Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Borrower may in its sole and absolute discretion, subject only to the provisions of this Section 1.9, irrevocably accept or reject, in whole or in part, any Offer contained in a Bid. No later than 9:45 a.m. (Chicago time) on the proposed Borrowing Date, the Borrower shall give telephonic notice to the Agent of whether and to what extent it has decided to accept or reject any or all of the Offers contained in the Bids made in response to a Bid Loan Request, which notice shall be promptly confirmed by a telecopy or other form of facsimile communication to be received by the Agent on the proposed Borrowing Date; provided, however, that in the event any Offers are accepted (i) the Borrower shall accept Offers for any of the Interest Periods specified by the Borrower in its Bid Loan Request Confirmation solely on the basis of ascending interest rates for each such Interest Period, (ii) if the Borrower declines to borrow the maximum principal amount of Bid Loans in respect of which Offers at a particular interest rate for a particular Interest Period have been made, or is prevented from doing so by any other condition hereof, then the Borrower shall accept a pro rata portion of each such Offer, based as nearly as possible on the ratio of the maximum aggregate principal amounts of Bid Loans for which each such Offer was made by each Bank (provided that, if the available principal amount of Bid Loans to be so allocated is not sufficient to enable Bid Loans to be so allocated to each relevant Bank in integral multiples of $1,000,000, then the Borrower may round allocations up or down in integral multiples not less than $500,000 as it shall deem appropriate), (iii) the aggregate principal amount of all Offers accepted by the Borrower shall not exceed the maximum amount contained in the related Bid Loan Request Confirmation, and (iv) no Offer of a Bid Loan shall be accepted in a principal amount less than $5,000,000. Any telephonic notice given by the Borrower pursuant to this Section 1.9 shall be irrevocable and shall not be altered, modified, or in any other manner affected by any inconsistent terms contained in, or terms missing from, any written confirmation of such notice. Failure of the Borrower to accept an Offer in accordance with the provisions of this Section 1.9 shall constitute a rejection of such Offer.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept any bid, in whole or in part which it considers to serve the best interest of the City of Xxxxxx. All bids received by the Purchasing Department will be stamped in when received and said stamp shall indicate the time and date of receipt. All bids received will be publicly opened and read in the Purchasing Department at date and time shown above.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. 1. Unless otherwise specified, the Contract will be awarded to the most RESPONSIBLE and RESPONSIVE Vendor complying with the provisions of the Bid Documents, provided the Bid price is reasonable, does not exceed the funds available, and it is in the best interest of the County to accept it. The County reserves the right to reject the Bid Documents of any Vendor who has previously failed to perform properly in any way or complete on time contracts of a similar nature; or a Bid Document from a Vendor who, investigation shows, is not in a position to perform the Contract; or Bid Documents from any person, firm, or corporation which is in arrears or in default to the County for any debt or contract.
2. Completed Bid Documents from Vendors debarred from doing business with the State of Maryland or the Federal Government will not be accepted.
3. In determining a Vendor’s RESPONSIBILITY, the County may consider the following qualifications, in addition to price:
a. Ability, capacity, and skill to provide the commodities or services required within the specified time, including future maintenance and service, and including current financial statement or other evidence of pecuniary resources and necessary facilities.
b. Character, integrity, reputation, experience and efficiency.
c. Quality of past performance on previous or existing contracts, including a list of current and past contracts and other evidence of performance ability.
d. Previous and existing compliance with laws and ordinances relating to contracts with the County and to the Vendor’s employment practices.
e. Evidence of adequate insurance to comply with Contract terms and conditions.
f. Statement of current work load and capacity to perform/provide the Goods and/or Services.
g. Explanation of methods to be used in fulfilling the Contract.
h. The Vendor, if requested, will be prepared to supply evidence of its qualifications, listed above, and its capacity to provide/perform the Goods and/or Services; such evidence to be supplied within a specified time and to the satisfaction of the County.
4. In determining a Vendor’s RESPONSIVENESS, the County will consider whether the Bid Document conforms in all material respects to the Bid Documents. The County reserves the right to waive any irregularities that may be in its best interest to do so.
5. The County will have the right to reject any and all Bid Documents, where applicable to accept in whole or in part, to add or delete quantities, to waive any inf...
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Company (on its behalf or on behalf of PM, as appropriate) may in its sole and absolute discretion, subject only to the provisions of this Section 2.4, irrevocably accept or reject, in whole or in part, any Offer. No later than 9:45 a.m. (New York time) on the proposed Borrowing Date, the Company shall give telephonic notice to the Agent of whether and to what extent it has decided to accept or reject on its behalf or on behalf of PM (as appropriate) any or all of the Offers made in response to a Bid Loan Request, which notice shall be promptly confirmed by a telecopy or other form of facsimile
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Owner reserves the right to waive any non-material variances or irregularities in the bid process; to award the Contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, or to reject all bids.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids prior to award. The City reserves the right at its sole discretion to waive minor informalities or irregularities in the Bid. Reasonable efforts will be made to either award the Contract or reject all Bids within ninety (90) calendar days after Bid opening date. A Bidder may not withdraw its Bid unilaterally nor change the Bid amount (Adjustment Factors) before the expiration of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of bid opening. A Bidder may withdraw its Bid after the expiration of one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of Bid opening by delivering written notice of withdrawal to the Capital Improvements Program prior to award of the Contract by the City Commission. Once the City Commission approves the award, the Bid cannot be withdrawn under this Article.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The Borrower may in its sole and absolute discretion, subject only to the provisions of this Section, irrevocably accept or reject, in whole or in part, any Offer contained in a Bid. The Borrower shall give telecopy
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. MEDA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or all the bids and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the said action. • Any Bid with incomplete information is liable for rejection. • For each category of pre-qualification criteria, the documentary evidence is to be produced duly attested by the authorized representative of the bidder and serially numbered. If the documentary proof is not submitted for any/all criteria the Bid is liable for rejection. If any information given by the bidder is found to be false/ fictitious, the Bidder will be debarred for 3 years from participating in any other tenders of MEDA and will be black listed.
Acceptance or Rejection of Bids. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids prior to award. Reasonable efforts will be made to either award the Contract or reject all bids within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days aGer bid opening date. A Vendor may not withdraw its bid unilaterally nor change the Contract Price before the expiration of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the bid opening date. A Vendor may withdraw its bid aGer the expiration of one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the bid opening date by delivering written notice of withdrawal to the Purchasing Division prior to award of the Contract by the Board of County Commissioners or Director of Purchasing.