Approval of Applications Sample Clauses

Approval of Applications. The Issuer shall be solely responsible for approving or disapproving Applications and for announcing the results of allocation of the Offer Securities. The specific arrangements regarding the announcement of results may differ from one Offer to another and you are responsible for ascertaining details of such arrangements by reviewing the relevant prospectus. We will notify you of the results of you Application in such manner as we consider appropriate.
Approval of Applications. The CAB shall approve applications for annual FQHC recertification, annual Section 330 grants (as applicable), changes to the scope and/or budget of the grant and other grant funds for the Health Center, in accordance with all applicable requirements of HRSA and other funding agencies.
Approval of Applications. Seller shall have the right to approve all applications and uses of the Engines and Buyer shall request and receive such approval in writing prior to any application or use of the Engines not already approved hereby. Seller hereby approves the application and use of the Engines as components in Buyer's existing product lines of welders, pressure washers and Consumer Portable Generators to the extent the Engines are used therein as of the date hereof.
Approval of Applications. Applications will be recommended by the Superintendent of Schools and approved by the Board of Education only when, in their judgment, the professional competence of the staff member and the instructional program will be improved.
Approval of Applications. The applications will ordinarily be reviewed and, if satisfactory, approved, and closing schedule based on the order in which executed prepayment agree- ments are received. The Administrator may limit the number of applications approved and closings scheduled from time to time taking into account, among other matters, the financial in- terests and administrative consider- ations of the Government.
Approval of Applications for cash-out of excess annual recreation leave are subject to the University’s operational requirements.
Approval of Applications. The Under Secretary may approve any application submit- xxx under subsection (a).
Approval of Applications. (a) The applications of new employees shall be approved or disapproved within sixty (60) days after the applicant begins work, unless a longer time is mutually agreed to by the employing officer and the Division Chairman in writing. (b) In the event of applicant giving false information, this rule shall not apply. (c) Employees whose applications are approved and who have been in service sixty (60) calendar days of longer will, upon request, if they leave the service of the Company, be furnished with a service letter showing length of service, capacity in which employed and cause for leaving. (a) Seniority begins at the time an employee's pay starts on the seniority district in which employed and shall terminate on the last day of the calendar month in which the employee attains the age of 70. Employees shall be retired from the service of the Company on the last day of the calendar month in which they attain the age of 70, and when that occurs the provisions of this agreement, other than this paragraph, shall automatically terminate as to each employee so retired; provided, however, that any monetary claim which such employee may have pending prior to such retirement shall not be affected thereby. (b) Where two or more employees enter upon their duties at the same hour on the same day, the employing officer shall designate at the time the respective standing of such employees on the seniority roster. The seniority of any employee whose seniority under an Agreement with BRAC is established after the date of this Agreement and who is furloughed for 365 consecutive days will be terminated if such employee has less than three (3) years of seniority. The "365 consecutive days" shall exclude any period during which a furloughed employee receives compensation pursuant to an I.C.C. employee protection order or an employee protection agreement or arrangement.
Approval of Applications. A. The Faculty Development Committee shall approve all applications for reassignment of duties that do not require additional funding and have been endorsed by the applicant’s division. B. The Faculty Development Committee shall follow the guidelines established in this agreement in deciding which applications for faculty development funding will be approved.
Approval of Applications. Before finalization of a cooperative agreement involving the merger, consolidation, or acquisition of a hospital located within 20 highway miles of the main campus of the qualified hospital, an application for approval of a proposed cooperative agreement shall be submitted to the Health Care Authority at least 30 days prior to finalization.