Academic Program Sample Clauses

Academic Program. A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements, as indicated below, SDSU will accept 48 technical course credits from the A.A.S. degree in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Law Enforcement. Additional transferable system general education credits may be earned at WDT and may be transferred to SDSU. Students must meet all Board of Regents policies and university graduation requirements in order to receive a degree. B. Requirements to be completed at SDSU to earn a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Political Science are outlined below. The general education coursework to meet South Dakota Regental System’s General Education Requirements (SGR) must also be completed as outlined below. This coursework may be taken at WDT if equivalent courses are available. Please note that BOR Policy 2.5 states, “Total transfer credit for work at two-year technical or community college may not exceed one-half of the hours required for completion of the baccalaureate degree at the accepting institution unless an approved program-specific waiver exists.” For this program, that number is 60 credits. 1. SGR Goal #1: Written Communication ENGL 201 Composition II (3 credits) 2. SGR Goal #2: Oral Communication (3 credits) 3. SGR Goal #4: Humanities and Arts/Diversity (6 credits in 2 disciplines or a sequence of modern foreign language courses) 4. SGR Goal #5: Mathematics (3 credits) 5. SGR Goal #6: Natural Sciences (6 credits) 1. Natural Sciences Class (4 credits) from the approved list in SDSU Bulletin, taken as needed to earn 10 or more science credits from at least two different disciplines, with a minimum of two labs 2. A minor, second major, teaching specialization: Satisfied in full by completion of the A.A.S. degree from WDT. 3. AHSS 111, Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity, (3 credits) 1. Completion of a Modern Foreign Language through the 202 level (0-6 credits) 2. A minor, second major, teaching specialization: Satisfied in full by completion of the A.A.S. degree from WDT. 3. AHSS 111, Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity, (3 credits) 1. POLS 100 - American Government (3 credits) 2. POLS 253 - Current World Problems (3 credits) 3. POLS 388 - Research Methods (3 credits) 4. POLS 489 - Capstone (3 credits) 5. POLS Electives (6 credits) 6. 300-400 Level Non-American POLS course (3 credits) 7. 300-400 Level Political Science courses (15 credits) A maximum of 6 credits may be selected from the following: 1. Stude...
Academic Program. The Charter School shall operate the academic program in accordance with this Agreement, the Charter School’s Application, and applicable state and federal law, including providing at least the same equivalent time of instruction as other public schools and complying with assessment and accountability laws and rules (T.C.A. § 49-13-111). If the Charter School is performing below standards, the Authorizer may review the academic program. The Charter School will notify the Authorizer of any material changes to the academic program that are a change from the Charter School’s Application, and the Authorizer will evaluate to determine if they are material changes to this Agreement. Any changes to the school structure shall be considered material to this Agreement and shall not be permitted unless a formal amendment to this Agreement is secured in advance according to the provisions outlined in T.C.A. § 49-13-110(d), Commission Rule 1185-01-01-.04, and this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, school structure shall be defined as the academic focus or goals of the Charter School and grade levels served.
Academic Program. A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements, as indicated below, SDSU will accept 49 technical course credits from the A.A.S. degree in Criminal Justice. Additional transferable system general education credits may be earned at WDT and may be transferred to SDSU. Students must meet all Board of Regents policies and university graduation requirements in order to receive a degree. B. Requirements to be completed at SDSU to earn a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in General Studies are outlined below. The general education coursework to meet South Dakota Regental System’s General Education Requirements (SGR) must also be completed as outlined below. This coursework may be taken at WDT if equivalent courses are available. Please note that BOR Policy 2.5 states, “Total transfer credit for work at two-year technical or community college may not exceed one-half of the hours required for completion of the baccalaureate degree at the accepting institution unless an approved program-specific waiver exists.” For this program, that number is 60 credits. 1. SGR Goal #1: Written Communication ENGL 201 Composition II (3 credits) 2. SGR Goal #2: Oral Communication (3 credits) 3. SGR Goal #4: Humanities and Arts/Diversity (6 credits in a sequence of foreign language courses) 4. SGR Goal #5: Mathematics (3 credits) 5. SGR Goal #6: Natural Sciences (6 credits) 1. GS 490, Capstone (3 credits) 2. Major electives (45 credits) a. 20 academic credits must be upper division
Academic Program. The Charter School shall operate the academic program in accordance with the charter agreement and academic state and federal law, including providing the same equivalent time of instruction as other public schools and complying with assessment and accountability laws and rules (T.C.A. §49-13-105).
Academic Program. A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements, as indicated below, SDSU will accept 48 technical course credits from the A.A.S. degree in Criminal Justice with a law enforcement emphasis. Additional transferable system general education credits may be earned at WDT and may be transferred to SDSU. Students must meet all Board of Regents policies and university graduation requirements in order to receive a degree. B. Requirements to be completed at SDSU to earn a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in General Studies are outlined below. The general education coursework to meet South Dakota Regental System’s General Education Requirements (SGR) must also be completed as outlined below. This coursework may be taken at WDT if equivalent courses are available. Please note that BOR Policy 2.5 states, “Total transfer credit for work at two-year technical or community college may not exceed one-half of the hours required for completion of the baccalaureate degree at the accepting institution unless an approved program-specific waiver exists.” For this program, that number is 60 credits.
Academic Program. The Charter School shall operate the academic program in DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKLV $JUHHPHQW WKH &KDUWHU 6FKRRO federal law, including providing at least the same equivalent time of instruction as other public
Academic Program. A.A. in General Studies a. Requirements to be completed to earn the A.A. in General Studies are the following: i. ENGL 101, Composition I, 3 credits ii. ENGL 201, Composition II, 3 credits iii. SPCM 101, Fundamentals of Speech, 3 credits iv. Mathematics, 3 credits v. Natural Sciences, 3-6 credits* vi. Social Sciences, 3-6 credits* vii. Humanities/Arts, 3-6 credits* viii. 0-6 elective credits to reach a total of 30 credits from outside of the Radiologic Technology curriculum. b. Pathway One: Reverse Articulation (complete the 30 credits from SDSU and then complete the Radiologic Technology program at Xxxxx XxXxxxxx School of Radiologic Technology. Transfer the RT program credits back to SDSU for completion of degree.) i. Student must meet admission requirements for AA degree. ii. Student will complete the required AA in General Studies degree courses through SDSU. Then, students will enter the Radiologic Technology program at Xxxxx XxXxxxxx School of Radiologic Technology. iii. Upon successful completion of the Radiologic Technology program, the student will transfer back to SDSU and submit the graduation application. At that time, SDSU will accept a block of 30 technical credits in transfer. iv. SDSU will waive the graduation requirement that 8 of the last 16 credits for the Associate’s degree be earned as institutional credit. v. Students must meet all other SD Board of Regents and university requirements in order to receive the degree. a. Students must meet the placement requirements in math, English and reading before enrolling in math and English courses. Placement in these courses is determined by ACT, SAT or ACCUPLACER. c. Pathway Two: Forward Articulation (complete the Radiologic Technology Program at Xxxxx XxXxxxxx and transfer to SDSU to complete the AA in General Studies.) i. Student must meet admission requirements for AA degree. ii. Upon successful completion of the requirements for the Radiologic Technology Program, students may transfer to SDSU to complete the AA in General Studies. At that time, SDSU will accept a block of 30 technical credits from the Radiologic Technology Program. Students must successfully complete the Radiologic Technology Program at Xxxxx XxXxxxxx prior to transferring to SDSU for the technical credits to be accepted. iii. Students will complete requirements for the AA in General Studies and any other general education or free elective requirements that remain unsatisfied. iv. Students must meet all SD Board of Regents ...
Academic Program. A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements specified in III, SDSU will accept 34 technical course credits as a block from the A.A.S. degree.
Academic Program. A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements specified in III. B below, Dakota State University will accept 24 technical course credits from the A.A.S. degree in Business Administration for students majoring in BBA (accounting, business technology, finance, management, marketing). Students must successfully complete the A.A.S. degree in Business Administration from SETC prior to transferring to Dakota State University for the technical course credits to be accepted. General Education coursework is in addition to the 24 technical course credits. Students must meet all Board or Regents policies and university graduation requirements in order to receive a degree. B. Requirements to be completed at Dakota State University to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (accounting, business technology, finance, management, marketing) are outlined below. BADM 220 Business Statistics (3 credits) BADM 310 Business Finance (3 credits) BADM 321 Business Statistics II (3 credits) BADM 344 Managerial Communications (3 credits) BADM 350 Legal Environment of Business (3 credits) BADM 360 Organization and Management (3 credits) BADM 405 International Trade and Finance (3 credits) BADM 425 Production and Operations Management (3 credits) BADM 482 Business Policy and Strategy (3 credits) CIS 325 Management Information Systems (3 credits) SOC 285 Society and Technology (3 credits) ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits) ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits) Choose one course from the following (3 credits) CIS 123 - Problem Solving and Programming (3 credits) CIS 130 - Visual Basic Programming (3 credits) CSC 150 - Computer Science I (3 credits) Choose three credits from the following (1 credit each): CIS 206 Advanced Applications: CIS 207 Advanced Applications: Spreadsheets CIS 208 Advanced Applications: Database CIS 209 Advanced Applications: SAS CIS 210 QuickBooks I The 30 credits must meet System General Education requirements and be selected from the approved list of courses specified in BOR policy 2:7. * Note: Transferable general education course credits can be completed at MTC.
Academic Program. 4.1. Prior to the placement of an exchange student at a host university, the Parties will have agreed upon the faculty, school, department and/or division at the host university in which the student is to study, and the appointment of an academic advisor. 4.2. To the extent that the level of language ability permits, an exchange student will have the same freedom of choice in selecting a course of study as that enjoyed by the regular student body at a host university. 4.3. At the end of each academic year, a host university will compile an academic transcript of the work undertaken by each exchange student at their university in that year, and will forward the completed transcript to the appropriate office at the student’s home university.