Communications 样本条款

Communications. Unless otherwise provided herein or agreed by the Bank, any notice and other formal communications between the Bank and the Borrower must be given in writing. For communications in writing from the Bank to the Borrower, delivery will be deemed successful 2 days from the date of dispatch to any Xxxxxxxx’x address on the Bank’s record or upon actual receipt, whichever is earlier. For communications in writing from the Borrower to the Bank, delivery will be deemed successful only upon actual receipt by the Bank.
Communications. Any notices and other formal communications between the Bank and the Borrower must be given in writing. The Bank may however specifically agree with the Borrower to allow use of non-written communication, on a case-by-case basis. The Bank may provide notices or formal communications to the Borrower electronically. For communications in writing from the Bank to the Borrower, they will be deemed to have been duly sent to and received by the Borrower
Communications. Any notice, demand or other communication under this Agreement shall be in writing addressed to the Customer at the last address registered with the Bank and addressed to the Bank at its office specified in the Schedule or such other address as the Bank may notify to the Customer for this purpose and may be delivered personally, by leaving it at such address, by post, facsimile transmission or telex and shall be deemed to have been delivered to the Customer at the time of personal delivery or on leaving it at such address or on the second day following the day of posting or on the day of dispatch, if sent by facsimile transmission or telex, and to the Bank on the day of actual receipt.
Communications. Reports, statements, notifications and any other communications may be sent to the customer at the address specified herein, or to such other address as the customer may from time to time specify in writing to the DTC. All communications sent by mail, telegram, e-mail, facsimile, courier, or otherwise shall be deemed to be DTC upon deposit of US mail or receipt by sending agent, Or communication or recording equipment designated by the customer or otherwise sent within the actual or presumed control of the customer, such communication shall be deemed to have been delivered to the customer in person, whether or not the customer has actually received it, The customer hereby waives all claims arising from the failure to receive such correspondence. All communications sent by the customer shall not be considered valid until accepted by the DTC. The customer should immediately notify DTC in writing of any change in the address of the customer, by email

Related to Communications

  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修改或者撤回。

  • mail 公司簡介 年營業額 員工人數

  • 效力终止 发生以下情况之一时,本合同效力即时终止:

  • 售后服务 (1)乙方应按招标文件、投标文件及乙方在谈判过程中做出的书面说明或承诺提供及时、快速、优质的售后服务。

  • 验收要求 1期 履约保证金 不收取

  • 响应文件的签署及规定 (一)组成响应文件的各项资料均应遵守本条规定。

  • 乙方权利和义务 1、参加甲方组织的施工图纸或作法说明的现场交底,提供施工组织设计、施工方案和施工进度计划, 1 天内交甲方审定。办理施工所涉及的应由乙方办理的工程质量检测等报批手续和支付费用。

  • 关于中小微企业投标 中小微企业响应是指在政府采购活动中,供应商提供的货物均由中小微企业制造、工程均由中小微企业承建或者服务均由中小微企业承接,并在响应文件中提供《中小企业声明函》。本条款所称中小微企业,是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,依据国务院批准的中小企业划分标准确定的中型企业、小型企业和微型企业,但与大企业的负责人为同一人,或者与大企业存在直接控股、管理关系的除外。符合中小企业划分标准的个体工商户,在政府采购活动中视同中小企业。 中小企业划分见 《关于印发中小企业划型标准规定的通知》(工信部联企业〔2011〕300号) 。 根据财库〔2014〕68号《财政部 司法部关于政府采购支持监狱企业发展有关问题的通知》,监狱企业视同小微企业。 监狱企业是指由司法部认定的为罪犯、戒毒人员提供生产项目和劳动对象,且全部产权属于司法部监狱管理局、戒毒管理局、直属煤矿管理局,各省、自治区、直辖市监狱管理局、戒毒管理局,各地(设区的市)监狱、强制隔离戒毒所、戒毒康复所,以及新疆生产建设兵团监狱管理局、戒毒管理局的企业。监狱企业投标时,提供由省级以上监狱管理局、戒毒管理局(含新疆生产建设兵团)出具的属于监狱企业的证明文件,不再提供《中小企业声明函》。 根据财库〔2017〕141号《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》,在政府采购活动中,残疾人福利性单位视同小型、微型企业,享受政府采购支持政策的残疾人福利性单位应当同时满足《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》所列条件。残疾人福利性单位属于小型、微型企业的,不重复享受政策。符合条件的残疾人福利性单位在参加政府采购活动时,应当提供《残疾人福利性单位声明函》,并对声明的真实性负 责。

  • 申购份额的计算及余额的处理方式 本基金申购份额的计算详见《招募说明书》。本基金的申购费率由基金管理人决定,并在招募说明书中列示。申购的有效份额为净申购金额除以当日的基金份额净值,有效份额单位为份,上述计算结果均按四舍五入方法,保留到小数点后 2 位,由此产生的收益或损失由基金财产承担。

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/