PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. A. The personal life of a teacher shall be the concern of and warrant the review and appropriate action of the Board only: 1. As it may prevent the teacher from performing his/her assigned functions during school duty hours; 2. As it may be in violation of local, state, national, or common law. B. Each teacher will be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any such teacher or the lack thereof will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such person provided they do not affect his/her classroom performance. C. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Xxxxxx County School System, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect teachers from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with their obligation to pursue the truth in the performance of their teaching functions. They agree that subject to curriculum guidelines and appropriate supervision by the teacher’s evaluator, the responsibility for teaching all appropriate material rests with the teacher. D. No student’s grade shall be changed without a conference between the student’s teacher and the administrator. After the conference, the teacher will be notified, in writing, of the administrator’s decision. In the event the student’s teacher is not available for a conference, the administrator will notify the teacher in writing of any changes in a grade.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. A. The personal life of a teacher is not within the appropriate concern or attention of the Board except as it may directly affect the efficient performance of assigned functions during the workday. B. Each teacher is entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities ** of any such teacher outside the regular hours of employment, or the lack thereof, will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such person. ** Maryland law and Board policy/FCPS regulation outline the legal restrictions for teachers regarding engaging in political activity during the school day. C. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purpose of the Xxxxxxxxx County school system, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect teachers from censorship or restraint that might interfere with their obligations to present fairly all sides of issues in their teaching functions. Both parties understand that classroom presentation and discussions shall be relevant to course content as prescribed in the appropriate Curriculum Guides adopted by the Board of Education.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. Each teacher’s citizenship right to exercise or support 20 his/her political preference on his/her own time and away from school premises shall not be 21 impeded providing such activities do not violate any local, state or federal ordinance or law.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. ‌ 3.1.1 It is the District’s policy that all instruction shall be fair, accurate, objective, and appropriate to the age and maturity of the student(s), and sensitive to the community needs and the needs and values of our diverse cultures and heritages. Academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of this policy and the District acknowledges the fundamental need to protect unit members from any censorship or restraint that might interfere with the unit member’s obligation to pursue truth in the performance of his/her teaching functions. A unit member shall have reasonable freedom in classroom presentations and discussions and may introduce political, religious, or otherwise controversial material, provided that the material is relevant to the course content and within the scope of the law and approved Board policies. In performing teaching functions, unit members shall have reasonable freedom to express their opinions on all matters relevant to the course content in an objective manner. A unit member, however, shall not utilize his/her position to indoctrinate students with his/her own personal, political, and/or religious views. 3.1.2 A unit member’s personal life is not an appropriate concern of the District unless it violates local, state, or federal law or it impacts the unit member’s performance of duties. 3.1.3 Certificated bargaining unit members are entitled to full constitutional rights of citizenship. Unit members shall not be disciplined for speaking out on an issue of public concern or engaging in the free exercise of the unit member’s religion or engaging in political activities, as long as the unit member does not violate any local, state, or federal law.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. The personal life of a teacher is not an appropriate concern or attention of the Board except as it may directly prevent the teacher from performing properly his assigned functions during the workday.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. 7.1 The Tulare County Office of Education shall uphold and support employee rights relating to personal, political, and organizational activities and preferences to the extent provided by current State and Federal laws, except those which adversely affect the employee's job performance or the discharge of his/her responsibilities.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. 29.1 It is the policy of the District that all instruction shall be fair, accurate, objective and appropriate to the age and maturity of the student(s) and sensitive to the community needs and the needs and values of our diverse cultures and heritages. Academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of this policy and the District acknowledges the fundamental need to protect unit members from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with the unit member’s obligation to pursue truth in performance of their teaching functions. Accordingly: 29.1.1 A unit member shall have reasonable freedom in classroom or school-related presentations and discussions and may introduce political, religious or otherwise controversial material, provided that said material is relevant to the course content and within the scope of the law. 29.1.2 In performing teaching or counseling functions, unit members shall have reasonable freedom to express their opinions on all materials relevant to the course content or their professional functions, in any objective manner. A unit member, however, shall not utilize his/her position to indoctrinate students with his/her own personal, political and/or religious views. 29.2 The personal life of a unit member is not an appropriate concern of the District for purposes of evaluation or disciplinary action unless it prevents the unit member from performing his/her assigned duties. 29.3 A unit member shall be entitled full right of citizenship and no religious or political activities, or lack thereof, of any unit member shall be used for purposes of evaluation or disciplinary action unless said activities violate local, state or federal law.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. A. The personal life of an employee is not within the appropriate concern or attention of the Board except as it may prevent the employee from properly performing assigned functions during the workday. B. All employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any such employees or the lack thereof will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to their employment. C. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is basic to the attainment of Xxxxxxx County Public Schools and agree that: 1. In performance of their teaching functions, educators shall be responsible to provide students opportunity to investigate all facets, sides, and/or opinions of and about any and all topics and materials introduced or presented and shall have a special responsibility to provide such opportunity with regard to those which are or may be of a controversial nature. Such materials presented to students must be relevant to the course and appropriate to the maturity level and intellectual ability of the students. The educator shall further be responsible to permit the expression of the views and opinions of others and to encourage students to examine, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize all available information about such topics and materials and to encourage students to form their own views and opinions through such procedures. Educators shall at all times strive to promote tolerance for the views and opinions of others and for the rights of individuals to form and hold differing views and opinions. D. In order to protect educators against infringement of pressure groups while the rights of pupils to study and discuss significant issues in an objective atmosphere are assured, the Superintendent may organize an ad hoc committee composed of educators, laymen, students, principals, and central office staff whose responsibility it will be to review complaints regarding program and make recommendations for procedures to be followed.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. A. The personal life of an employee is not within the appropriate concern or attention of the Board except as it may prevent the employee from properly performing his/her assigned functions during the workday. B. Each employee will be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any such employee or the lack thereof will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such person. C. In order to protect employees against the infringement of pressure groups while the rights of pupils to study and discuss significant issues in an objective atmosphere are assured, the Superintendent or designee may organize an ad hoc committee composed of teachers, lay persons, students, school administrative and central office staff personnel whose responsibility it will be to review complaints regarding program and make recommendations for procedures to be followed.
PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM. ‌ A. Teachers shall use their professional judgment to present students with an open study and examination of all academic issues consistent with the curricular and instructional competency requirements of the State Board of Education and the District Board of Edu- cation. When a concern has been identified with a teacher's approach to the curriculum, the employee shall meet with the principal in a collaborative effort. With mutual agreement between the teacher and the principal, consistent with District Board of Education policy, the teacher may resume his/her approach to the curriculum. Without the approval of the principal the teacher shall desist immediately. B. Retention and promotion recommendations by teachers will be made in accordance with District Policy.