ANTI-ABROGATION. The District shall not by reason of execution of this Agreement reduce the wage rate of any employee covered hereby or change the conditions of employment on the bargaining unit to their disadvantage, or reduce the scope of any present plan or rule beneficial to employees.
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ANTI-ABROGATION. The City shall not, by reason of the execution of this Agreement, abrogate or reduce the scope of any present plan, rule or any item which is subject to the Meet and Confer process of the Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Act, which is not specifically covered by this Agreement.


  • Covenant Not to Sue a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, at no time subsequent to the execution of this Agreement will you pursue, or cause or knowingly permit the prosecution, in any state, federal or foreign court, or before any local, state, federal or foreign administrative agency, or any other tribunal, of any charge, claim or action of any kind, nature and character whatsoever, known or unknown, which you may now have, have ever had, or may in the future have against Releasees, which is based in whole or in part on any matter released by this Agreement.

  • Covenant Not to Xxx Each Party hereby covenants and agrees that none of it, the members of such Party’s Group or any Person claiming through it shall bring suit or otherwise assert any claim against any Indemnitee, or assert a defense against any claim asserted by any Indemnitee, before any court, arbitrator, mediator or administrative agency anywhere in the world, alleging that: (a) the assumption of any Varex Liabilities by Varex or a member of the Varex Group on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements is void or unenforceable for any reason; (b) the retention of any Parent Liabilities by Parent or a member of the Parent Group on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements is void or unenforceable for any reason; or (c) the provisions of this Article IV are void or unenforceable for any reason.

  • Private Letter Ruling or Change or Clarification of Law At Interconnection Customer’s request and expense, Transmission Owner shall file with the IRS a request for a private letter ruling as to whether any property transferred or sums paid, or to be paid, by Interconnection Customer to Transmission Owner under this GIA are subject to federal income taxation. Interconnection Customer will prepare the initial draft of the request for a private letter ruling, and will certify under penalties of perjury that all facts represented in such request are true and accurate to the best of Interconnection Customer’s knowledge. Transmission Owner and Interconnection Customer shall cooperate in good faith with respect to the submission of such request. Transmission Owner shall keep Interconnection Customer fully informed of the status of such request for a private letter ruling and shall execute either a privacy act waiver or a limited power of attorney, in a form acceptable to the IRS, that authorizes Interconnection Customer to participate in all discussions with the IRS regarding such request for a private letter ruling. Transmission Owner shall allow Interconnection Customer to attend all meetings with IRS officials about the request and shall permit Interconnection Customer to prepare the initial drafts of any follow-up letters in connection with the request.

  • Covenant Not to Compete (a) During the period commencing on the date hereof and continuing until the expiration of one (1) year from the date on which Xx. Xxxxxxxxx’x employment with the Company terminates (the “Restricted Period”), Xx. Xxxxxxxxx shall not, without the prior written consent of the Company, which consent the Company may grant or withhold in its sole discretion, directly or indirectly, for his own account or the account of others, in any geographic areas in which Xx. Xxxxxxxxx provided services to the Company, or about which Xx. Xxxxxxxxx obtained Proprietary Information, during the last two years of his employment by the Company, as an employee, consultant, partner, officer, director or stockholder (other than a holder of less than five percent (5%) of the issued and outstanding stock or other equity securities of an issuer whose securities are publicly traded) engage in the importing, production, marketing, sale or distribution to distributors of any beer, malt beverage, hard cider or product produced by the Company at any time during Xx. Xxxxxxxxx’x tenure as an employee of the Company (i) which is either produced outside of the United States and imported into the United States or produced within the United States and (ii) which has a wholesale price within twenty-five percent (25%) of the wholesale price of any of the Company’s products, including but not limited to products marketed under the trade names XXXXXX XXXXX, TWISTED TEA, ANGRY ORCHARD, TRULY, DOGFISH HEAD and such other trade names as the Company may use to market its products during Xx. Xxxxxxxxx’x employment with the Company. Xx. Xxxxxxxxx acknowledges that he has read and understands this provision, and that he has agreed to it knowingly and voluntarily, in order to obtain the benefits provided to Xx. Xxxxxxxxx by the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that you breach your fiduciary duty to the Company, and/or you have unlawfully taken, physically or electronically, property belonging to the Company, the Restricted Period shall be twenty-four (24) months from the date of your employment termination.

  • Circumvention of TIPS Sales When a public entity initiates a purchase with Vendor, if the Member inquires verbally or in writing whether Vendor holds a TIPS Contract, it is the duty of the Vendor to verify whether the Member is seeking a TIPS purchase. Any request for quote, customer communication, or customer purchase initiated through or referencing a TIPS Contract shall be completed through TIPS pursuant to this Agreement. Any encouragement or participation by Vendor in circumventing a TIPS sale being completed may result in immediate termination of Vendor’s TIPS Contract(s) for cause as well as preclusion from future TIPS opportunities at TIPS sole discretion.

  • Limitation of Vendor Indemnification and Similar Clauses This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, is prohibited from indemnifying third-parties (pursuant to the Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution) except as otherwise specifically provided for by law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution states that "no debt shall be created by or on behalf of the State … " and the Texas Attorney General has opined that a contractually imposed obligation of indemnity creates a "debt" in the constitutional sense. Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. MW-475 (1982). Thus, contract clauses which require TIPS to indemnify Vendor, pay liquidated damages, pay attorney's fees, waive Vendor's liability, or waive any applicable statute of limitations must be deleted or qualified with ''to the extent permitted by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas." Does Vendor agree? Yes, I Agree Alternative Dispute Resolution Limitations This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, does not agree to binding arbitration as a remedy to dispute and no such provision shall be permitted in this Agreement with TIPS. Vendor agrees that any claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, except those specifically and expressly waived or negotiated within this Agreement, may be subject to non-binding mediation at the request of either party to be conducted by a mutually agreed upon mediator as prerequisite to the filing of any lawsuit arising out of or related to this Agreement. Mediation shall be held in either Camp or Titus County, Texas. Agreements reached in mediation will be subject to the approval by the Region 8 ESC's Board of Directors, authorized signature of the Parties if approved by the Board of Directors, and, once approved by the Board of Directors and properly signed, shall thereafter be enforceable as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees No Waiver of TIPS Immunity This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign or government immunity; nor constitute or be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department. The failure to enforce, or any delay in the enforcement, of any privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department under this Agreement or under applicable law shall not constitute a waiver of such privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities or be considered as a basis for estoppel. 5 Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Payment Terms and Funding Out Clause This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that TIPS and TIPS Members shall not be liable for interest or late-payment fees on past-due balances at a rate higher than permitted by the laws or regulations of the jurisdiction of the TIPS Member. Funding-Out Clause: Vendor agrees to abide by the applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Texas Local Government Code § 271.903, or any other statutory or regulatory limitation of the jurisdiction of any TIPS Member, which requires that contracts approved by TIPS or a TIPS Member are subject to the budgeting and appropriation of currently available funds by the entity or its governing body. 2

  • Anti-Boycott Verification To the extent this Agreement constitutes a contract for goods or services within the meaning of Section 2270.002 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, solely for purposes of compliance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, and subject to applicable Federal law, the Developer represents that neither the Developer nor any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of Developer (i) boycotts Israel or (ii) will boycott Israel through the term of this Agreement. The terms “boycotts Israel” and “boycott Israel” as used in this paragraph have the meanings assigned to the term “boycott Israel” in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code, as amended.

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