Insurance Örnek Maddeleri

Insurance. 22.1. Assets to be Insured and Insurances to be Performed
Insurance. During the term of the Contract, the Supplier shall maintain in force, with a reputable insurance company, professional indemnity insurance, product liability insurance and public liability insurance to cover such heads of liability as may arise under or in connection with the Contract, and shall, on the Customer's request, produce both the insurance certificate giving details of cover and the receipt for the current year's premium in respect of each insurance.
Insurance. 12.1. The Company is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and excludes all liability in such capacity. Clients seeking a guarantee against loss or damage should obtain appropriate insurance.
Insurance. Insurance related to the loan cannot be made without an explicit request of the Customer in written or through permanent data register. In case the Customer wishes to make insurance, the collateral the customer provided from any insurance company he/she will choose, must be accepted by the Bank. The insurance uyumlu olması gerekir. Mebla sigortalarında, poliçedeki teminat tutarı kalan kredi tutarından yüksek olamaz. Sigorta vadesi de kredi vadesinden uzun olamaz. ÖRNEKTİR
Insurance. Parties agree that in addition to the life insurance it would buy should it deem it necessary, Bank could also buy insurance coverage – to its own benefit and/or if it deems necessary, to the benefit of the correspondent bank – for the movable properties pledged (including pledged businesses and gold) and the immovable properties mortgaged to it, for all insurable collaterals, for the merchandise regarding which a letter of credit had been issued, and if it wishes, for any immobile or movable assets and gold Customer owns, whether or not mortgaged or pledged, and charge Customer for all premiums and expenses. Bank can also have clauses, which pertain to strikes, lockouts, earthquake, social unrest, civil disturbances, explosions, malicious acts, war, and other emergencies included in the insurance contracts and/or policies. Customer accepts and declares that if it does not buy the aforementioned insurances or renew them when the policies expire, Bank would be authorized to, on its own motion, buy/renew the said insurance coverage; that all expense which might then have been incurred would belong to Customer and; that this would not be something compulsory for Bank, and Bank would not be held responsible for not doing it in that this. If insurance coverage had already been bought before, Bank can ask Customer to transfer those policies designating Bank as the loss payee. Customer accepts and declares that should it not submit the policies to Bank within a reasonable time after having been asked, or where it does, if such policies do not cover the risks and include the clauses Bank requires, Bank would be entitled to buy, on Customer’s behalf, a new policy, which covers the risks and includes the clauses as required, and to collect the premiums for that policy from Customer. Customer accepts and declares that buying insurance coverage for the goods and collaterals associated with the credit is not Bank’s responsibility and; that Customer is responsible to follow if such insurances have or have not been bought, if they have, their scope (term, risks, value, etc.), and whether those that had expired have or have not been renewed. Customer has to know if, because of their properties and condition, the goods or collaterals associated with the credit need or need not be insured, and which risks should be covered, and thus act accordingly. Müşteri, sigorta konusu teminatları daha önce sigorta ettirmiş bulunuyorsa, Banka’nın söz konusu poliçelere dain-i mürtehin ha...

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