ATHLETE AGREEMENT. I have read the Athlete Concussion and Head Injury Information and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. Revised June 2018
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. I have read the Athlete Concussion Head injury information and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused. I understand the importance of reporting a suspected concussion to my coaches and my parent/guardian. I understand that I must be removed from practice/games if a concussion is suspected. I understand that I must provide written clearance from an appropriate health care provider to my coach/coaches before returning to practice/games. I understand the possible consequence of returning to practice/games too soon and that my brain needs time to heal.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. 2.1 Athletes are ambassadors of the GB Para Ice Hockey Program and shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control and responsible behavior, and consideration for others’ physical and emotional wellbeing.
2.2 Athletes shall treat others with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.
2.3 Athletes must uphold the standards of Fair play and exhibit a high level of sportsmanship and team spirit.
2.4 Athletes shall refrain from the use of insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language.
2.5 Any Athlete committing an act, which is considered an offence under the law, will be dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
2.6 All athletes agree that:
2.6.1 Athletes shall not possess or use any illegal drugs, excluding prescribed medical drugs, which shall be registered using a TUE prior to events. The use of performance enhancing substances is banned.
2.6.2 At tournaments, athletes will not possess or use alcohol in any form within the immediate area of an event, or competition site unless the Head Coach gives permission.
2.6.3 Athletes will not drink to excess in public and will not supply alcohol to minors.
2.6.4 Tobacco smoking, Vaping or using Chewing Tobacco for athletes is strongly discouraged and will only be allowed in designated smoking areas and not while using wearing GB branded clothing.
2.6.5 Any willful damage to event venues or other property shall be assessed to the account of the athlete(s) involved.
2.6.6 All team members must recognise that the Coaching Staff are responsible for the team and its actions, and they must adhere to guidelines set down by the Coaching Staff specific to specified events.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. I have read the Athlete Concussion and Head Injury information contained at (xxxx:// and understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused. I understand the importance of reporting a suspected concussion to my coaches and my parent(s)/guardian(s). I understand that I must be removed from practice/play if a concussion is suspected. I understand that I must provide written clearance from an appropriate health care provider to my coach before returning to practice/play. I understand the possible consequences of returning to practice/play too soon and that my brain needs time to heal.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. I, , am choosing to be a Cougar Cheerleader. By signing below, I agree to the following:
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. Note: The Schedules A to D which follow are integral parts of this Agreement.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. The Parties agree that Kickboxing Federation of Singapore shall also have the absolute right at any time to review and vary the terms of this Agreement in any manner it deems fit, and such variation shall be effective upon expiry of thirty (30) days' written notice to the Athlete of such variation.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. The athlete acknowledges and agrees that as a member of a football team representing Football Queensland, he/she is bound by the understanding that there are certain standards of behaviour that are expected of him/her. Such standards will be conveyed to the individual and/or to the team as a whole from time to time during the course of the campaign. Should this athlete or any other athlete fail to satisfy these expectations they will be directed to align their behaviour with the expectations of the team management that are in accordance with Football Queensland’s guidelines. Should this athlete or any other athlete persist with their disregard of such directives, they may be withdrawn from the campaign and sent home.
ATHLETE AGREEMENT. Having been offered the opportunity and privilege to participate in the athletic program for Hallsville Schools,