Animal experimentation. Where the Institution conducts experiments involving the use of animals, such shall be, and experimental animals shall be housed, maintained and controlled, in accordance with all current applicable guidelines. The Institution shall ensure that the Project is acceptable to the appropriate ethics committee of the Institution, as shall intended variations, with ethical implications, to any already approved research protocol. Where the Project involves the use of inbred strains of animals, the Institution must confirm that the genetic authenticity of such animal colonies has been checked at appropriate intervals.
Animal experimentation. Experiments involving the use of animals shall be conducted, and experimental animals shall be housed, maintained and controlled, in accordance with the current 'Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes' and any additional policy statements adopted by the NHMRC. Approval shall be obtained from the relevant Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) before commencement of the Project, and shall be maintained for the duration of the Project and reobtained if required for the duration of the Project. Institutions and AECs shall be responsible for monitoring the conduct of the Project and ensuring that ethical approval is obtained for amendments to the Project. Despite the preceding paragraph, the Institution is not obliged to reobtain or maintain AEC approval if the AEC determines that the animal research portion of the Project is complete and that such approvals are no longer required.