Accessible Sample Clauses

Accessible when used with respect to a Housing Unit or a Housing Development, means and refers to full compliance with the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for purposes of Section 504 and the ADA.
Accessible. Is resource viewable from a public thoroughfare?
Accessible. We use the words “accessible,” “access” and “ac- cessibility” to reference 1) how we may provide and you may re- view and obtain paper or electronically-managed documents and the information that pertains to products and services with us, and
Accessible. You will support consumers in accessing your services by the physical design of your facilities. You will make specific provision for consumers with a mobility, sensory or communication disability available and known to consumer. You will make services available to deaf people through the provision of interpreters and devices to assist communication.
Accessible. ADA-compliant and conforming to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, as applicable.
Accessible. All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be considered a matter of record and part of the Team’s records. Whenever possible, include another coach or parent in the communication so that there is no question regarding accessibility.
Accessible. We use the words “accessible,” “access” and “acces- sibility” to reference 1) how we may provide and you may review and obtain paper or electronically-managed documents and the information that pertains to products and services with us, and 2) how you may start and use a product or service as we allow.
Accessible. The website must adhere to section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended by Congress in 1998 (xxxx:// and to the “Priority 1accessibility guidelines set by the W3C (xxxx:// The VOP is committed to providing high accessibility to the information and functionality available on our website. Accessibility in this context encompasses design principles that accommodate site users with varying physical abilities, educational achievement, cultural backgrounds, technical knowledge and access to technology.
Accessible. Can be approached or entered by the inspector safely, without difficulty, fear or danger.
Accessible. Just ask @TellMe and get instant access to all the must-have information for your company. • Bot Framework- @TELLME 365 is built using the Microsoft bot framework. • User Friendly- Simple and Intuitive with no training required for easy adoption. • Powerful Insights- Powerful Insights about usage such as last login with location map. • Mobile Accessible - Ask @TELLME 365 requests from the Microsoft Teams Mobile App. • Eliminate Wasted Resources And Boost Productivity. • Simple To Install, No Training Required. • Save Time And Money In BOT Development Costs. How to Install from Teams Store‌ The TELLME BOT can be installed via the Microsoft Teams App store. Go to Teams store and search for the TELLME. If the user is not allowed to install the app from teams store, then they should contact the Teams administrator/Global Tenant administrator. You can install TellMe to a Team and stand alone App. When installed into a Team / Channel you can call @TellMe to initiate your request. TELLME is licensed based on the amount of requests to the BOT per month. It is not based on Users. Please visit xxxxx:// for all license options. We offer a Free Trial for 1 month / 100 Requests per Organization / Tenant. *A license is required to use a custom Knowledge Base (powered by QnA maker services). <-> Who is USER <-> Find availability of USER (and schedule meetings) <-> What are upcoming meetings for USER <-> What are previous DAY or WEEK meetings for USER <-> What are upcoming meetings for USER starting with TITLE <-> What are previous DAY or WEEK meetings for USER starting with TITLE <-> Find expert by JOB TITLE or DEPARTMENT <-> When did USER last login <-> What knowledge pack is configured <-> Cancel request