDENTIALITY. 6.1 Either Contracting Party shall not have the right, without the written consent of the other Party: a) to disclose this framework contract or any provision thereof to a third party, other than to those persons involved in the fulfilment of the framework contract; b) to use the information and documents obtained or to which they have access throughout the framework contract, for a purpose other than to fulfil their contractual obligations. 6.2 Either Contracting Party shall be exempted from liability for disclosure of contract information, if: a) the information was known to the Contracting Party before it was received from the other Party; or b) the information was disclosed after the written consent of the other Contracting Party for such disclosure; or c) the Contracting Party was legally compelled to disclose the information.
CONFIDENTIALITY. (1) The Parties agree to maintain secrecy with respect to all confidential information. For this, the JDLink non-disclosure provisions shall apply.
CONFIDENTIALITY. 19.1 The contract parties shall undertake to treat all orders and all commercial or technical information and documents associated with them as business and industrial secrets and to maintain confidentiality with respect to these secrets for a period of five years from delivery. In particular, all the diagrams, drawings, calculations, quality directives, schiţele, calculaţiile, directivele privind calitatea, mostrele şi alte obiecte similare primite. O multiplicare şi o transmitere a informaţiilor secrete vor fi admise numai în limitele cerinţelor operaţionale. Ele vor putea fi dezvăluite terţilor sau accesate de către aceştia numai după acordul scris, categoric şi prealabil. 19.2 Furnizorul se obligă să le transmită la aceeaşi amploare furnizorilor subcontractanţi şi firmelor subcontractante obligaţia de confidenţialitate. Furnizorul va putea utiliza informaţiile confidenţiale venite din partea KRONOSPAN exclusiv conform destinaţiei lor și numai cu acordul prealabil al acestuia. 19.3 Obligaţia de confidenţialitate subzistă şi după încetarea relaţiei de livrare. Ea dispare în măsura în care informaţiile îi erau cunoscute contractantului destinatar (pe bază de probe) încă înainte de demararea relaţiei contractuale sau dacă erau cunoscute sau accesibile la modul general înainte de demararea relaţiei de livrare sau dacă devin cunoscute sau accesibile la modul general fără vina contractantului destinatar. Sarcina de a proba aceste condiţii o suportă contractantul destinatar. 19.4 După încetarea relaţiei contractuale, furnizorul se obligă să-i returneze neîntârziat firmei KRONOSPAN toate secretele comerciale şi industriale primite, în măsura în care acestea sunt concretizate sau arhivate pe mijloace electronice de stocare a datelor. Toate secretele comerciale şi industriale se vor îndepărta sigur şi imediat de pe sistemele de prelucrare a datelor ale furnizorului. Multiplicările (indiferent sub ce formă) trebuie astfel distruse, încât să nu fie posibilă o reconstrucţie. 19.5 Contractanţii vor garanta, prin acorduri contractuale potrivite, împreună cu angajaţii şi delegaţii ce activează pentru ei, îndeosebi cu colaboratorii lor PFA, cu firmele de lucrări şi prestatorii de servicii ce activează pentru ei, faptul că şi acestea / aceştia se vor abţine, pentru o durată de cinci ani de la livrare, de la orice valorificare, transmitere sau înregistrare neautorizată proprie a acestor secrete comerciale şi industriale. 20. Localitatea de îndeplinire, legea aplicabilă, s...
CONFIDENTIALITY. (ART. 32 (1) B) GDPR) 1.1 Access control of processing areas No unauthorized access to data processing areas
CONFIDENTIALITY. The receiving party may have access to Confidential Information of the disclosing party.
CONFIDENTIALITY. Buyer acknowledges that all technical, commercial and financial data disclosed to Buyer by Xxxxxxx and/or its affiliates is the confidential information of Versuni and/or its affiliates. Buyer shall not disclose any such confidential information to any third party and shall not use any such confidential information for any purpose other than as agreed by the parties and in conformance with the purchase transaction contemplated herein.
CONFIDENTIALITY. (1) Each Party undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of all data, documents and information obtained from the conduct of this Convention and not to disclose them to a third party, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the other Party. (2) The following data, documents and information are exempted from the provisions of paragraph (1): a) those that may be disclosed, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force; b) those requested by the competent bodies of the state, based on a legal obligation to inform; c) those considered not to be confidential, according to the legislation in force. (3) The provisions of this Article shall remain in force for a period of 5 (five) years after the expiry of this Convention.
CONFIDENTIALITY. 6.1. Both during and after the termination of this Agreement, each Party shall maintain confidentiality of all known information or data, in whatever form it may exist, those directly related to this Agreement and the other data relating to the other Party and its clients, irrespective of the way they found them, under the sanction of termination of this Agreement and / or bearing the damages they would cause to the other Party as a result of non-compliance with this clause, with the mention that the RCE shall be able to disclose such information to the group to which it belongs as well as to its employees, representatives, professional consultants and auditors, as well as its affiliates and employees, representatives, professional consultants or their auditors, who become obliged to maintain confidentiality under the same rules as the RCE. 6.2. The confidentiality clause obliges the Party that has come into possession of such information not to disclose it to a third party, in any case and in any form, except in the situations provided by the mandatory rules of law or at the request of the competent authorities, otherwise having the obligation to bear damages that fully cover the damage caused to the other Party and proved by it.
CONFIDENTIALITY. The contracting parties shall be obliged to maintain secrecy over the contents of this contract and all details associated therewith, as well as over all information to which they have access during the negotiation and performance of the contract and not to use in anyway or pass on information of this kind to third parties.