a) The Company authorises and agrees to employees attending a single mass meeting annually, hosted by the Union, during normal working hours without loss of pay of not more than 3 hours duration to discuss the operation of the Agreement. Employees shall be released from work no earlier than 11.30am unless otherwise agreed by the Company.
b) Travel to and from the meeting and the actual meeting time shall be covered by the 3 hours pay.
c) The company will be provided with 30 days’ notice of the date and location of the meeting and the time employees will be required to leave site to attend the meeting.
d) The company may elect to provide the Union with a list of all employees eligible to attend the paid meeting for the purposes of confirming attendance at the meeting at least 5 business days in advance of the meeting date. Where the company elects to provide the Union a list of all employees eligible to attend the paid meeting, the Union shall provide a completed list of attendees to the company within 5 business days of the meeting date.