Additional Living Expenses. If the Residence Premises insured become uninhabitable because of damage caused by a peril insured against, we provide the following coverage:
Additional Living Expenses if an insured peril makes your mobile home unfit for occupancy, or you have to move out while repairs are being made, we insure any necessary increase in living expenses, including moving expenses incurred by you, so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living. Payment shall be for the reasonable time required to repair or replace your mobile home or, if you permanently relocate, the reasonable time for your household to settle elsewhere.
Additional Living Expenses. Mass Evacuation
Additional Living Expenses. If the insured premises are made unfit for occupancy for more than one month, covered expenses will be paid on a monthly basis upon submission of reasonable proof of the insured's expenses.
Additional Living Expenses if an insured peril makes your tiny or mini home unfit for occupancy, or you have to move out while repairs are being made, we insure any necessary increase in living expenses, including moving expenses incurred by you, so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living. Payment shall be for the reasonable time required to repair or replace your tiny or mini home or, if you permanently relocate, the reasonable time for your household to settle elsewhere.
Additional Living Expenses. The Corporation agrees, in the event of
Additional Living Expenses. If, as a result of damage by an Insured Peril, your dwelling is unfit for occupancy or you have to move out while repairs of insured damage are being made, we insure any necessary increase in living expenses, including moving expenses, incurred by you so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living. Payment shall be for the reasonable time required to repair or rebuild your dwelling or, if permanently relocate, the reasonable time required your household to settle elsewhere.
Additional Living Expenses. At the option of the Insured, a maximum limit of insurance as specified on the “Declaration Page(s)” may, in the event that loss or damage by an insured peril renders your private dwelling unit unfit for occupancy, be applied to insure the necessary increase in living expense (together with moving expense if necessary of household furniture and personal effects) incurred by the Insured to continue as nearly as practicable the normal standard of living of the Insured for the applicable period described in (a) or (b) below:
(a) the time required, with exercise of due diligence and dispatch to repair or replace such damaged or destroyed property;
(b) the time required for the Insured’s household to become settled in permanent quarters. The Insurer, under this extension, shall also be liable for the period of time, not exceeding four (4) weeks, while access to the premises is prohibited by order of civil authority, or due to Forest Fire or High Fire Hazard or as a direct result of damage to neighbouring premises by another peril insured against. The periods described above shall not be limited by the expiration of this policy.
Additional Living Expenses. Coverage Limit As per selected Coverage Option
Additional Living Expenses. If a loss covered under this section makes the residence premises uninhabitable, we cover any necessary increase in living expenses incurred by you so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living (up to 20% of the limit of liability for Coverage A).