Monday to. Friday Shift Worker means an employee whose ordinary hours of work may be worked Monday to Friday at any time between 12:00am Monday and 11:59pm Friday.
Monday to. Friday from 1800 to 0800 the following morning; Saturday from 1200 to 0800 the following morning, and Sunday/Public Holidays from 0800 to 0800 the following morning.
Monday to. Friday Employees shall be entitled to 4 weeks of annual leave for each year of service, which shall accrue on the basis of the ordinary hours of work described in clause 18.29 (4 weeks at 42 hours, 168 hours in total) and which accrues from year to year. Payment for annual leave shall be at the applicable Monday to Friday Day Shift Rate.
Monday to a.m. Tuesday
Monday to. FRIDAY ROSTER Employees may be deployed on the following Monday to Friday rosters: 5 x 8 hrs fixed or rotating (Appendix 2.1) 5 x 9 hrs fixed or rotating 5 x 9 hrs 20 mins fixed dayshift 4 x 11 hrs fixed dayshift 4 x 12 hrs fixed dayshift or rotating (maximum 3 consecutive nightshifts) 10 x 12 hrs rotating roster over a 3 week cycle
Monday to. Friday (1) Employees shall accrue leave flexitime for hours worked within the spread of ordinary hours, as per clause 16.4.5, and leave in lieu for hours worked before 7:00am or after 7:00pm. Leave in lieu will be accrued at the rate of actual hours worked. If leave in lieu is not taken it will be paid to the employee on termination of employment at the applicable overtime rate of pay as prescribed in clause 13.1.1.
Monday to. Friday (Inclusive) Ordinary working hours means 7.78 hours per day and time worked in excess of 7.78 hours in any day Monday to Friday or prior to or after the spread of ordinary hours shall be paid for at the rate of double time.
Monday to. Friday (inclusive) am to pm Meal intervals will be from to Other breaks: from to
Monday to. Friday - after eight (8) hours overtime at time and one-half (1 ½).