A vailable for Work and Notice Sample Clauses

A vailable for Work and Notice. The Associate must be available for work on the regular workday immediately preceding and following jury duty; and must notify the Employer prior to jury service and at the end of each week of jury duty.
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Related to A vailable for Work and Notice

  • REPORTING FOR WORK 11.01 An employee reporting for work at the scheduled starting time, unless notified the previous day not to report, and for whom no work is available, shall receive four

  • Sole Source as Grounds for Rejection of a Change Order If a Change Order is submitted to Contractor for the purposes of adding a Bulletin to this Contract and said Bulletin designates a Sole Source from which Contractor is required to procure goods or services necessary to perform the Work, which Sole Source has not been designated previously, Contractor shall be entitled to reject the proposed Change Order if the designated Sole Source refuses to provide to Contractor the warranties, bonds, terms or schedule required under the Contract Documents, including any warranty or terms or schedule required by Bulletins referenced in the proposed Change Order. In such event, Contractor shall give written notice to the Owner rejecting the proposed Change Order and, if possible, shall accompany said written notice with a proposal from Contractor for changes or modifications to the Bulletin so as to eliminate the Sole Source designation but to achieve goods or services equal in quality or function. The Owner may then require the Design Professional to revise the subject Bulletin so as to eliminate the designation of the Sole Source by incorporation of Contractor's proposal or otherwise. Upon revision of the Bulletin by the Design Professional and approval thereof by the Owner, the Owner shall again submit to the Contractor a proposed Change Order for the purpose of adding the revised Bulletin to this Contract. If the Owner decides to retain the Sole Source in the Change Order and Contractor cannot acquire the full contractually required warranties from the Sole Source, Contractor shall be held only to the warranty terms and schedule obtainable from the Sole Source.

  • REGULAR WORK YEAR FOR TEACHERS 20.1 The annual salary established for employees covered by this agreement shall be payable in respect of the teacher's regular work year.

  • Suspension of Work and Termination 15.01 Owner May Suspend Work

  • Billing for Treatment and Payment Restrictions Grantees will;

  • Termination for Convenience of the County Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, the County may, at any time, and without cause, terminate this Contract in whole or in part, upon not less than seven (7) days' written notice to the Contractor. Such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a notice of termination specifying the effective date of the termination and the extent of the Work to be terminated. The Contractor shall immediately stop Work in accordance with the notice and comply with any other direction as may be specified in the notice or as provided subsequently by the County. The County shall pay the Contractor for the Work completed prior to the effective date of the termination and such other payment Contractor is entitled to under Attachment A, section III. “Performance Requirements” and such payment shall be Contractor's sole remedy under this Contract. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be entitled to anticipatory or unearned profits, consequential damages, or other damages of any sort as a result of a termination or partial termination under this Paragraph. The Contractor shall insert in all subcontracts that the sub-consultant shall stop Work on the date of and to the extent specified in a notice of termination, and shall require sub-consultant’s to insert the same condition in any lower tier subcontracts.

  • Termination of an Order Form for Convenience Except as otherwise agreed in an Order Form, each Order Form (excluding fixed-price Services and excluding subscription or monthly reoccurring Services) may be terminated by either party subject to thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the other party.

  • ECR Number Environmental Commitment Record Requirements Description of ADOT Responsibilities TMP-3 The following measures will be implemented for the Selected Alternative: • All equipment exhaust systems will be in good working order. Properly designed engine enclosures and intake silencers will be used. • Equipment will be maintained on a regular basis. New equipment will be subject to new product emission standards. • Stationary equipment will be located as far away from sensitive receivers as possible. • Construction-related noise generators will be shielded from noise receivers (e.g., use temporary enclosures to shield generators or crushers, take advantage of site conditions to provide topographic separation). • Construction alerts will be distributed to keep the public informed of construction activities, and a toll-free number for construction-related complaints will be provided. • During the design phase, hours of operation will be evaluated to minimize disruptions during construction. ADOT to oversee for compliance TMP-4 Congestion from construction-related traffic will create temporary impacts in the project vicinity. The magnitude of these impacts will vary depending on the location of the sources of the fill material and of the disposition sites for surplus material, the land uses along the routes, the duration of hauling operations, staging locations, and the construction phasing. To identify acceptable routes and times of operation, ADOT, or its representative, will prepare an agreement with local agencies regarding hauling of construction materials on public streets. ADOT to oversee for compliance TP Attachment 000-0 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Project Record of Decision (ROD) Developer’s Environmental Commitment Requirements The following table includes the Project-specific environmental commitments as written in the ROD, with minor modifications for clarification purposes. As it relates to these Technical Provisions, references to freeway, project, South Mountain Freeway, proposed action, proposed freeway, and Selected Alternative mean the Project, and references to contractor mean Developer. Developer shall comply with and perform all of the contractor and ADOT requirements, including the ADOT obligations, commitments, and responsibilities, identified in the following table, except to the extent of those requirements that are specifically identified in the third column, entitled “Description of ADOT Responsibilities,” which are not delegated to Developer.

  • RIGHT OF ALLOTTEE TO USE COMMON AREAS AND FACILITIES SUBJECT TO PAYMENT OF TOTAL MAINTENANCE CHARGES The Allottee hereby agrees to purchase the [Apartment/Plot] on the specific understanding that is/her right to the use of Common Areas shall be subject to timely payment of total maintenance charges, as determined and thereafter billed by the maintenance agency appointed or the association of allottees (or the maintenance agency appointed by it) and performance by the Allottee of all his/her obligations in respect of the terms and conditions specified by the maintenance agency or the association of allottees from time to time.

  • Uncontrollable Forces Tariff Provisions Section 14.1 of the CAISO Tariff shall be incorporated by reference into this Agreement except that all references in Section 14.1 of the CAISO Tariff to Market Participants shall be read as a reference to the Participating Generator and references to the CAISO Tariff shall be read as references to this Agreement.

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