Leaves of Absence Sample Clauses

Leaves of Absence applies for both paid and unpaid leaves. For the purposes of an unpaid 11.25 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 14.05 hours. For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours.
Leaves of Absence. A. General Provisions 1. Applications for leave, except short-term sick leave with or without pay, shall be submitted to the administrator on a request for leave of absence form. 2. When an employee finds it necessary to be absent, s/he shall notify the administrator or designee with as much advance notice as possible, preferably the night before but no later than an hour before the time s/he is scheduled to be on duty, except in cases of emergency, so arrangements can be made to secure a substitute if necessary. 3. Leaves of absence shall be reported in increments of full or half days. 4. An employee shall not be responsible for finding a substitute in the event of his/her absence. 5. During leaves of six (6) or more duty days, an employee shall not be required to keep records, prepare lessons, or perform any of the duties required while in attendance. 6. An employee on long-term leave shall be considered as if s/he were part of the staff of the school from which s/he took leave. In special circumstances such as cases of extended worker’s compensation or relief of duty, this provision may be waived. 7. If at any time the reasons given for requesting leave have changed, the employee shall promptly notify the administrator and shall either be directed to return to duty or continue on leave. 8. Upon return from leave, the employee shall complete a certificate of absence. 9. Any leave days credited to an employee at the time of an approved leave of absence, which are not taken during that leave of absence, shall be credited to the employee upon return to active duty. 10. All long-term leaves of absence, unless specifically stipulated otherwise, shall terminate on June 30 of the fiscal year for which the leave was granted. 11. An employee granted a long-term leave of absence may be employed while on leave upon approval by the Superintendent. 12. For reasons relating to illness of an employee or the employee’s spouse, parent, son, or daughter; adoption, or newborn child-care, the employee may take a leave of absence for a period up to 12 weeks under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. 13. Up to one (1) year of long-term medical leave with or without pay, shall be granted to employees for personal illness, or illness or death of a member of the employee’s family as defined in Florida Statutes. Any leave taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act referenced above shall count as part of the total leave taken. 14. Should an employee on lon...
Leaves of Absence. 11.01 Written requests for a personal leave of absence without pay will be considered on an individual basis by the Chief Nursing Officer, Supervisor or designate. Such requests are to be given as far in advance as possible and a written reply will be given within fourteen (14) days; except in cases of emergency in which case a reply will be given as soon as possible. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Leaves of Absence. 7:1 A leave of absence without pay may be granted to regular employees with six (6) months or more of continuous service for urgent, substantial reasons, provided adequate arrangements can be made to take care of the employee’s duties without undue interference with the normal routine of work. A leave will not be granted if the purpose for which it is requested may lead to the employee’s resignation. The Company shall grant a leave of absence when required by the Family and Medical Leave Act. Claims to enforce such leave requests shall not be brought under the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement. 7:2 A leave shall commence on and include the first workday on which an employee is absent and terminate with and include the workday preceding the day he or she returns to work. The employee shall be restored to employment on the termination of his or her leave of absence. If during an employee’s leave of absence a reduction in forces was necessary, the restoration of the employee to active employment would depend upon the application of Article X. 7:3 Except as otherwise provided herein, an employee’s seniority shall not accrue while he is on leave without pay. However, an employee’s status as a regular employee shall not be impaired by a leave of absence. 7:4 Company shall at request of Union grant a leave of absence without pay for three (3) years or less to an employee who is appointed or elected to any office or position in the Union and whose services are required by the Union. 7:5 A leave of absence under the foregoing conditions shall be granted to an employee who enters the Armed Forces of the United States provided, however, that any such leave of absence and the reinstatement of any such employee shall be subject to the terms of any Act of Congress which provides for re-employment. 7:6 If an employee fails to return immediately on the expiration of his leave of absence, or if he accepts other employment while on leave, or if he makes an application for unemployment benefits while on leave, he shall thereby forfeit the leave of absence and terminate his employment with the Company. (a) If any employee applies for unemployment compensation at any other time other than after layoff or discharge, he shall terminate his employment with the Company. 7:7 Any employee who is called upon to be absent from duty due to a death in his immediate family shall be excused, without pay, for a reasonable time, not to exceed three (3) days, in order to...
Leaves of Absence. 16.1 For permanent teachers and long-term occasional teachers, any leave of absence for reasons other than illness or injury that, under a provision of the 2008-12 Collective Agreement or board practices and policies in effect during the 2008-2012 collective agreement that utilized deduction from sick leave, shall be granted without loss of salary or deduction from sick leave, to a maximum of five (5) days per school year. Collective agreements or board practices and policies in effect from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2014, that had five ( 5) days or less, shall remain at that number. Collective agreements or board practices and policies in effect from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2014 that had more than five (5) days shall be limited to five (5) days. These days shall not be used for the purpose of sick leave nor shall they be accumulated from year-to-year. 16.2 Other paid leave provisions shall remain status quo to the local collective agreement.
Leaves of Absence. Employees on leave of absence are not subject to lay-off until completion of such leave.
Leaves of Absence. Sec. 1601 LEAVES OF ABSENCE - GENERAL POLICY: Leave of absence from regular duties without pay for such purposes as recovery from illness or injury or to restore health, maternity, travel, education, training, or assisting other public jurisdictions, may be granted by the appointing authority not to exceed one (1) year when such leave is in the best interest of the County. Additional leave for the same purposes may be granted by the Director- Human Resources with the concurrence of the appointing authority. This Section shall not limit military leave of absence rights as provided in the California Military and Veterans Code or as provided in other statutes.
Leaves of Absence. (a) The Employer will grant, on written request, leave of absence without pay and seniority: (1) for casual employees to seek election in a federal, provincial, municipal, First Nation or other Indigenous election for a maximum period of 90 days; and (2) for casual employees elected to a public office for a maximum period of five years. (b) A casual employee eligible to vote in a federal, provincial, municipal or First Nation or other Indigenous election or a referendum will have four consecutive clear hours during the hours in which polls are open in which to cast their ballot. (c) In the case of compassionate leave, casual employees are entitled to leave as per Clause 20.1 (Compassionate Leave) without pay. (d) Attendance at court arising from employment will be with pay and travel expenses if required. (e) Notwithstanding any provision for leave in this agreement, the Employer may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee requesting leave for an emergency or other unusual circumstances. All requests and approvals for leave will be in writing. Upon request, the Employer will give reasons for withholding approval. (f) An employee who resigns their position and within 60 days is re-employed, will be granted a leave of absence without pay covering those days absent and will retain all previous rights in relation to seniority.