Controversial Material Sample Clauses
Controversial Material. Unit members shall be guaranteed full freedom in classroom presentations and discussions and may introduce politically, religiously, or otherwise controversial material, provided only that said material is relevant to the course content and is not disruptive to the educational process.
Controversial Material. Employees shall be allowed freedom in classroom presentations and discussions to introduce political, religious, or otherwise controversial material without bias or prejudice and without advocating personal views, provided that said material is directly relevant to the current classroom study as well as course content, and aligns with the District curriculum.
Controversial Material. Certified Professional Employees shall be allowed freedom in classroom presentations and discussions to introduce political, religious, or otherwise controversial material, without bias or prejudice and without advocating personal views, provided that said material is directly relevant to the current classroom study as well as course content and aligns with the District curriculum.
Controversial Material. Teachers shall be guaranteed full freedom in classroom presentations and discussions, and may introduce politically, religiously, or otherwise controversial material, provided only that said material is relevant to the course content.
Controversial Material. Faculty shall have the freedom to present and discuss political, religious, or otherwise controversial materials, provided the materials are relevant to the course content and appropriate to the grade level of the student and the teacher is licensed in and knowledgeable of the subject discussed. Lesson plans for any such controversial subject shall be personally called to the attention of the supervisor and submitted to the immediate supervisor on a form provided by the District, one week prior to their utilization in the classroom. Unless specific objections are noted by the department chairman or principal, the lesson plans shall be considered approved.
Controversial Material. Faculty shall have the freedom to present and discuss political, religious, or otherwise controversial materials, provided the materials are relevant to the course content and appropriate to the grade level of the student and the teacher is licensed in and knowledgeable of the subject discussed. Before beginning a new unit in the study of an obviously controversial topic, a teacher will communicate with the principal: (1) its appropriateness to the course; (2) its appropriateness for the students’ maturity level; (3) the approach to instruction; (4) the instructional materials to be used. The requirements of this section do not apply to any content covered under board-adopted standards or contained in district- approved curriculum. Unless specific objections are noted by the department chair or principal, the unit shall be considered approved.
Controversial Material. Freedom of communication and intellectual activity should be present in all educational systems. The systems should strive to provide an opportunity for students and teachers to gain information and the various points of view on controversial issues. The materials on controversial issues should be representative of various points of view, and a sincere effort made to select representative materials covering contrasting points of view.
Controversial Material. Filtering software will be installed to prevent access to inappropriate sites and visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors. This software may identify users who attempt to access such sites. However, on a global network it is impossible to control every piece of data and an industrious user may discover controversial material accidently. The school will also monitor the online activities of students, through direct observation and/or technological means, to insure that students are not accessing such depictions or any other material which is inappropriate for minors. It is the user’s responsibility NOT to initiate access to such material purposely. If such material is accessed accidentally, the student-user should notify a teacher/supervisor immediately to ensure such an accident does not happen again.
Controversial Material. Because it is impossible to fully control content of online data, users may encounter materials considered to be controversial, inappropriate and/or offensive. It is the user's responsibility not to initiate access to such material or to circumvent any filtering software. Any decision by Madison County School District to restrict access to Internet material shall not be deemed to impose any duty on Madison County School District to regulate the content of material on the Internet. The Madison County School District has implemented measures to be in compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act. Copyright. All users will respect the copyrights of works accessible through devices connected to the district network. Users may not install software on Madison County School District owned and operated devices without evidence of a valid software license. Duplication of copyrighted materials including music and software without the owner’s permission is illegal, and thus prohibited. Cyber-Bullying. Network users will not use the network or any device for hate mail, defamatory statements, statements intended to injure or humiliate others by disclosure of personal information (whether true or false), personal attacks on others, or statements expressing hostility towards any person or group by reason of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Equipment Use. All users have the same right to use district devices as assigned. Users should not waste or take supplies, such as paper, toner, ink, and network storage devices provided by and/or owned by the school district. Harassment. Harassment will result in cancellation of user privileges. Harassment is defined as the persistent annoyance of another user, or the interference with another user’s work. Harassment includes,
Controversial Material. 1. The parties agree that students should have the opportunity to study, investigate, and interpret facts and ideas concerning human society, the physical and biological world, and other branches of learning. The employee as an agent of the District has professional responsibility to present controversial facts and ideas in a manner that permits each student to examine all sides of each controversial issue.
2. The District assumes the responsibility of defending the employee against charges by lay persons who would challenge the employee’s presentation of controversial facts and ideas. Employees will be encouraged to make presentations of facts and ideas subject to accepted standards of professional responsibility with due regard to the maturity level of the student, District rules and policies and laws of the State of Oregon.