A Reliability Must. Run Contract is a contract entered into by the ISO with a Generator which operates a Generating Unit giving the ISO the right to call on the Generator to generate Energy and provide Ancillary Services from the Generating Units as and when this is required to ensure that the reliability of the ISO Controlled Grid is maintained.
A Reliability Must. Run Contract is a contract entered into by the ISO with a Generator which operates a Generating Unit giving the ISO the right to call on the Generator to generate Energy and, only as provided in this Section 5.2, or as needed for Black Start or Voltage Support required to meet local reliability needs, or to procure Ancillary Services from Potrero or Hunter's Point power plants to meet operating criteria associated with the San Francisco local reliability area, to provide Ancillary Services from the Generating Units as and when this is required to ensure that the reliability of the ISO Controlled Grid is maintained. If the ISO, pursuant to Section 2.5.12(e), has elected to procure an amount of megawatts of its forecast needs for an Ancillary Service in the Hour-Ahead Markets and there is not an adequate amount of capacity bid into an Hour-Ahead Market for the ISO to procure such amount of megawatts of that Ancillary Service (excluding bids that exceed price caps imposed by the ISO or FERC), the ISO may call upon Reliability Must-Run Units under Must- Run Contracts to meet the remaining portion of that amount of megawatts for that Ancillary Service but only after accepting all available bids in the Hour-Ahead Market (including any unused bids that can be used to satisfy that If, at any time after the issuance of Final Day-Ahead Schedules for the Trading Day –
(1) the ISO determines that it requires more of an Ancillary Service than it has procured¡
(2) all additional Day-Ahead bids for that Ancillary Service that have not been withdrawn (including any unused bids that can be used to satisfy that particular Ancillary Services requirement under Section have been selected pursuant to Section 2.5.21, except that the ISO shall not be required to accept bids that exceed price caps imposed by the ISO or the FERC¡
(3) the ISO has notified Scheduling Coordinators of the circumstances existing in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Section¡ and
(4) after such notice, the ISO determines that a Bid Insufficiency condition exists in the Hour-Ahead Market for the Settlement Period in which the ISO requires more of an Ancillary Service¡ the ISO may call upon Reliability Must-Run Units under Reliability Must-Run Contracts to meet the additional needs in addition to any amounts that the ISO has called upon under Section The ISO must provide the notice specified in paragraph (3) of this Section as soon as possible after the ISO det...
A Reliability Must. Run Contract is a contract entered into by the ISO with a Generator which operates a Generating Unit giving the ISO the right to call on the Generator to generate Energy and, only as provided in this Section 5.2, or as needed for Black Start or Voltage Support required to meet local reliability needs, or to procure Ancillary Services from Potrero or Hunter’s Point power plants to meet operating criteria associated with the San Francisco local reliability area, to provide Ancillary Services from the Generating Units as and when this is required to ensure that the reliability of the ISO Controlled Grid is maintained. If the ISO, pursuant to Section 2.5.12(e), has elected to procure an amount of megawatts of its forecast needs for an Ancillary Service in the Hour-Ahead Markets and there is not an adequate amount of capacity bid into an Hour-Ahead Market for the ISO to procure such amount of megawatts of that Ancillary Service (excluding bids that exceed price caps imposed by the ISO or FERC), the ISO may call upon Reliability Must-Run Units under Must-Run Contracts to meet the remaining portion of that amount of megawatts for that Ancillary Service but only after accepting all available bids in the Hour-Ahead Market (including any unused bids that can be used to satisfy that