Examples of Microsoft Teams in a sentence
The College now delivers Counselling using Microsoft Teams or email, depending on student circumstances, or in person.
Regular Wellbeing team meetings using Microsoft Teams have facilitated and refined processes.
A Preferred Name Working Group involves partners from across the College to enable processes for trans students to have an inclusive and suitable way of changing their display name on Microsoft Teams as well as on student cards, funding applications and course work.
ECSA create Equalities groups at the beginning of the academic year to initially run-on Microsoft Teams and grow into truly student-led groups.
Comprehensive feedback was also provided by Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) after this survey, following the Student Rep conferences, all additional comments made by students were analysed in a thematic manner and the following categories emerged, each of which have been facilitated for lecturers and managers online through the self-evaluation portal on Microsoft Teams.
The recording of Microsoft Teams communications pursuant to the Service Agreement between Oak Innovation Limited and the Data Controller.