Activities Completed Sample Clauses

Activities Completed. Initiated and Ongoing Activities
Activities Completed. Major Activities Planned but Not Completed Since Last Monthly Progress Report
Activities Completed. Reassessment of the replacement and scale of telemetry units in BEP program assets. • Individual BEP Operator and site analysis. • Identification of statewide procurement resource. • BEP website updated. Travel $21,465.60 $18,879.60 $2,586.00 Payroll $191,880.97 $204,755.91 ($12,874.94) Operations $30,153.75 $25,668.70 $4,485.05 Office/Warehouse $34,197.12 $35,497.56 ($1,300.44) Training /Site Development $1,909.62 $6,544.00 ($4,634.38) $279,607.06 $291,345.76 ($11,738.71) Notes: • Travel - Projected higher based on the beginning of the asset management restructuring review and implementation. Also, we are anticipating a millage rate increase due to the current gas prices. • Payroll - Reduction due to increased operational efficiencies • Training/Site Development - Reduction due to the pilot program with DOR micro market coming to either continuing with a BEP operator or restructuring back to traditional vending. • Operations - Increase due to intangible goods cost rising • Office/Warehouse - Reduction to utility cost and garbage frequency pickup • Training/Site Development - Reduction due to the DOR micro market pilot being resolved RSVW Comments: As we all know, the changes to RSA capitalization guidance are possibly changing our approach to location upgrades or reduction of assets will continue to be a challenge, but we are confident we can overcome these challenges and continue to rebuild the Wisconsin Business Enterprise
Activities Completed. Purchase test equipment required to produce and evaluate fruit xxxxxx. (b.) Make adjustments in methods based on researcher and industry recommendations from year one. A complete report is submitted by Xxxxxxxx Xxx in ATTACHMENT A Objective 3: Publish a technical report, and mail to the fruit growers and vintners of Missouri. Activity completed The purpose of this portion of the project was to continue to improve the method used to produce quality distillates of fruit xxxxxx, and determine which varieties of fruit showed the most promise as a fruit xxxxxx. Two types of distillates were studied, distillates that produce high quality sipping brandies and tail-cut distillates that were redistilled. Fruits grown at the State Fruit Experiment station were used for this project. Each variety of fruit was mashed and fermented to dryness. No microbial antiseptics such as sulfur dioxide were added to the mash throughout or following fermentation. Lalvin V1116 yeast, diammonium phosphate and Fermaid nutrients, and hemicellulose enzymes were added to aid fermentation. Analysis for percent titratable acidity, pH, and sugar content as ºBrix was conducted pre- fermentation, and percent ethanol content was conducted post-fermentation. Only one variety of peaches, Red Haven, was available for fermentation this season. Four varieties of apples, Jonathon, Gayla, Red Delicious, and Ozark Gold were fermented as varietal batches. Three batches of mixed apples were fermented. Since fruit quality has an effect on the fermentation, which in-turn affects the distillates produced, fruit quality was documented 1. The fruit quality determination was based on the presence of bruises, molds, fungi, and the extent of insect damage in pits or cores.
Activities Completed. Visit distilleries in other states and countries to talk with experts about specific techniques necessary for the production and evaluation of quality xxxxxx products.
Activities Completed. Give presentations that help growers and vintners learn first hand about what is involved in the operations of a distillery.
Activities Completed. I hereby certify that this is a duly claimed per diem request. Teacher’s Signature Date I hereby certify that the above certificated staff member has, in consultation with me, planned and completed the above-described per diem activities. The above claim is a just and due obligation of the District. Principal’s Signature Date I would like this claim paid in my check. APPENDIX I H - SEVEN (7) TESTS OF JUST CAUSE A “no” answer to one or more of the questions may mean that just cause either was not satisfied or at least was seriously weakened in that some arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory element was present.
Activities Completed. Reassessment of the replacement and scale of telemetry units in BEP program assets.
Activities Completed. I hereby certify that this is a duly claimed per diem request. I hereby certify that the above certificated staff member has, in consultation with me, planned and completed the above-described per diem activities. The above claim is a just and due obligation of the District. I would like this claim paid in my check.
Activities Completed. For 2017-2018 year forward “Optional Per Diem Day #8 is available only after assurance of receiving federal forest funds or other revenue sources. I hereby certify that this is a duly claimed per diem request. I hereby certify that the above certificated staff member has, in consultation with me, planned and completed the above-described per diem activities. The above claim is a just and due obligation of the District. I would like this claim paid in my check.