STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. A procedure has been determined to deal with pupils who become liable for disciplinary action because they are failing to meet the required standards of conduct. It is the aim of this procedure to give pupils the opportunity to improve their conduct. It is school policy to keep parents informed about their child’s progress and conduct. Where concerns arise about a sixth former’s attainment and/or behaviour the Head of Year will contact the parents.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. The Resident is responsible not only for his or her own behaviour but also for the behaviour of any person whom he or she invites to the Premises or the Room. In particular the Resident must ensure that any such visitor behaves with consideration for other residents and for the occupants of neighbouring properties. If any visitor is responsible for nuisance or damage, action will be taken against the Resident. The Resident is expected to conduct him or herself with consideration for other residents and for those living in the neighbourhood, and in particular Will not cause any noise or vibration which can be heard outside the Rooms or which disturbs other residents Will ensure that any noise level will be reduced as and when requested to do so either verbally or in writing Will not shout at, harass, threaten or assault any other resident or their guest or any employee or agent of the University Illegal drugs and psychoactive drugs will not be tolerated under any circumstances and must not be taken into and/or used in the Premises. The Resident shall observe and perform all rules and guidance made from time to time by the University as set out in the Halls of Residence and Residence Life Guidelines and Codes of Conduct Document. The resident must abide by the HallsNet IT Rules and Regulations in the Halls and use of Net data, and IPTV service in their room and kitchen area. Smoking and e-cigarettes are prohibited in any part of the Premises including individual bedrooms and Common Parts. Vape pens cannot be charged in any part of the Premises. The University prohibits the use of e-cigarettes within work and study areas A resident must not behave in a manner which in the opinion of the University is incompatible with his/her continued occupation of the Accommodation or the Premises. Any resident, who in the opinion of the University, is guilty of misconduct may become the subject of disciplinary action with the appropriate University authorities. The playing of ball games in or around the Premises is strictly prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Halls Disciplinary Procedure on the Accommodation web site.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. By enrolling in the College, students automatically assume the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Code of Conduct. Central to the Code of Conduct is the understanding that each student will follow certain standards of behaviour. Self-discipline and a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions and conduct are fundamental to the Code of Conduct. All members of the Xxxxxxxxx College community must: respect and comply with all applicable local and federal laws; demonstrate honesty and integrity; respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions; treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement; respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability; respect the rights of others; show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others; take appropriate measures to help those in need; seek assistance from a member of the College staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully; respect all members of the College community, especially persons in positions of authority; respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching; and/or not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. 4.1 As an athlete, you represent WAIS, WA, and at times Australia:
(a) during training and competition performances;
(b) during events and promotional activities; and
(c) in the general community outside of participating in your Sport as WAIS athletes uphold community values and act as role models.
4.2 You must ensure that you have read, understood and at all times comply with XXXX’ policies and procedures, as in force and amended from time to time, including but not limited to, the:
(a) Athlete Code of Conduct;
(b) Anti‐Doping Policy;
(c) Supplements Policy; and
(d) National Integrity Framework Policies including:
i. NIF Participant Protection Policy ii. NIF Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling Policy
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR conflicts of interest
11.1 The Contractor shall comply with, and shall ensure that the Staff members comply with the standards of behaviour set out in this Section 11, including the Annex referred to in Section 11.9, as well as with any related specific obligations set out in the SCTs where applicable (together the ‘standards of behaviour’). The ECB may ask the Contractor's staff members to sign a solemn declaration of compliance with these standards of behaviour.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. We work in an equal opportunity and harassment-free work environment. This requires everyone to respect and value diversity of the work force by helping to prevent and eliminate all forms of discrimination on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, religion, marital status, pregnancy, sexuality or sexual preference. We will observe these principles as we go about our work, whilst representing the Company to customers, consumers, and other external contacts, and in relationships with fellow employees.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. (a) The Applicant Parties acknowledge that before, during and after the Show and at any time while any of its Personnel are at the Venue, they must not and must procure that their Personnel do not:
(i) interfere, disrupt or otherwise act in a many that may disrupt or interfere with the Show or any other exhibit (including erecting any advertising which may block the view of any other exhibit);
(ii) consume any alcohol at the Venue unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions;
(iii) smoke at any Exhibit or any area of the Venue which at any time is designated by the Organiser or the Venue Management as being a no smoking area.
(iv) block or allow any thing to protrude on any area beyond their allocated Site (including any other site, thoroughfare, stairs, steps, aisles, gangways, overpass, underpass, passageway, entry or exit at the Venue);
(v) use offensive, indecent or obscene language or behave in a manner that is, in the opinion of the Show Manager, offensive, threatening, abusive or indecent;
(vi) smoke in any designated "no smoking" area;
(vii) misuse, deface, damage, remove or tamper with any property or equipment belonging to the Organiser, the Venue Management or any other third party (including any pipes, light or other electrical fittings);
(viii) operate any type of machinery or equipment at a sound level, which in the Organiser's opinion is likely to cause nuisance or annoyance to other exhibitors, the Venue Management or any other third party;
(ix) use any microphones or amplifying equipment without the prior consent of the Organiser;
(x) allow any person other than the Applicant Parties to display any advertising or marketing material (including place stickers, signs, brochures, magazines, catalogues or placards) at the Site or at any other part of the Venue;
(xi) display or distribute any advertising or marketing material in relation to any future trade days, product promotion or show at the Show;
(xii) distribute any helium filled balloons or glass containers to any person without the prior approval of the Show Manager;
(xiii) distribute any material which markets or advertises any goods other than the goods which form part of the Exhibit;
(xiv) act in a manner that is or may be harmful or detrimental to the health and safety of any person at the Show (including any Personnel and any visitors to the Show);
(xv) bring or store any Hazardous Materials at the Venue without the prior approval of the Organiser;
(xvi) do anything which ma...
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. 3.1 All employees shall:
a) Treat colleagues, students, parents, school community and public with dignity, respect and consideration;
b) Conduct their employment responsibilities in an honest and diligent manner;
c) Not engage in any activity of any nature which would conflict with their duty to the Board or which could reasonably be expected to be detrimental to the interest or reputation of the Board;
d) Accept that there are differences in people, their ideas and their opinions;
e) Show responsible care and regard for school property and the property of others;
f) Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to productive job performance;
g) Speak and act with respect and dignity, and deal judiciously with others, always mindful of their rights and refrain from any use of physical or verbal abuse, loud or vulgar language and/or gestures at all times;
h) Assume their duties with the highest standards (including punctuality);
i) Come to work wearing appropriate and professional attire as expected in a given context/work environment;
j) Take “safety” into consideration where applicable;
k) Not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course of professional practice;
l) Not post or engage in on-line activities that disrespect or insult students, parents or employees, and promote false or discriminating information;
m) Respect and treat others fairly, regardless of, for example, race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability;
n) Not bypass immediate authority to reach higher authority without first exhausting the proper channels of communication;
o) Protect Board property and assets from harm, theft, loss or misuse;
p) Notify the Department of Human Resources of all criminal charges at the time the charge is issued and this according to the requirements established in the procedure for criminal background check.
3.2 In addition to the previous provision, all employees directly involved in the education and care of students1 shall:
a) Put the well being, development and progress of students first;
b) Take responsibility for ensuring the quality of their teaching and care ;
c) Strive to maintain productive relationships with parents;
d) Not take advantage of a professional position to profit from the sale of goods or services to or for students in the teacher's charge;
e) Not undermine the confidence of students in other ...
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. For the enjoyment and safety of everyone, Strawberry Recreation District expects all participants to treat the people and facilities connected to SRD with respect and abide by all rules and direction from the SRD staff. Strawberry Recreation District reserves the right to refuse service/membership to anyone for failure to abide by these standards. Privileges/membership may be revoked at any time by authorized personnel.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR. 4.1 As an athlete, you represent WAIS, WA, and at times Australia:
(a) during training and competition performances;
(b) during events and promotional activities; and
(c) in the general community outside of participating in your Sport as WAIS athletes uphold community values and act as role models.
4.2 You must ensure that you have read, understood and at all times comply with XXXX’ policies and procedures, as in force and amended from time to time, including but not limited to, the:
(a) Athlete Code of Conduct;
(b) Anti‐Doping Policy;
(c) Supplements Policy; and
(d) Anti-Match Fixing Policy.