After Hours Service - Casual Employees Sample Clauses

After Hours Service - Casual Employees a) Persons providing After Hours Service shall cover the after- hour time periods of: i) 4:30 p.m. through 8:30 a.m. the following day, Monday to Thursd ay inclusi ve (week nights ); ii) 4:30 p.m. Friday through 8:30 a.m. Monday (weekends); iii) paid holiday coverage; and
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Related to After Hours Service - Casual Employees

  • School Year Employees All hourly employees compensated under “Hourly Schedule A” and regularly employed for the hours in that position considered full time by the Employer for the school year.

  • Hour Employees When a death occurs to a spouse or child of a full-time employee who works a seven and one-half (7.5) hour day, the employee will be granted a leave of absence and will be paid seven and one-half (7.5) hours at her/his regular rate of pay for up to five (5) consecutive scheduled working days in the six (6) calendar day period beginning with the date of death. Time paid for while on bereavement leave will count as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime. A full-time nurse who works a seven and one-half (7.5) hour day shall be granted three (3) consecutive working days off without loss of regular pay for scheduled hours, in conjunction with the day of the funeral for other members of her or his immediate family, namely, parents, brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandparent of spouse or grandchild.

  • Cyclic Year Employment The Employer may fill a position with a cyclic year appointment for positions scheduled to work less than twelve (12) full months each year, due to known, recurring periods in the annual cycle when the position is not needed. At least fifteen (15) days before the start of each annual cycle, incumbents of cyclic year positions will be informed, in writing, of their scheduled periods of leave without pay in the ensuing cycle. Such periods of leave without pay will not constitute a break in service. When additional work is required of a cyclic position during a period for which the position was scheduled for leave without pay, the temporary work will be offered to the incumbent. The incumbent will be allowed at least three (3) working days in which to accept or decline the offer. Should the incumbent decline the work, it will be offered to other cyclic employees, in the same classification, with the necessary skills and abilities, in order of seniority, before being filled by other means.

  • Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2

  • Leave of Absence for Employees Who Serve as Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association An employee who serves as Local Coordinator for the Ontario Nurses' Association shall be granted leave of absence without pay up to a total of thirty-five (35) days annually. Leave of absence for Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association will be separate from the Union leave provided in (a) above.

  • Per Diem Employees Section 1. A per diem employee is one that works on a day-to-day basis in accordance with the provisions of this article. Per diem employees will not be guaranteed to work a specific number of hours or a specific number of shifts per time block.

  • Excluded Employees Employees excluded from the bargaining unit who work for an Employer signatory to this Agreement may participate in any of the foregoing benefits under rules and regulations established by the Trustees. The trustees shall determine the contributions required for such benefits.

  • DNR Employees An employee of the Department of Natural Resources may meet the basic eligibility requirement for participation in the Group Insurance Program based on a combination of seasonal and temporary project employment. Eligibility commences after completion of three (3) years of continuous service in which the basic eligibility requirements are met; continues until the employee completes a year in which the basic eligibility requirements are not met; and commences again after the employee meets or is anticipated to meet the basic eligibility requirements in one (1) year.

  • Contractor Employees 10.1 Details of any individuals employed by contractors working in the school.

  • Non-Vested Retirement Gratuity for Teachers 1. The minimum years of service for retirement gratuity shall be defined as the lesser of the contractual minimal service requirement in the 2008-2012 collective agreement, or ten (10) years.

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