Jury Duty Sample Clauses
Jury Duty. A. An employee shall be allowed such time off without loss of compensation as is required in connection with mandatory jury duty. Upon receiving notice of jury duty an employee shall immediately provide a copy of the notice to his/her supervisor.
B. If payment is made for such time off, the employee is required to remit to the State jury fees received. If an employee elects to use accrued vacation leave or compensating time off while on jury duty, the employee is not required to remit jury fees. For the purposes of this section, "jury fees" means fees received for jury duty excluding payment for mileage, parking, meals, or other out-of-pocket expenses.
C. For an employee summoned to jury duty during hours other than the employee's regular and customary shift, management will endeavor to temporarily reassign the employee to a work shift that more closely coincides with the hours the employee is required to serve on jury duty, including any necessary travel time, subject to the following:
1. The department already maintains an appropriate work shift that utilizes the employee's classification; and
2. The operational needs of the department permit such reassignment.
D. An employee shall be allowed time off without loss of compensation if approved by the department head or designee for voluntary jury duty such as grand jury. If approved by the department, paragraphs B. and C. apply.
E. For the purpose of this section, an employee summoned to jury duty may be required to adjust their work shift to an eight (8) hour schedule.
F. An employee summoned to jury duty who does not serve for a full day or who is placed on "on-call" status shall return to work to complete his/her scheduled workday if reasonable time remains for such return. An employee may not be required to report back to work if he/she feels there is not reasonably enough time left in the workday and if the employee's supervisor concurs. Concurrence will not be unreasonably withheld.
Jury Duty. A. When a non-probationary, full-time employee is required to be in any court or courthouse for jury service and such service deprives such employee of pay that he otherwise would have earned, he shall be scheduled a Monday through Friday workweek between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and paid for each day on such jury service at the rate of eight (8) hours times his straight-time hourly rate, less any remuneration received by him for jury service. When a non-probationary, part-time employee is required to be in any court or courthouse for jury service and such service deprives such employee of pay that he otherwise would have earned during the Monday through Friday portion of his normal workweek, he shall be scheduled a shift between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. He will be paid for that part of his normal workweek based upon his average hours worked or paid for in each workweek, Monday through Friday, in the four (4) such workweeks immediately preceding the week(s) in which jury duty is required, less any remuneration received by him for such jury service. Utilization of such an employee on the Saturday and/or Sunday portion of his normal workweek shall continue to be at the discretion of the Employer; provided the minimum weekly hour guarantee is satisfied.
B. If such employee in addition works for the Employer on Saturday, he shall be paid at the rate of straight-time. If he works for the Employer on Sunday, he shall be paid at the Sunday rate of pay.
C. If an employee is temporarily excused from jury service on any scheduled day, i.e., Monday through Friday, he shall immediately report for work to complete the remaining hours of his scheduled work shift. Failure to so report shall disqualify an employee from any pay for jury duty for the day in question as long as the transportation time will permit him to return to work prior to one (1) hour before the end of his shift. If an employee is permanently excused from jury service he shall immediately report for work to complete the remaining hours of his scheduled work shift that day. Failure to so report shall disqualify an employee from any pay for jury duty for the day in question as long as the transportation time will permit him to return to work prior to one (1) hour before the end of his shift. If the employee is not required to report, he shall call the manager to inform him that he has been permanently released. Thereafter, the manager may place him on a work schedule similar to whi...
Jury Duty. 19:1 Any employee who may be called for jury duty shall be permitted to be absent for a maximum of three (3) weeks.
Jury Duty. Employees will receive paid leave and be allowed to retain any compensation paid to them for their jury duty service. Employees will promptly inform the Employer when notified of a jury duty summons and will cooperate in requesting a postponement of service if warranted by business demands. If selected to be on a jury, employee-requested schedule changes will be approved, if possible, to accommodate jury duty service. If employees are released from jury duty and there are more than two (2) hours remaining on their work shift, they may be required to return to work.
Jury Duty. An employee who serves on jury duty will be paid the difference between his/her pay for jury duty and his/her regular pay.
Jury Duty. An employee shall be provided leave with pay on a work day when the employee serves jury duty, provided the employee gives prior notice of the jury duty to the supervisor.
Jury Duty. For purposes of this Section, jury duty shall be defined as any time an employee is obligated to report to the court. When called for jury duty, County employees, like other citizens, are expected to discharge their jury duty responsibilities. Employees shall advise their department as soon as possible if scheduled to appear for jury duty. If summoned for jury duty in a Superior, or Federal Court, or a Coroners jury, employees may remain in their regular County pay status, or they may take paid leave (vacation, floating holiday, etc.) or leave without pay and retain all fees and expenses paid to them. When an employee is summoned for jury duty selection or is selected as a juror in a Superior or Federal Court, employees may remain in a regular pay status if they waive all fees (other than mileage), regardless of shift assignment and the following shall apply:
a. If an employee elects to remain in a regular pay status and waive or surrender all fees (other than mileage), the employee shall obtain from the Clerk or Jury Commissioner a certificate indicating the days attended and noting that fees other than mileage are waived or surrendered. The employee shall furnish the certificate to his department where it will be retained as a department record. No "Absence/Overtime Record" is required.
b. An employee who elects to retain all fees must take leave (vacation, floating holiday, etc.) or leave without pay. No court certificate is required but an "Absence/Overtime Record" must be submitted to the department payroll clerk. Employees are not permitted to engage in any employment regardless of shift assignment or occupation before or after daily jury service that would affect their ability to properly serve as jurors. An employee on short notice standby to report to court, whose job duties make short notice response impossible or impractical, shall be given alternate work assignments for those days to enable them to respond to the court on short notice. When an employee is required to serve on jury duty, the County will adjust that employee's work schedule to coincide with a Monday to Friday schedule for the remainder of their service, unless the employee requests otherwise. Participants in 9/80 or 4/10 work schedules will not receive overtime or compensatory time credit for jury duty on their scheduled days off. Permanent-intermittent employees are entitled to paid jury duty leave only for those days on which they were previously scheduled to work.
Jury Duty. An employee shall be entitled to leave without loss of pay for any time the employee is required to perform jury duty. The District shall pay the employee the difference, if any, between the amounts received for jury duty and the employee's regular rate of pay. A meal, mileage, and/or parking allowance provided the employee for jury duty shall not be considered in the amount received for jury duty.
Jury Duty.
33.01 An employee who is subpoenaed by the Crown for jury duty, or as a witness for the Crown or the defence (not being himself/herself a party to the proceeding), shall continue to receive her/his regular pay and benefits. The employee shall turn over to the Employer any monies she/he receives from the court on
Jury Duty. An employee who is summoned for jury duty and is required to lose time from his assignment as a result thereof, shall be paid for actual time lost with a maximum of one basic day's pay at the straight time rate of his position for each day lost, less the amount allowed him for jury duty for each such day, excluding allowances paid by the court for meals, lodging or transportation, subject to the following requirements and limitations: