APPLICABLE LIABILITY INSURANCE. A. The insurance and/or bonds identified below with a marked box are a required part of this Agreement, and only the marked boxes have any force or effect under this Agreement. Except as set forth below, evidence of liability insurance coverage, in the form of a certificate acceptable to the State of California and the DSH, shall be provided prior to the execution of this Agreement and the commencement of services. B. The DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel a proposed award to the Contractor which does not submit all required insurance documents in a timely manner. Should the DSH cancel a proposed award for this reason, the DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to award the contract to the next lowest, responsive and responsible provider.
APPLICABLE LIABILITY INSURANCE. A. The insurance and/or bonds identified below with a marked box are a required part of this Agreement, and only the marked boxes have any force or effect under this Agreement. Except as set forth below, evidence of liability insurance coverage, in the form of a certificate acceptable to the State of California and the DSH, shall be provided prior to the execution of this Agreement and the commencement of services. B. The DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel a proposed award to the Contractor which does not submit all required insurance documents in a timely manner. Should the DSH cancel a proposed award for this reason, the DSH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to award the contract to the next lowest, responsive and responsible provider. Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage liability combined. The policy shall include coverage for liabilities arising out of premises, operations, independent contractors, products, completed operations, personal and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. This insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. Should the Contractor use a subcontractor to complete a portion of this Agreement, the Contractor shall include the subcontractor as an additional named insured under the Contractor’s policy, or represents and warrants that each subcontractor is insured under their own Commercial General Liability policy at the amounts specified herein. The Contractor shall supply evidence of the subcontractor’s insurance to the DSH upon request. Requirement to Insure the State: Contractor is required to name the “State of California, its officers, employees, and agents” as additional insured parties, insofar as operations under the Agreement are concerned. To satisfy this requirement, the Contractor shall ensure that the following requirement(s) are met:  Policy Endorsement: Contractor, when providing a signed contract to the DSH and unless otherwise directed by the DSH, shall provide proof that the Contractor has insured the State of California, its officers, employees, and agents. This proof shall come in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor’s insurance policy (Form CG 20 37 10 01 or similar), or in the form of a copy of the Contractor’s current insurance policy that shows that the poli...


  • Vehicle Liability Insurance $___________________ minimum required insurance policy on all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles of the Subcontractor for combined single limit liability for each accident affecting incurring bodily injury and/or property damage.

  • Excess Liability Insurance $___________________ minimum required insurance policy for anything other than General Liability or Automobile coverage. ☐ - Additional Insurance Requirement: Client, Contractor, and any other entity which the Contractor is required to name as an additional insured under the Prime Contract shall be named as additional insureds under the General Liability Insurance required by this Section and any such insurance afforded to the additional insureds shall apply as primary insurance. Any other insurance maintained by the Client or Contractor shall be excess insurance and shall not be called upon to contribute to Subcontractor’s primary or excess insurance carrier’s duty to defend or indemnify unless required by law. The excess insurance required above shall also afford additional insured protection to Client and Contractor. This Section shall in no event be construed to require that additional insured insurance coverage be provided to a greater extent than permitted under the statutes or public policy governed under State law. Certificates of Insurance. Certificates of insurance, and the required additional insured and other endorsements, including waivers of subrogation shall be furnished to Contractor before the performance of any Services.

  • Umbrella Liability Insurance Liability on a following form basis with a limit $1,000,000 per occurrence in excess of all primary limits.

  • D&O Liability Insurance To the extent that the Company maintains a policy or policies of insurance (“D&O Liability Insurance”) providing liability insurance for directors and officers of the Company in their capacities as such (and for any capacity in which any director or officer of the Company serves any other Enterprise at the request of the Company), in respect of acts or omissions occurring while serving in such capacity, Indemnitee shall be covered by such policy or policies, in accordance with its or their terms, to the maximum extent of the coverage available for any other director or officer under such policy or policies.

  • Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance During the term of this Contract, Supplier will maintain insurance covering all owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles in limits of liability not less than indicated below. The coverage must be subject to terms no less broad than ISO Business Auto Coverage Form CA 0001 (2010 edition or newer), or equivalent. Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 each accident, combined single limit

  • Automobile Liability Insurance Automobile Liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage in an amount no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for each occurrence. Covered vehicles shall include owned, non-owned, and hired automobiles/trucks.

  • Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance The Contractor shall provide a Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance to provide excess coverage above the Commercial General Liability, Commercial Business Automobile Liability and the Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability to satisfy the minimum limits set forth herein. The umbrella coverage shall follow form with the Umbrella limits required as follows: $ 2,000,000 per Occurrence $2,000,000 per Occurrence $ 4,000,000 Aggregate $10,000,000 Aggregate Additional Requirements for Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance are shown below at Paragraph

  • Liability Insurance To the extent the Company maintains an insurance policy or policies providing directors' and officers' liability insurance, Indemnitee shall be covered by such policy or policies, in accordance with its or their terms, to the maximum extent of the coverage available for any Company director or officer.

  • Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance for coverage of owned and non-owned and hired vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers licensed for travel on public roads, with a minimum combined single limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property damage.

  • Product Liability Insurance insurance against claims for bodily injury, death or Property damage resulting from the use of products sold by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries in such amounts as are then customarily maintained by responsible persons engaged in businesses similar to that of the Company and its Subsidiaries.