Anti-Fraud Measures and Corrective Actions Sample Clauses

Anti-Fraud Measures and Corrective Actions. Beneficiary Countries shall, in the first instance, bear the responsibility to ensure investigation and satisfactory treatment of suspected or actual cases of fraud and irregularities following national or Community controls. 19 as referred to in the General Conditions relating to the Financing Memorandum” attached to the Framework Agreement 20 Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) 438/2001 of 2 March 2001, OJ L 63; 3.3.2001, p.21 21 Active corruption is defined as the deliberate action of whosoever promises or gives, directly or through an intermediary, an advantage of any kind whatsoever to an official for himself or for a third party for him to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communitiesfinancial interests. Passive corruption is defined as the deliberate action of an official, who, directly or through an intermediary, requests or receives advantages of any kind whatsoever, for himself or a third party, or accepts a promise of such advantage, to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communities’ financial interests. The national authorities shall ensure the functioning of a control and reporting mechanism equivalent to the one foreseen in Commission Regulation 1681/9422. In particular, all suspected or actual cases of fraud23 and irregularity24 as well as all measures related thereto taken by the national authority must be reported to the Commission services without delay. Should there be no suspected or actual cases of fraud or irregularity to report, the Beneficiary Country shall inform the Commission of this fact within two months following the end of each quarter. In case of irregularity or fraud, the Beneficiary Country shall make the necessary financial corrections required in connection with the individual irregularity. The corrections made by the Beneficiary Country shall consist in cancelling all or part of the Community contribution. The Community funds released in this way may be re-used by the NF for the purpose of the programme, in compliance with Art. 5 of the MoU on the National Fund.
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Anti-Fraud Measures and Corrective Actions. Beneficiary Countries shall, in the first instance, bear the responsibility to ensure investigation and satisfactory treatment of suspected or actual cases of fraud and irregularities following national or Community controls. The national authorities shall ensure the functioning of a control and reporting mechanism equivalent to the one foreseen in Commission Regulation 1681/9422. 20 Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) 438/2001 of 2 March 2001, OJ L 63; 3.3.2001, p.21 21 Active corruption is defined as the deliberate action of whosoever promises or gives, directly or through an intermediary, an advantage of any kind whatsoever to an official for himself or for a third party for him to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communitiesfinancial interests. Passive corruption is defined as the deliberate action of an official, who, directly or through an intermediary, requests or receives advantages of any kind whatsoever, for himself or a third party, or accepts a promise of such advantage, to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communities’ financial interests.
Anti-Fraud Measures and Corrective Actions. Beneficiary Countries shall, in the first instance, bear the responsibility to ensure investigation and satisfactory treatment of suspected or actual cases of fraud and irregularities following national or Community controls. The national authorities shall ensure the functioning of a control and reporting mechanism equivalent to the one foreseen in Commission Regulation 1681/9422. In particular, all suspected or actual cases of fraud23 and irregularity24 as well as all measures related thereto taken by the national authority must be reported to the 20 Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) 438/2001 of 2 March 2001, OJ L 63; 3.3.2001, p.21 21 Active corruption is defined as the deliberate action of whosoever promises or gives, directly or through an intermediary, an advantage of any kind whatsoever to an official for himself or for a third party for him to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communitiesfinancial interests. Passive corruption is defined as the deliberate action of an official, who, directly or through an intermediary, requests or receives advantages of any kind whatsoever, for himself or a third party, or accepts a promise of such advantage, to act or to refrain from acting in accordance with his duty or in the exercise of his functions in breach of his official duties in a way which damages or is likely to damage the European Communities’ financial interests. 22 Commission Regulation (EC) 1681/94 of 11. July 1994; 12.7.94; p. 43 23 Fraud shall mean any intentional act or omission relating to: the use or presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds from the general budget of the European Communities or budgets managed by, or on behalf of, the European Communities; non disclosure of information in violation of a specific obligation with the same effect; the misapplication of such funds for purposes other than those for which they are originally granted. 24 Irregularity shall mean any infringement of a provision of national or Community law, this Financing Memorandum or ensuing contracts, resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator, which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the Communities or budgets managed by them, Commission services without delay....
Anti-Fraud Measures and Corrective Actions. Beneficiary Countries shall, in the first instance, bear the responsibility to ensure investigation and satisfactory treatment of suspected or actual cases of fraud and irregularities following national or Community controls. The national authorities shall ensure the functioning of a control and reporting mechanism equivalent to the one foreseen in Commission Regulation 1681/9410. In particular, all suspected or actual cases of fraud11 and irregularity12 as well as all measures related thereto taken by the national authority must be reported to the Commission services without delay. Should there be no suspected or actual cases of fraud or irregularity to report, the Beneficiary Country shall inform the Commission of this fact within two months following the end of each quarter. In case of irregularity or fraud, the Beneficiary Country shall make the necessary financial corrections required in connection with the individual irregularity. The corrections made by the Beneficiary Country shall consist in cancelling all or part of the Community contribution. The Community funds released in this way may be re-used by the NF for the purpose of the programme, in compliance with Art. 5 of the MoU on the National Fund.

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  • Corrective Actions The Government will use its best efforts to ensure that each Covered Provider (i) takes, where necessary, appropriate and timely corrective actions in response to audits, (ii) considers whether the results of the Covered Provider’s audit necessitates adjustment of the Government’s records, and (iii) permits independent auditors to have access to its records and financial statements as necessary.

  • Corrective Action Plans If the OAG finds deficiencies in XXXXXXX’s performance under this Grant Contract, the OAG, at its sole discretion, may impose one or more of the following remedies as part of a corrective action plan: increase of monitoring visits; require additional or more detailed financial and/or programmatic reports be submitted; require prior approval for expenditures; require additional technical or management assistance and/or make modifications in business practices; reduce the contract amount; and/or terminate this Grant Contract. The foregoing are not exclusive remedies, and the OAG may impose other requirements that the OAG determines will be in the best interest of the State.

  • Corrective Action Plan Within fifteen (15) Business Days following the establishment of the Joint Remediation Committee, the Purchasers, in consultation with the Sellers, shall prepare and submit to the Joint Remediation Committee an initial draft of the Corrective Action Plan. The parties shall work in good faith through the Joint Remediation Committee to finalize the Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days of the Purchasers’ submission of the initial draft of the Correct Action Plan. At the end of such period, if the Sellers reasonably determine that the Corrective Action Plan proposed by the Purchasers (as may be modified over the course of such period) would not reasonably be expected to satisfactorily address the Major Default, then the Sellers may escalate the issue to the Head of Commercial Capital (or equivalent leader of any successor business unit) of the Seller Group and the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank Assets Purchaser (the “Senior Executives”) and the Senior Executives shall work collaboratively (including with the Joint Remediation Committee) to develop a mutually agreeable Corrective Action Plan within fifteen (15) Business Days.

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  • Proposed Corrective Action Plan Simultaneously with the submission of the Audit, the Recipient will submit to OCR for its review and approval a proposed Corrective Action Plan to address all inaccessible content and functionality identified during the Recipient’s Audit. The proposed Corrective Action Plan will set out a detailed schedule for: (1) addressing problems, taking into account identified priorities, with all corrective actions to be completed within 18 months of the date OCR approved the Corrective Action Plan; (2) setting up systems of accountability and verifying claims of accessibility by vendors or open sources; and setting up a system of testing and accountability to maintain the accessibility of all online content and functionality on an ongoing basis.

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  • Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements 4. The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP.

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