Approval to Proceed. Present the final report to TFC Executive Leadership and Commission Oversight Committee and obtain approval to proceed.
Approval to Proceed. □ Approved □ Declined □ Deferred Reason if Declined or Deferred The Ontario Clean Water Agency is authorized to proceed with the project/expenditure according to the description and cost estimate provided above. This may include but not limited to the hiring of sub-contractors, consulting firms, etc. as required. The Municipality agrees to pay OCWA the costs associated with this work upon its completion based on the terms of the Municipality’s agreement with OCWA. Name (Print) Signature Date
Approval to Proceed. The Grantee may not begin work on the project until authorized in writing by the Department. Such authorization will be transmitted via email and follow-up hardcopy letter.
Approval to Proceed. The CAO provides a signed agreement document reflecting the requirements and the associated incentive package including all terms and conditions, thus allowing the recruitment process to begin.
Approval to Proceed. The Client shall approve the project by written notice to Firebrand within 30 days of the Budget being submitted by Firebrand or by initiating the project as defined by way of the Proposal.
Approval to Proceed. □ Approved □ Declined □ Deferred Reason if Declined or Deferred
Approval to Proceed. The Client shall approve the Final Budget by written notice to Little Giant. within 30 days of the Final Budget being submitted by Little Giant.
Approval to Proceed. County affirms that a purchase order or notice to proceed is not required for contract performance or for subsequent years of service. Funds have been appropriated for the System, and the out-years of maintenance will be funded through operating budget subject to appropriations. The Customer will pay all invoices as received from Motorola and any changes in scope will be subject to the change order process as described in this Primary Agreement. At the time of execution of this Primary Agreement, the Customer will provide all necessary reference information to include on invoices for payment in accordance with this Primary Agreement.
Approval to Proceed. The Contractor shall not exceed the estimated labor hours, estimated W.A. amount, or change the W.A. leader without the prior written approval of the Project Officer and the Contracting Officer.
Approval to Proceed. The Contractor shall not exceed the estimated labor hours, estimated Task Order amount, or change the Task Order leader without the prior written approval of the Project Officer and the Contracting Officer.