Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis, dengan Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif. Sumber data yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari :
California Minimum Wage i. Subrecipient must follow the California enacted legislation signed by the Governor of California, raising the minimum wage for all industries (MW-2007). (AB 1835, CH230, Stats of 2006, adding sections 1182.12 and 1182.13 to the California Labor Code.) Pursuant to its authority under Labor Code section 1182.13, the Department of Industrial Relations amends and republishes Sections, 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the General Minimum Wage Order. MW-2001, Section 4, Separability, has not been changed. Consistent with this enactment, amendments are made to the minimum wage, and the meals and lodging credits sections of all of the IWC’s industry and occupation orders. This summary must be made available to employees in accordance with the IWC’s wage orders. Copies of the full text of the amended wage orders may be obtained by ordering on-line at or by contacting your local Division of Labor Standards Enforcement office.