ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. Objective: 3.1 Lesson planning and preparation Definition: Teachers are expected to prepare written plans appropriate to the subjects assigned.
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ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. (A) The teacher makes knowledge accessible to all students based on the recognition of individual differences and employs effective practices with diverse groups.
ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES a. A long-range class plan reflects the vision and priorities of the school/district. b. Daily instructional plans align objectives, strategies, and assessments with student needs. 4. Establishment and Maintenance of Suitable Learning Environment: a. High expectations are direct, specific, repeated, positive, modeled, and tenacious. b. There are indicators of trust, caring, respect, fairness, courtesy, and humor among students and adults. c. Classroom space, time, and routines. An Assistance Plan is: ( ) Not Required ( ) Teacher Requested ( ) Required* *Documentation Attached Teacher’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature EVALUATION SUMMARY School Year: FORM I-A Page 2 of 2 Teacher School Grade(s) Program/Subject Check One: ( ) Permanent ( ) Probationary ( Year 1/ Year 2) ( )Temporary COMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Dates of Observations: Dates of Conferences: Evaluator’s Signature Title Date Teacher’s Signature* Position Grade/Subject Date THIS FORM WILL BECOME PART OF THE TEACHER’S PERSONNEL FILE. THE TEACHER HAS THE RIGHT TO RESPOND IN WRITING AND TO HAVE THAT RESPONSE ATTACHED TO THE EVALUATION. *Signature of receipt only; does not imply agreement.
ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. A) The teacher makes knowledge accessible to all students based on the recognition of individual differences and employs effective practices with diverse groups. B) The teacher is in command of his/her subject(s), understands the relevant information and central organizing concepts when planning short and long-term objectives and goals. C) The teacher plans for instruction, adheres to District curricula/standards and the State frameworks, and maintains a balanced instructional schedule. Element Level of Performance Progress Not Evident Progress Evident Meets Standards Proficient Distinguished (comments only) Knowledge of characteristics of age group. Teacher demonstrates minimal knowledge of developmental characteristics of age group. Teacher demonstrates generally accurate knowledge of developmental characteristics of age group. Teacher demonstrates understanding of typical developmental characteristics of age group as well as exceptions to general patterns. Teacher demonstrates thorough understanding of typical developmental characteristics of age group, exceptions to the patterns, and the extent to which each student follows patterns. Knowledge of students’ varied approaches to learning. Teacher is unfamiliar with the different learning styles exhibited by students, such as modalities and different “intelligences.” Teacher demonstrates general understanding of the different learning styles that students exhibit. Teacher demonstrates solid understanding of the different learning styles that different students exhibit. Teacher uses, where appropriate, knowledge of students’ varied learning styles in instructional planning. Knowledge of students’ skills and knowledge. Teacher demonstrates lack of understanding of students’ skills and knowledge and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students’ skills and knowledge but demonstrates this knowledge for the class only as a whole. Teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge of students’ skills and knowledge for groups of students, including those with special needs, and recognizes the value of this knowledge. Teacher demonstrates thorough understanding of students’ skills and knowledge for each student. Knowledge of students’ interests and cultural heritage. Teacher demonstrates lack of knowledge of students’ interests or cultural heritage and does not indicate that such knowledge is valuable. Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students’ interes...
ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. A) The teacher makes knowledge accessible to all students based on the recognition of individual differences and employs effective practices with diverse groups. B) The teacher is in command of his/her subject(s), understands the relevant information and central organizing concepts when planning short and long-term objectives and goals. C) The teacher plans for instruction, adheres to District curricula/standards and the State frameworks, and maintains a balanced instructional schedule. Element Level of Performance Progress Not Evident Progress Evident Meets Standards Proficient Distinguished (comments only) High expectations for students. Goals are not valuable and represent low expectations or do not reflect important learning. Goals are moderately valuable with minimal expectations. Goals are valuable with high expectations and reflect important learning. Not only are goals valuable, but teacher can also clearly articulate how goals establish high expectations and relate to curriculum frameworks and standards. Clear goals. Goals are either not clear or are stated as student activities. Goals do not permit viable methods of assessment. Goals are only moderately clear or include a combination of goals and activities. Some goals do not permit viable methods of assessment. Most of the goals are clear but may include a few activities. Most permit viable methods of assessment. Goals are clear, written in the form of student learning, and permit viable methods of assessment. Suitability for diverse students. Goals are not suitable for the class. Goals are generally suitable for most students in the class. Goals are suitable for students in the class. Goals take into account the varying learning needs of individual students or groups. Instructional materials and resources. Materials and resources do not support the instructional goals or engage students in meaningful learning. Some of the materials and resources support the instructional goals, and some engage students in meaningful learning. Materials and resources support the instructional goals, and engage students in meaningful learning. Materials and resources support the instructional goals, and engage students in meaningful learning. There is evidence of student participation in selecting or adapting materials. Willows Unified School District Supporting Rubric
ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. A) The teacher makes knowledge accessible to all students based on the recognition of individual differences and employs effective practices with diverse groups. B) The teacher is in command of his/her subject(s), understands the relevant information and central organizing concepts when planning short and long-term objectives and goals. C) The teacher plans for instruction, adheres to District curricula/standards and the State frameworks, and maintains a balanced instructional schedule. Element Level of Performance Progress Not Evident Progress Evident Meets Standards Proficient Distinguished (comments only) Lesson and unit structure. The lesson or unit has no clearly defined structure. Time allocations are nonexistent or unrealistic. The lesson or unit has a recognizable structure, although the structure is not uniformly maintained throughout. Most time allocations are reasonable. The lesson or unit has a clearly defined structure around which activities are organized. Time allocations are reasonable. The structure of the lesson or unit is clear and allows for different pathways according to student needs. Resources for teaching. Teacher is unaware of resources available through the school or district. Teacher demonstrates limited awareness of resources available through the school or district. Teacher is fully aware of all resources available through the school or district. In addition to being aware of school and district resources, teacher actively seeks other materials to enhance instruction, for example, from professional organizations or through the community. Resources for students. Teacher is unaware of resources available to assist students who need them. Teacher demonstrates limited awareness of resources available through the school or district. Teacher is fully aware of resources available through the school or district and knows how to gain access for students. In addition to being aware of school and district resources, teacher is aware of additional resources available through the community and knows how to gain access for students. Willows Unified School District Supporting Rubric
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ADHERENCE TO CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES. DN PE MS a, The teacher makes knowledge accessible to all students based on the recognition of individual differences and employs effective practices with diverse groups.
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