Academic. The PTEAA student who successfully completes a transfer degree and the stipulated PTEC courses at a Virginia community college is guaranteed admission to NSU and by meeting all of the requirements for full admission to the teacher education program at NSU, may apply for admission to teacher education. He/she may expect the following: A. that all of the courses and credits successfully completed at the community college, and meeting the grade requirement of 2.5 will meet General Education requirements and may apply toward elective credit, or curriculum area courses for a baccalaureate degree leading to licensure and endorsement in Early/primary Education (preK-3, preK-6), Middle Education (6-8), or identified selected areas of Special Education. B. that NSU will accept all the credits earned from the associate degree program from a Virginia community college and, therefore, can accept the student as a junior at NSU. However, the student may still have to take additional lower-level major and teacher education courses not available at the community college and thus may not be able to complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree with the same number of successfully completed hours and courses as a native student. C. that acceptance to a teacher education program at NSU is dependent upon available seats. Students participating in the PTEAA should follow all special college and/or departmental application procedures and deadlines, as well as meet grade point average requirements listed in the NSU catalog for native students. Transfer students and native NSU students will be treated identically with regard to admission to oversubscribed programs. D. that in addition to successful completion of the PTEC courses, students must pass the prescribed assessment for entry into a Virginia approved teacher preparation program(Praxis I) or have satisfactory SAT or ACT scores as a substitute as part of their admission to the teacher education program at NSU. E. that successful completion of the PTEC courses with an approved transfer-oriented associate degree from a Virginia community college will satisfy all general education and selected lower division core requirements at NSU. This will not eliminate the need for a course-by-course analysis of the transcript for elective courses recommended by NSU. Students will need to complete any remaining lower-and upper-division courses and meet all other university, college, and departmental requirements in order to obtain the baccalaureate degree from NSU. F. that all provisions of this agreement are subject to change, based on revisions in Commonwealth of Virginia teacher licensure or program approval requirements, national accreditation requirements, or federal regulations. G. that NSU awards equivalency credits for CLEP, AP, and IB upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the catalog for details).
Appears in 1 contract
Academic. The PTEAA student who successfully completes a transfer degree and the stipulated PTEC courses at a Virginia community college is guaranteed admission to NSU RU and by meeting all of the requirements for full admission to the teacher education program at NSURU, may apply for admission to teacher education. He/she may expect the following:
A. that all of the courses and credits successfully completed at the community college, and meeting the grade requirement of 2.5 "C", will meet General Education requirements and may apply toward elective credit, or curriculum area courses for a baccalaureate degree leading to licensure and endorsement in EarlyEarly Childhood Education/primary Education (preK-3Early Childhood Special Education, preK-6)Elementary PK-6, Middle Education (School 6-8)8, or identified selected areas of Special Education.
B. that NSU RU awards equivalency credits for Collage Level examination Placement, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate exams upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the RU Catalog for details: xxxx://
C. that XX will accept all the credits earned from the associate degree program from a Virginia community college and, therefore, can accept the student as a junior at NSURU. However, the student may still have to take additional lower-level major and teacher education courses not available at the community college and thus may not be able to complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree with the same number of successfully completed hours and courses as a native student.
C. D. that acceptance to a teacher education program at NSU RU is dependent upon available seats. Students participating in the PTEAA should follow all special college and/or departmental application procedures and deadlines, as well as meet grade point average requirements listed in the NSU RU catalog for native students. Transfer students and native NSU RU students will be treated identically with regard to admission to oversubscribed programs.
D. E. that in addition to successful completion of the PTEC courses, students must pass take the basic skills proficiency exam and the subject matter exam prescribed assessment for entry into a Virginia approved teacher preparation program(Praxis by the Board of Education; elementary education applicants will have to have passing scores on Praxis I) , or have satisfactory appropriate SAT or ACT scores scores, as a substitute well as the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and Praxis II as part of their admission to the a teacher education program at NSURU. Students are required to take these exams in order gain admission to RU.
E. F. that successful completion of the PTEC courses with an approved transfer-oriented associate degree from a Virginia community college will satisfy all general education and selected lower division core requirements at NSURU. This will not eliminate the need for a course-by-course analysis of the transcript for elective pre-requisite courses recommended required by NSURU. Students will need to complete any remaining lower-and upper-division courses and meet all other university, college, and departmental requirements in order to obtain the baccalaureate degree from NSURU.
F. G. that all provisions of this agreement are subject to change, based on revisions in Commonwealth of Virginia teacher licensure or program approval requirements, national accreditation requirements, or federal regulations.
G. that NSU awards equivalency credits for CLEP, AP, and IB upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the catalog for details).
Appears in 1 contract
Academic. The PTEAA Pre-Teacher Education Admission Agreement (PTEAA) student who successfully completes a transfer degree and degree, the stipulated PTEC courses at a Virginia community college and all specified requirements below is guaranteed admission to NSU VCU and by meeting all of the requirements for full admission to the teacher education program at NSUVCU, may apply for admission to teacher education. He/she may expect the following:
A. that all of the PTEC courses and credits successfully completed at the community college, and meeting the grade requirement of 2.5 2.0 will meet General Education requirements and may apply toward general education courses that satisfy requirements in the liberal studies in the Early/Elementary (NK-6) program or elective credit, or curriculum area courses credit for a baccalaureate degree leading to licensure and endorsement the extended five-year teacher preparation programs in Early/primary Elementary Education (preK-3NK-6). To qualify for admission to the teacher preparation programs, preK-6), Middle students must have a 2.8 cumulative grade point average. The program culminates in the awarding of both the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies with a Liberal Studies for Elementary Education major and the Master of Teaching degrees upon completion of the extended five-year teacher preparation program. This program leads to licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia in Early/Elementary Education (6-8), or identified selected areas of Special EducationNK-6).
B. that NSU VCU awards equivalency credits for College Level Examination Placement, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate exams upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the VCU Bulletin for details: xxxx://
C. That VCU will accept all the credits earned with a "C" or better from the associate degree program from a Virginia community college col1ege and, therefore, can accept the student as a junior at NSUVCU. However, the student may still have to take additional lower-level major and teacher education courses not available at the community college and thus may not be able to complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree with the same number of successfully completed hours and courses as a native student.
C. that D. That acceptance to a teacher education program at NSU VCU is dependent upon available seats. Students participating in the PTEAA should follow all special college and/or departmental application procedures and deadlines, as well as meet the 2.8 cumulative grade point average requirements requirement listed in the NSU catalog VCU Bulletin for native studentsstudents for admission to the teacher preparation p011ion of the LSEE major. Transfer students and native NSU VCU students will be treated identically with regard to admission to oversubscribed programs.
D. that E. That in addition to successful completion of the PTEC courses, students must pass the prescribed assessment for entry into a Virginia approved teacher preparation program(Praxis I) program or have satisfactory SAT or ACT appropriate test scores as a substitute as part of their required for admission to the teacher education program preparation portion of the LSEE major at NSUVCU. Students have six testing options for admission to teacher preparation as follows:
1) Completion of Praxis I with cumulative scores of (Reading, Writing, and Mathematics subtests) with a score of 532 or higher
2) Completion of the SAT Verbal and Math subtests (Before April 1, 1995, a score of 1000 with at least 450 on the Verbal Test and at least 510 on the Mathematics subtest; After April 1, 1995, a score of 1100 with at least a 530 on Verbal and at least 530 on Mathematics;
3) Completion of the ACT (Before April 1, 1995, a composite of 21, with math no less than 21 and English plus reading score no less than 37; After April 1, 1995, a composite score of 24, with math no less than 22 and ACT English plus reading score no less than 46.
E. that 4) Completion of Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) with a score of at least 470 and Praxis 1 Mathematics subtest with a score of at least 178;
5) Completion of VCLA with a score of at least 470 and SAT Math score (Before April 1, 1995, a score of at least 510; After April l, 1995, a score of at least 530).
6) Completion of VCLA with a score of at least 470 and ACT Math score (Before April 1, 1995, a score of no less than 21; After April 1, 1995, a score of no less than 22). Students are not required to take the Praxis I for admission to VCU but must complete one of the six options above for admission to the teacher preparation portion of the LSEE major.
F. That successful completion of the PTEC courses with an approved transfer-oriented associate degree from a Virginia community college will satisfy all general education and selected lower division core requirements at NSUVCU. This will not eliminate the need for a course-course- by-course analysis of the transcript for pre-requisite courses required or elective courses recommended by NSUVCU. Students will need to complete any remaining lower-and upper-division courses and meet all other university, college, and departmental requirements in order to obtain the baccalaureate degree from NSUVCU.
F. G. that all provisions of this agreement are subject to change, based on revisions in Commonwealth of Virginia teacher licensure or program approval requirements, national accreditation requirements, or federal regulations.
G. that NSU awards equivalency credits for CLEP, AP, and IB upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the catalog for details).
Appears in 1 contract
Academic. The PTEAA student who successfully completes a transfer degree and the stipulated PTEC courses at a Virginia community college is guaranteed admission to NSU UVA Wise and by meeting all of the requirements for full admission to the teacher education program at NSUUVA Wise, may apply for admission to teacher education. He/she may expect the following:
A. that all of the courses and credits successfully completed at the community college, and meeting the grade requirement of 2.5 "C", will meet General Education requirements and may apply toward elective credit, or curriculum area courses for a baccalaureate degree leading to licensure and endorsement in Early/primary Education (preK-3, preK-6), Middle Education (6-8), or identified selected areas of Special Education.
B. that NSU UVA Wise will accept all the credits earned from the associate degree program from a Virginia community college and, therefore, can accept the student as a junior at NSUUVA Wise. However, the student may still have to take additional lower-level major and teacher education courses not available at the community college and thus may not be able to complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree with the same number of successfully completed hours and courses as a native student.
C. that acceptance to a teacher education program at NSU UVA Wise is dependent upon available seats. Students participating in the PTEAA should follow all special college and/or departmental application procedures and deadlines, as well as meet grade point average requirements listed in the NSU UVA Wise catalog for native students. Transfer students and native NSU UVA Wise students will be treated identically with regard to admission to oversubscribed programs.
D. that in addition to successful completion of the PTEC courses, students must pass the prescribed assessment for entry into a Virginia approved teacher preparation program(Praxis I) or have satisfactory SAT or ACT scores as a substitute as part of their admission to the teacher education program at NSUUVA Wise.
E. that successful completion of the PTEC courses with an approved transfer-oriented associate degree from a Virginia community college will satisfy all general education and selected lower division core requirements at NSUUVA Wise. This will not eliminate the need for a course-by-course analysis of the transcript for elective courses recommended by NSUUVA Wise. Students will need to complete any remaining lower-and upper-division courses and meet all other university, college, and departmental requirements in order to obtain the baccalaureate degree from NSUUVA Wise.
F. that all provisions of this agreement are subject to change, based on revisions in Commonwealth of Virginia teacher licensure or program approval requirements, national accreditation requirements, or federal regulations.
G. that NSU UVA Wise awards equivalency credits for CLEP, AP, and IB upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the catalog for details).
Appears in 1 contract