Account Reporting Information Italian residents who, at any time during the fiscal year, hold foreign financial assets (including cash and shares of Common Stock) which may generate income taxable in Italy are required to report these assets on their annual tax returns (UNICO Form, RW Schedule) for the year during which the assets are held, or on a special form if no tax return is due. These reporting obligations will also apply to Italian residents who are the beneficial owners of foreign financial assets under Italian money laundering provisions.
Diversity Reporting Upon request, the Contractor will report to the Department its spend with business enterprises certified by the OSD. These reports must include the time period covered, the name and Federal Employer Identification Number of each business enterprise utilized during the period, commodities and contractual services provided by the business enterprise, and the amount paid to the business enterprise on behalf of each agency purchasing under the Contract.
Monthly Reporting Within twenty (20) calendar days following the end of each calendar month, Registry Operator shall deliver to ICANN reports in the format set forth in Specification 3 attached hereto (“Specification 3”).
Other Reporting Upon request, the School shall provide the Commission any other information determined by the Commission to be relevant to any term or condition of this Contract.
Information Reporting We may report your performance under this Agreement to credit reporting agencies, including your failure to make minimum payments on time. A negative credit report may significantly harm your ability to obtain credit from other sources. We may also obtain follow-up credit reports on you (for example, when we review your Account for a credit line increase). We may exchange information about you or your Account with our affiliates, and, to the extent permitted by law, with other third parties. However, if you prefer that we not share such information with our affiliate companies, just call us at (000) 000-0000 or outside the Albuquerque area, 0-000-000-0000. You may also write to us at Nusenda Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 8530, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198. Closing Your Account. You may close your Account at any time by notifying us in writing. However, you remain responsible to pay the balance according to the terms of this Agreement. We may close your Account or suspend your Account privileges at any time without prior notice. We may also reissue a different Card, Account number, or different checks at any time. You must return the Card or the checks to us upon request. Lost or Stolen Cards. If any Card, Account Number or PIN is lost or stolen, or if you think someone used or may use them without your permission, notify us at once by calling the telephone number shown on the billing statement or by calling 0-000-000-0000. We may require you to provide certain information in writing to help us find out what happened. Do not use the Card after we've been notified, even if it is found or returned. You will not be liable for any unauthorized purchases or cash advances made after we've been notified of the loss or the theft; however, you must identify for us the charges on the billing statement that were not made by you or someone authorized by you, and from which you received no benefit. Credit Authorizations. We are not responsible if we do not approve a purchase or cash advance on your Account, or if a third party refuses to accept or honor the Card, even if you have sufficient credit available. We may limit the number of purchases or cash advances which may be approved in one day. If we detect unusual or suspicious activity on your Account, we may temporarily suspend your credit privileges until we can verify the activity. We may approve purchases or cash advances that cause the balance to exceed your credit line without waiving any of our rights under the Agreement. Waiver. Our failure to exercise, or our delay in exercising any of our rights under this Agreement for any reason does not mean that we will be unable to exercise these rights later.
Sales Reporting Requirements This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. By submitting this proposal, Vendor certifies that Vendor will properly report all TIPS sales. With the exception of TIPS Automated Vendors, who have signed an exclusive agreement with TIPS regarding reporting, all TIPS Sales must be reported to TIPS by either: (1) Emailing the purchase order or similar purchase document (with Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and the TIPS Contract Name and Number included) to TIPS at with “Confirmation Only” in the subject line of the email within three business days of Vendor’s acceptance of the order, or; (2) Within 3 business days of the order being accepted by Vendor, Vendor must login to the TIPS Vendor Portal and successfully self-report all necessary sale information within the Vendor Portal and confirm that it shows up accurately on your current Vendor Portal statement. No other method of reporting is acceptable unless agreed to by the Parties in writing. Failure to report all sales pursuant to this provision may result in immediate cancellation of Vendor’s TIPS Contract(s) for cause at TIPS’ sole discretion.
Billing Information 6.1 NLT and the RL shall provide each other with information within their possession that is necessary to allow them to provide accurate and timely billing to each other and to any other relevant third parties.
Management Reporting (a) Provide periodic reports, in accordance with agreed upon frequency and content parameters, to the Funds. As reasonably requested by the Funds, the Transfer Agent shall furnish ad hoc reports to the Funds.
Quarterly Reporting If reporting is on a quarterly basis, the AGENCY shall submit to the Orange County Citizens’ Commission for Children a complete, accurate, and programmatic Quarterly Report, in a format as provided by the COUNTY, on or before the 10th of the month following the close of the quarter, as well as supporting documentation. The Quarterly Reports shall, if applicable to the Scope of Work in Attachment “A”, list “Units of Service” provided (i.e.: hourly, per session, etc.) and/or any other pertinent outcome measurements outlined in Attachment “A”.
CONTRACT SALES REPORTING Contractor shall report total contract sales quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below.