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HEALTH & WELFARE Sample Clauses

HEALTH & WELFARE. 16:1 The parties signatory hereto shall enter into a Health and Welfare Plan for which there is a Trust Agreement, known as the Line Construction Benefit Fund, for the purpose of providing insurance benefits for eligible employees and/or their dependents. Effective the first of the month following the signature date of this Agreement, the Employer shall pay to the Line Construction Benefit Fund the sum of $6.50 for each hour worked. Hours worked shall be deemed to include straight-time hours worked, overtime hours worked, and report time not worked. Remittance shall be forwarded to the place designated by the parties hereto on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month for each hour worked in weekly payroll periods ending during the preceding month, together with a monthly payroll report on a form to be furnished to the Employer. It is understood and intended by the parties to this Agreement that the purpose of this clause is to establish an Employer financed Health and Welfare Trust and that contributions thereto shall not be deemed to be wages to which any employee shall have any right other than the right to have such contributions paid over to the Trust fund in accordance herewith. Failure of an individual Employer to make all payments provided for, including liquidated damages for late payments, within the time specified, shall be a breach of this Agreement and will further require action by the Trustees as set forth in the Trust Agreement. Any increase in the required contributions set forth above will be paid equally (50% by the Employer and 50% by the Employee). The amount paid by the Employee will come from their NEAP contribution. 16:2 HRA: Effective the first of the month following the signature date of this Agreement, the Employer also agrees to pay into the Line Construction Benefit Fund $1.00 per hour through the term of this Agreement. HRA is calculated on all hours worked for all working classifications covered by this Agreement. These contributions shall be used to provide Health Reimbursements Accounts(s) under the Line Construction Benefit Fund Plan of Benefits.
HEALTH & WELFARE. 16:1 The Employer will make contributions to the Line Construction Benefit Fund in the amount five dollars and seventy-five cents ($5.75) per hour worked by all employees. Effective December 30, 2018, the Employer will contribute six dollars ($6.00) to LINECO. Any additional contributions required will be deducted from the employee’s pre-tax earnings for each hour worked. If there is a significant increase in the contributions required by LINECO during the term of this Agreement, upon the request of either party, the parties agree to meet and confer over such increase. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, this Agreement may be amended to reflect any agreed upon changes to the Employer’s contribution to LINECO and/or any other concurrent changes to this Agreement. Employees will be paid retroactively to December 31, 2017 for the twenty-five cent deductions taken from their paychecks in 2017. Employees will be paid retroactive to the date in 2018 when an additional deduction of twenty-five cents (total of fifty cents) commenced.
HEALTH & WELFARE. 18.01 INSURED BENEFITS (The following clause is applicable to full-time employees only) (a) The Hospital agrees to pay 100% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Semi-Private Plan in effect as of September 28, 1993 or comparable coverage with another carrier. (b) The Hospital agrees to contribute 75% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the existing Blue Cross Extended Health Care Benefits Plan in effect as of September 28, 1993 (as amended below) or comparable coverage with another carrier providing for $22.50 (single) and $35.00 (family) deductible, providing the balance of monthly premiums is paid by the employee through payroll deductions. Reimbursement for prescribed drugs covered by the Plan will be based on the cost of the lowest priced therapeutically equivalent generic version of the drug, unless there is a documented adverse reaction to the generic drug. Subject to superior conditions services of a chiropractor and of a licensed or registered physiotherapist will be covered up to an annual maximum of $375 for each service. Vision care maximum $300.00 every 24 months in addition to eye examinations biennially, and hearing aid acquisition every 36 months. Vision care coverage can be used for laser eye surgery. (c) The Hospital agrees to contribute 100% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under HOOGLIP in effect as of September 28, 1993 or such other group life insurance plan currently in effect providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deductions. (d) The Hospital agrees to contribute 75% of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross #9 Dental Plan in effect as of September 28, 1993 or comparable coverage with another carrier. Dental recall, including preventative services, every 9 months. The Hospital also agrees to contribute 75% of the billed premiums towards coverage of Blue Cross rider #2 (or equivalent) [complete and partial dentures] at 50/50 co-insurance to $1000 annual maximum and Blue Cross rider #4 (or equivalent) [crowns, bridgework, and repairs to same] at 50/50 co-insurance to $1000 annual maximum providing the balance of the monthly premiums are paid by the employee through payroll deduction. The dental plan fee ...
HEALTH & WELFAREThe Employers subject to this agreement agree to contribute the amount established in the respective wage schedule per hour of labour worked by their Employees covered by the terms of this Agreement. Contributions will be made on the basis of full or half hours. All amounts paid by the Employer to the Health & Welfare fund shall be in addition to the hourly wage rates established in this Agreement and in no case shall the Employer deduct any such amounts from the Employee’s wages. In case of failure of the Employer to contribute into the Fund on the due date, the Trustees in their joint names may take legal action against the Employer for recovery of the amount due. The Trustees shall have full authority by majority vote with equal representation of both sides to determine the amounts and select and enter into the forms of insurance required and shall be responsible for the administration of the Plan, increasing and decreasing of benefits payable and the eligibility of claims payable including any necessary plan adjustments to prevent duplication of contributions and coverage in the event of compulsory Government legislation. The terms of the Health & Welfare Plan shall not be negotiable under the terms of any collective bargaining agreement. Only that portion pertaining to the number of cents per person-hour earned may be negotiated in each succeeding Agreement. The Employer and the Union agree to comply with all the provisions and requirements of the Health and Welfare Trust Fund and the Declaration of Trust established between the Employers and the S.P.P.T.A. dated April 1, 1969 and amended July 13, 1970, or as amended from time to time since 1970 and future amendments and with such rules and regulations as the Trustees of the Fund deem necessary for the successful operation of the said Trust Fund. The Employers and the S.P.P.T.A. shall elect an equal number of Trustees to the above mentioned Health & Welfare Trust Fund. The Trustees so elected shall not exceed eight (8) in number. In the event of any Trustee ceasing to act, they shall be replaced by another Trustee to be elected by the party who had elected the Trustee who cease to act.
HEALTH & WELFARE. ‌ Section 1. An Employer contribution will be made for each eligible employee who has at least eighty (80) paid regular hours in the month unless required by law. Section 2. The contribution for eligible participating part-time employees with eighty (80) or more hours paid time for the month the Employer shall contribute a prorated amount of the contribution for full time employees unless otherwise required by law. This prorated contribution shall be prorated based on the ratio of paid regular hours to full-time hours to the nearest full percent.
HEALTH & WELFARE. (a) The Employer agrees to pay 100% of the Ontario Health Tax for all eligible nurses. (b) The Employer agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the billed premiums under the Blue Cross Dental Plan #9 (or equivalent) based on the current ODA schedule as it may be updated from time to time. Major Dental 50/50 co-insurance which shall include complete and partial dentures, Crowns, bridgework, and repairs to same and inlays and onlays and orthodontics two thousand ($2000) per insured dependent child. (c) Group Life Insurance providing coverage in the amount of twice the annual salary of the full-time nurse and in the principal amount equal to the amount of the Group Life Insurance to which the nurse is entitled, paid at 100% by the Employer. (d) The Employer agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the billed premiums toward coverage of the eligible nurse in the active employ of the Employer under a Metropolitan Insurance extended Health Care plan with no deductible. In addition to the standard benefit coverage this will include hearing aids (maximum $300.00/person), vision care ($400.00/24 months), one eye exam per insured person every 24 months and chiropractic, massage therapy, physiotherapy, naturopath and podiatrist (maximum for each of the foregoing of $350 per insured person annually). Coverage for mental health services by a Psychologist, Registered Psychotherapist or Social Worker (MSW) for a total of $500 annually. (e) The Extended Health Care benefits shall include coverage for Diabetic blood testing supplies and equipment. The Employer will provide each nurse with a copy of the Extended Health Benefits brochure 22.02 Any dispute which may arise concerning a nurse's entitlement to benefits may be subject to grievance and arbitration under the provisions of this Agreement. The Employer may substitute another carrier for any of the foregoing plans (other than OHIP) provided that the level of benefits conferred thereby are not decreased. The Employer will advise the Association of any change in carrier or underwriter at least sixty (60) days prior to implementing a change in carrier. The Employer will provide the Association with a summary document outlining the differences, if any, between the levels of benefits provided by the existing and new carrier plans.
HEALTH & WELFARE. ‌ A. The Employer agrees to negotiate with the Union group insurance plans provided by the New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority. These plans include life, long-term disability and medical for all full time employees within the bargaining unit and where applicable, for their dependents. B. The full time employee will pay the required percentage as prescribed by the Board of Education for the cost of such insurance plans. C. It is understood by the parties hereto that the Employer will comply with the provisions of the Workers Compensation Act of the State of New Mexico. D. As full time employees of the Carlsbad Municipal School District, members of the bargaining unit are required to participate in the retirement plan established pursuant to the New Mexico State Educational Retirement Act. Employer contributions to the New Mexico State Education Retirement Plan shall be in accordance with state law.
HEALTH & WELFARE. 7.1 Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance 7.1.1 In 1997, the District implemented a flexible benefits plan pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 125. The plan shall contain at least the same elements and requirements as the flexible benefit plan provided to management employees of the College District. Compensation as provided in Article 8, SALARY, is designed to allow use of insurance programs.
HEALTH & WELFAREPursuant to Article 20, Section 1 of the DHL – Teamsters Pick-Up and Delivery Operational Supplement, the Employer will contribute up to an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour per year per covered full-time employee to be divided between the applicable Health and Welfare Fund and the Truck Drivers and Helpers Local Union No. 355 Pension Fund as determined by the Area Co- Chairs. Effective August 1, 201922, the Employer shall allocate up to an additional $.5025 per hour to cover Health and Welfare contribution increases to Xxxx-Xxxxxxx multi-employer plans in the event that the otherwise allocated $1.00 per hour referenced in Articles 20 and 21 of the PUD Operational Supplement is insufficient to cover required increases in pension and health and welfare contribution rates necessary to maintain existing health and welfare benefit levels. In the event that the applicable health and welfare fund contribution increase in the benefit year beginning August 1, 201922, combined with any required pension contribution rate increase in that year, is less than $1.5025 per hour, the unused portion of the additional $.5025 per hour shall be banked for use, if necessary, to find health and welfare increases in the benefit years beginning August I, 202023, and/or August 1, 202124. Effective August 1, 20214, the Employer shall allocate up to an additional $.2450 per hour to cover Health and Welfare contribution increases to Xxxx-Xxxxxxx multi-employer plans in the event that the otherwise allocated $1.00 per hour referenced in Articles 20 and 21 of the PUD Operational Supplement, combined with any remaining portion of the additional $.5025 allocated on August 1, 201922, and referenced in the previous paragraph, are insufficient to cover required increases in pension and health and welfare contribution rates necessary to maintain existing health and welfare benefit levels during that: year. The Company agrees to the establishment and maintenance of a Health and Welfare Fund for the purpose of providing life, health and accident insurance, medical care and hospitalization benefits for the employees of the Company who are in the bargaining unit represented by Local Union No. 355. The Board of Trustees shall consist of two (2) persons who shall be elected annually, one by a majority of the companies contributing to the Health and Welfare Fund who are present at the annual meeting called for the purpose of electing an Employer Trustee and one to be elected by the Union. In t...