GENERAL PROVISIONS. 25.1)Unless with the prior written consent of the other Parties, no Party shall transfer, authorize other persons any of that Party’s rights, interests, obligations or responsibilities under the Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration Form, Telephone Bidding Registration Form and these Conditions (and the documents stated therein). (25.2)If any Clause of the Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration Form, Telephone Bidding Registration Form and these Conditions (and the documents stated therein) is adjudicated to be invalid or unenforceable under the law, the remaining Clauses of the said documents shall not be affected, and shall remain effective and enforceable. (25.3)The Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration Form, Telephone Bidding Registration Form and these Conditions (and the documents stated therein) become effective upon the date of signing of the Bidders Registration Form by the Bidder and shall continue to remain effective. (25.4)Each of the Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration Form, Telephone Bidding Registration Form and these Conditions (and the documents stated therein) is in both English and Chinese. The Chinese translation is for reference only. If there is inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. (25.5)There Conditions are only applicable to this auction. The Company may update these Conditions from time to time. Bidders and Purchasers shall refer to the Conditions of Sale then applied for the next auction. (25.6)Any remedies provided for in the Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration (25.9)The right of interpretation of the Bidders Registration Form, Absentee Bids Registration Form, Telephone Bidding Registration Form and these Conditions belong to Tokyo Chuo Auction Hongkong Company Limited.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The validity of this Constitution and any future amendments shall be subject to the approval of the PSI Executive Board and the Regional Conference. 2006 年 9 月に開催されたAPRECON によって採択された 注:グローバル規約に準拠させるために本地域規約を変更する必要がある場合は、 2008 年春に会合するAPREC でその作業を行う。 2008 年 4 月に会合するPSI 世界執行委員会で承認を要する。
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following terms and conditions apply to savings (statement or passbook savings), call and time deposit accounts (including fixed rate target savings deposit accounts) denominated in any currency and related services provided by the Bank to its Customer. In addition to Part A of this Schedule is subject to the additional terms, as applicable, set out in Part C of this Schedule which shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between Part A, B and C. The "Terms and Conditions for Accounts and Related Services" (the "Terms and Conditions") from time to time issued by the Bank shall apply to the following as if those Terms and Conditions are set out in this Schedule in full.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 19.1 Entire Understanding: This Agreement, together with all other written agreements, existing or subsequent, between GTJAF and the Client related to the Client’s Account and terms contained on statements and confirmations sent to GTJAF, contains the entire understanding between and binding upon GTJAF and the Client concerning the subject matter of this Agreement.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 18.1 Entire Understanding. This Agreement, together with all other written agreements, existing or subsequent, between SYS and Client relating to Client’s Account and terms contained on statements and confirmations sent to SYS, contains the entire understanding between and binding upon SYS and Client concerning the subject matter of this Agreement and in connection with the opening and operation of the Account, and no provisions of this Agreement shall operate to remove, exclude or restrict any rights of Client or obligations of SYS under Hong Kong law.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement is intended to be the entire agreement between you and WIPM with respect to matters contained herein, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements and negotiations with respect to those matters. No waiver of any breach or default shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court to be unenforceable, you and WIPM will deem the provision to be modified to the extent necessary to allow it to be enforced to the extent permitted by law, or if it cannot be modified, the provision will be severed and deleted from this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement will continue in effect. Any change, modification or waiver to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of you and WIPM.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 7.1 本协议是⼩⽶与您之间有关MiSans软件及其所包含的字体的最新许可协议,它将取代先前所有与本字库软件相关的陈述、承诺、宣传或许可协议。


  • 定期契約 工作地點 桃園龍潭 教育程度 學士

  • 保证的方式及保证期间 我方保证的方式为:连带责任保证。

  • 基金资产净值计算和会计核算 18 九、 基金收益分配 23

  • 配置清单 序号 货号 名称(中英文) 型号规格 数量 单位 备注 (配置清单内容与协议书附件一致)

  • 特別注意事項 (一)認購人於認購後、有價證券發放前死亡者,其繼承人領取時,應憑原認購人死亡證明書、繼承人之國民身分證正本(未滿十四歲之未成年人,得以戶口名簿正本及法定代理人國民身分證正本代之)、繼承系統表、戶籍謄本(全戶及分戶)、繼承人印鑑證明(未成年人應加法定代理人印鑑證明)、遺產稅證明書,繼承人中有拋棄繼承者應另附經法院備查之有價證券繼承拋棄同意書及其他有關文件辦理。

  • 政府采购合同的履行、违约责任和解决争议的方法等适用《中华人民共和国民法典》 政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。

  • X X Internet Freight Shipping

  • 格式十六 商务条件响应表》 序号 参数性质 采购文件规定的商务条件 投标文件响应的具体内容 是否偏离 证明文件所在位置 备注

  • 磋商内容 包号 货物、服务和工程名称 数量 采购需求 预算金额(元)

  • 风险揭示部分 理财非存款、产品有风险、投资须谨慎 理财产品过往业绩不代表其未来表现,不等于理财产品实际收益,投资须谨慎。