Access Channel. A video channel which the Licensee shall make available, without charge, for the purpose of transmitting programming by members of the public, Town departments and agencies, public schools, educational, institutional and similar organizations.
Access Channel. Any Channel on the Cable System set aside under this Agreement for public, educational, or government use in accordance with Applicable Law.
Access Channel. A non-commercial video channel which A-R Cable Partners shall make available, without charge, for the purpose of transmitting Programming by members of the public, Town departments and agencies, public schools, educational, institutional and similar organizations.
Access Channel. The use of one or more video channel(s) owned by the Franchisee and made available to the City of Dover without charge, for the purpose of transmitting governmental and educational Access Programming to Subscribers.
Access Channel. One or more Channels which the Franchisee shall make available to the City of Rochester for the purpose of transmitting Access Programming.
Access Channel. A video channel which MediaOne shall make available to the Town of Southwick, without charge, for the purpose of transmitting non-commercial programming by members of the public, Town departments and agencies, public schools, educational, institutional and similar organizations.
Access Channel. A channel which Franchisee makes available to the Town for the purpose of transmitting Access Programming.
Access Channel. (a) Franchisee shall provide three (3) Access Channels during the term of this Renewal Franchise. One (1) Access Channel shall be available on the Effective Date. The second Access Channel shall be made available at the same time as the activation of the new origination locations described in Section 6.1 above.
(b) On or at any time after the third (3rd) anniversary of the Effective Date of this Renewal Franchise, the Franchising Authority shall have the right to the use of a third Access Channel. In order to obtain said third Access Channel, the Franchising Authority shall provide written notice to the Franchisee that each of the two (2) existing Access Channels have been programmed with locally produced, non-duplicated, non-character generated programming, for twelve (12) hours per day, six (6) days per week, during the available cablecast hours for the previous nine (9) months, and that there is a need for a third Access Channel in order to provide additional programming for the benefit of City Subscribers during available cablecast hours. The Franchising Authority shall provide documentation to verify such programming, including, but not be limited to, program logs that list (i) program titles, (ii) length of program and (iii) whether the program is original or repeat.
(c) In the notification to the Franchisee, the Franchising Authority shall state, in good faith, that such a third Access Channel (i) will be substantially programmed with non-duplicated, locally produced, non-character generated programming; and (ii) is necessary to accomplish the stated Access Programming goals of the City. Such a third Access Channel will not be used simply to repeat Access Programming that is already carried on the other two (2) Access Channels, but will be used to carry substantially new locally produced Access Programming. The Franchising Authority agrees that such a third Access Channel shall not be utilized solely to carry character-generated messages; provided, however, that the City may use said third Access Channel to carry character-generated messages along with other new locally produced Access Programming. For purposes of Sections 6.2(b) and 6.2(c), “available cablecast hours” shall mean the hours between 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Access Channel. The City, pursuant to its Franchise Agreements, shall allocate Access Channels for public purposes at its sole discretion. Prior to allocating additional Access Channels, Access Manager shall provide a business plan to the City for its approval which shall demonstrate sufficient demand for an additional channel, sufficient funding for operations to cover the costs associated with operating a second channel, and other relevant information pertaining to the operation of an additional channel. Access Manager may not prohibit Access to the Channel(s) by non-commercial Programmers and non-revenue-producing Programming except to the extent authorized by 47 U.S.C. 532(h), as it may from time to time be amended, or to the extent otherwise provided by law, regulations or administrative rulings promulgated thereunder. Access to the Channel(s) may be temporarily prohibited pursuant to rules, policies and procedures established by Access Manager.