AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. This document is referred to as an Agreement or Contract between EOHHS and the Contractor.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. The written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between Owner and Contractor covering the Work.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. The entire and integrated written agreement, and all incorporated documents, between Owner and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, whether written or oral.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. This Agreement and all referenced Appendices to this Agreement, and all applicable City Ordinances and Mandatory City Requirements that are specifically incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. This Agreement and all referenced Exhibits to this Agreement, including the Modification for construction services and any other Amendments. Award: Authorization by resolution of the SFMTA Board of Directors for the Director of Transportation to execute the Contract with the selected proposer. Certification: Certification by the Controller that funds necessary to make payments as required under the contract are available in accordance with the City's Charter. City: City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation. Contract Compliance Office (CCO): The SFMTA office that administers compliance with federal regulations governing the Disadvantaged Business Enterprises/Equal Employment and Non-Discrimination Programs, in addition to the SFMTA Small Business Enterprise Program and the City’s Local Business Enterprise/Non- Discrimination Program. . Contractor or CM/GC: [insert name of contractor] Controller: Controller of the City. Core Subcontractors: Subcontractors that are part of the CM/GC & CS Team (as specified in the CM/GC’s Proposal) in the following trades: paving, overhead contact system, sewer and water main replacement, and traffic control
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. The agreement between the District and Design/Builder contained in the Contract Documents.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. The Annual Energy Cost Avoidance Agreement.
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT refers to the executed contract between Owner and Design- Builder under either DBIA Document No. 535, Standard Form of General Conditions of Contract Between Owner and Design-Builder (2010 Edition) or DBIA Document No. 545, Progressive Design-Build Agreement for Water and Wastewater Projects (2016 Edition).
AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. Agreement or contract means this Agreement between COUNTY and PROVIDER for professional services, including those schedules included in this Agreement. To the extent there are any conflicts between this Agreement and any schedules the provisions of this Agreement shall control.