ACCESS TO AND USE OF PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. 1. Each Party shall ensure that service suppliers of the other Party have access to and use of any public telecommunications service, including leased circuits, offered in its territory or across its borders, on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including as set out in paragraphs 2 through 4.
ACCESS TO AND USE OF PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. 1. Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of another Party have access to and use of any public telecommunications service, including leased circuits, offered in its territory or across its 1 For greater certainty, this Article does not prohibit any Party from requiring an enterprise to obtain a license, concession, or other type of authorization to supply any public telecommunications service within its territory. borders, on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including as set out in paragraphs 2 through 6. 2. Each Party shall ensure that such enterprises are permitted to: (a) purchase or lease, and attach terminal or other equipment that interfaces with a public telecommunications network; (b) provide services to individual or multiple end-users over leased or owned circuits; (c) connect owned or leased circuits with public telecommunications networks and services in the territory, or across the borders, of that Party or with circuits leased or owned by another person; (d) perform switching, signaling, processing, and conversion functions; and (e) use operating protocols of their choice. 3. Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of another Party may use public telecommunications services for the movement of information in its territory or across its borders and for access to information contained in databases or otherwise stored in machine-readable form in the territory of any Party. 4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, a Party may take such measures as are necessary to: (a) ensure the security and confidentiality of messages; or (b) protect the privacy of non-public personal data of subscribers to public telecommunications services, provided that such measures are not applied in a manner that would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or disguised restriction on trade in services. 5. Each Party shall ensure that no condition is imposed on access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services, other than that necessary to: (a) safeguard the public service responsibilities of suppliers of public telecommunications networks or services, in particular their ability to make their networks or services available to the public generally; or (b) protect the technical integrity of public telecommunications networks or services. 6. Provided that conditions for access to and use of public telecommunications networks or services satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 5, such conditions may include: (a) ...