Roles and Responsibilities 1. The Donor States shall make funds available in support of eligible programmes proposed by the Beneficiary State and agreed on by the Financial Mechanism Committee within the priority sectors listed in Article 3.1 of Protocol 38c and the programme areas listed in the Annex to Protocol 38c. The Donor States and the Beneficiary State shall cooperate on the preparation of concept notes defining the scope and planned results for each programme. 2. The Beneficiary State shall assure the full co-financing of programmes that benefit from support from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in accordance with Annex B and the programme agreements. 3. The Financial Mechanism Committee shall manage the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and take decisions on the granting of financial assistance in accordance with the Regulation. 4. The Committee shall be assisted by the Financial Mechanism Office (hereinafter referred to as the “FMO”). The FMO shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and shall serve as a contact point.
Rights and Responsibilities This Agreement is our standard service agreement. Under this Agreement, we agree to provide and xxxx for Service, and you agree to use and pay for Service, as provided herein and in our other applicable Terms of Service. Our rights and responsibilities, and your rights and responsibilities, are as set forth in this Agreement and our other applicable Terms of Service.
Role and Responsibilities During the Employment Period, the Executive shall serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, and shall perform such employment duties as are usual and customary for such position. The Executive shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company (the “CEO”). At the Company’s request, the Executive shall serve the Company and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates in other capacities in addition to the foregoing, consistent with the Executive’s position hereunder. In the event that the Executive, during the Employment Period, serves in any one or more of such additional capacities, the Executive’s compensation shall not be increased beyond that specified in Section 2(b) hereof. In addition, in the event the Executive’s service in one or more of such additional capacities is terminated, the Executive’s compensation, as specified in Section 2(b) hereof, shall not be diminished or reduced in any manner as a result of such termination provided that the Executive otherwise remains employed under the terms of this Agreement.
Position and Responsibilities During the Employment Term, the Executive shall serve as the Executive Vice President - Government and International of the Company or in such higher capacity as agreed by the Company and the Executive. The Executive shall report exclusively to the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board"). The Executive shall, to the extent appointed or elected, serve on the Board as a director and as a member of any committee of the Board, in each case, without additional compensation. The Executive shall, to the extent appointed or elected, serve as a director or as a member of any committee of the board (or the equivalent bodies in a non-corporate subsidiary or affiliate) of any of the Company's subsidiaries or affiliates and as an officer or employee (in a capacity commensurate with her position with the Company) of any such subsidiaries or affiliates, in all cases, without additional compensation or benefits and any compensation paid to the Executive, or benefits provided to the Executive, in such capacities shall be a credit with regard to the amounts due hereunder from the Company. The Executive shall have duties, authorities and responsibilities generally commensurate with the duties, authorities and responsibilities of persons in similar capacities in similarly sized companies subject to the By-laws of the Company and the organizational structure of the Company. The Executive shall devote substantially all of her business time, attention and energies to the performance of her duties hereunder, provided the foregoing will not prevent the Executive from participating in charitable, community or industry affairs, from managing her and her family's personal passive investments, and (with the consent of the Chief Executive Officer or the Organization and Compensation Committee (or its successor) of the Board (the "O&C Committee"), which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) serving on the board of directors of other companies, provided that these activities do not materially interfere with the performance of her duties hereunder or create a potential business conflict or the appearance thereof. The Company has consented to the Executive's services on the boards of directors, if any, on which the Executive currently serves, which boards the Executive has disclosed in writing to the O&C Committee. The Executive may retain any compensation or benefits received as a result of consented to service as a director of entities not related to the Company.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Employer through its designated management personnel or agents has the right and responsibility, except as expressly modified by this Agreement, to control, change, and supervise all operations and to direct and assign work to all working forces. Such rights and responsibilities shall include by way of illustration but shall not be limited to: the selection and hiring, training, discipline and discharge, classification, reclassification, layoff, promotion and demotion or transfer of employees; the establishment of work schedules; the allocation of all financial and other resources; the control and regulation of the use of all equipment and other property of the Employer. The Employer shall determine the methods, technological means and qualifications of personnel by and for which operations are to be carried out. The Employer shall take whatever action as may be necessary to carry out its rights in any emergency situation. Application of this Article shall not preclude the use of the grievance procedure as established in this Agreement.
IRO Responsibilities The IRO shall: 1. perform each Claims Review in accordance with the specific requirements of the CIA;
Fund Responsibilities 3.1. The management and control of the Fund are vested exclusively in the Fund’s governing body (e.g., the board of directors or trustees for a Fund that is a mutual fund or the Trustee for a Fund that is a collective trust, as applicable) and such officers and agents as may be appointed by the board from time to time, subject to the terms and provisions of the Fund’s Governing Documents. The Fund’s governing body and the duly appointed officers and agents appointed by the governing body on behalf of the Fund will make all decisions, perform all management functions relating to the operation of the Fund and shall authorize all Transactions. Without limiting the foregoing, the Fund shall: (a) Designate properly qualified individuals to oversee the Services and establish and maintain internal controls, including monitoring the ongoing activities of the Fund. (b) Evaluate the accuracy, and accept responsibility for the results, of the Services, review and approve all reports, analyses and records resulting from the Services and inform DST of any errors that it is in a position to identify. (c) Provide DST with timely and accurate information required by DST in order to perform the Services and its duties and obligations hereunder. 3.2. Without limiting DST’s obligations to comply with applicable Law and the Fund’s Governing Documents, the Fund is responsible for ensuring that it complies with Law and its respective Governing Documents. It is the Fund’s responsibility to provide all final Fund Governing Documents as of the Effective Date. The Fund will notify DST in writing of any changes to the Fund Governing Documents, with the exception of minutes of meetings of the board of directors, that may materially impact the Services prior to such changes taking effect. DST is not responsible for monitoring compliance by the Fund with (i) Law, or (ii) its respective Governing Documents. 3.3. In the event that Market Data is supplied to or through DST Associates in connection with the Services, the Market Data is proprietary to Data Suppliers and is provided on a limited internal-use license basis. Market Data may: (i) only be used by the Fund in connection with the Services and (ii) not be disseminated by the Fund or used to populate internal systems in lieu of obtaining a data license. Access to and delivery of Market Data is dependent on the Data Suppliers and may be interrupted or discontinued with or without notice. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, neither DST nor any Data Supplier shall be liable to the Fund or any other Person for any Losses with respect to Market Data, reliance by DST Associates or the Fund on Market Data or the provision of Market Data in connection with this Agreement. 3.4. The Fund shall deliver, and procure that its agents, counsel, advisors, auditors, and any other Persons promptly deliver to DST all Fund Data. The Fund shall arrange with each such Person to deliver such information and materials on a timely basis, and DST will not be required to enter any agreements with that Person in order for DST to provide the Services. 3.5. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, so long as they act in good faith and without negligence, willful misconduct or fraud, DST Associates shall be entitled to rely on the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of information and communications received by DST Associates from Authorized Persons, or Proper Instructions from the Fund in connection with the performance of the Services and DST’s duties and obligations hereunder, without further enquiry or liability.
RESTRICTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Customer will not, directly or indirectly: reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code or underlying structure, ideas, know-how or algorithms relevant to the Services or any software, documentation or data related to the Services (“Software”); modify, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services or any Software (except to the extent expressly permitted by Company or authorized within the Services); use the Services or any Software for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise for the benefit of a third; or remove any proprietary notices or labels. 2.2 Further, Customer may not remove or export from the United States or allow the export or re-export of the Services, Software or anything related thereto, or any direct product thereof in violation of any restrictions, laws or regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, or any other United States or foreign agency or authority. As defined in FAR section 2.101, the Software and documentation are “commercial items” and according to DFAR section 252.227-7014(a)(1) and (5) are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation.” Consistent with DFAR section 227.7202 and FAR section 12.212, any use modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of such commercial software or commercial software documentation by the U.S. Government will be governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and will be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement. 2.3 Customer represents, covenants, and warrants that Customer will use the Services only in compliance with Company’s standard published policies then in effect (the “Policy”) and all applicable laws and regulations. [Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company against any damages, losses, liabilities, settlements and expenses (including without limitation costs and attorneys’ fees) in connection with any claim or action that arises from an alleged violation of the foregoing or otherwise from Customer’s use of Services, including any damages, losses, liabilities, settlements and expenses arising from data breach or loss. Although Company has no obligation to monitor Customer’s use of the Services, Company may do so and may prohibit any use of the Services it believes may be (or alleged to be) in violation of the foregoing. 2.4 Customer shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment and ancillary services needed to connect to, access or otherwise use the Services, including, without limitation, modems, hardware, servers, software, operating systems, networking, web servers and the like (collectively, “Equipment”). Customer shall also be responsible for maintaining the security of the Equipment, Customer account, passwords (including but not limited to administrative and user passwords) and files, and for all uses of Customer account or the Equipment with or without Customer’s knowledge or consent.
UNION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. A written list of unit officers, committeemen and stewards shall be furnished to the Board within fifteen (15) days after signing of this Agreement. Any changes in such membership shall be transmitted in writing to the Board within fifteen (15) days of such change. B. Recognizing that the safety and well-being of students are a paramount responsibility of the school bus drivers, employees shall be expected to exercise reasonable care with respect to the safety of pupils and property and shall discharge their duties and responsibilities to said students and property according to Michigan school laws and Board and administrative policies and directives. Such policies and directives shall not conflict with the provisions of this Agreement or any law of the State of Michigan nor the United States. C. The Union shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings providing it has secured the approval of the Board one (1) week in advance. The Union agrees that any additional or unusual expense incurred as a result of such use shall be reimbursed to the Board by the Union. D. A bulletin board no smaller than 2' by 3' shall be provided in the bus garage driver lounge area, upon which the Union may post announcements, notices of meetings, results of Union elections and notices pertaining to nominations and elections. The bulletin board shall not be used for political purposes or for purposes other than the above. E. Duly authorized representatives of the Union, international, local or unit, shall be permitted to transact official Union business on school property provided that they do not interfere with or interrupt work activities or normal school operation. The Union agrees to advise the Board of such meetings, discussions or other activities that it may wish to transact pertinent to the employees and shall transact such business on the employees' own time and in private. F. It is the responsibility of the Union to honor Board policies and administrative regulations. Neither the Union, its representatives nor any member shall direct employees to disregard the instructions or directions of administrators or supervisors so long as such policies, directions, instructions, or regulations do not conflict with the terms of this Agreement or any law of the State of Michigan or the United States. The Union further agrees that in the event of a grievance which is to be processed under the provisions of Article VI herein there shall be no stoppage of work because of such grievance. The Board will make available copies of Board policies and administrative regulations to the Union. G. The Union and the Board mutually agree to provide each other with any information which shall be deemed appropriate in the processing of any grievance under the provisions of Article VI herein. H. It shall be the responsibility of the individual employee to meet the conditions of employment for bus drivers as required by the State of Michigan Department of Education, and the Board. The Board assumes no financial or other responsibility for any of these requirements except as herein provided. I. Each driver is responsible for keeping the Board advised in writing of any change in name or change in address. The driver is solely responsible for any errors or omissions occasioned by his or her neglect in keeping the Board so advised, and any communication addressed to an employee at his or her last address on record with the employer shall constitute notice to the employee of the contents of such communication. J. Employees are expected to take advantage of opportunities for continually improving their skills and relationship with their co-workers and with the public. K. Drivers are expected to maintain routes, time schedules, and other work assignments as established by the Board. L. The Board recognizes and will deal with elected or appointed committeemen, members of the unit, or any representative of the international or local Union in all matters relating to grievances, interpretations of the Agreement, or in other matters which affect, or may affect the relationship between the Board and the Union. M. The Union Bargaining Committee shall be composed of a Local Union Representative, the Unit President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and one Xxxxxxx.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. A secretary shall strive for excellence in his/her work, and take advantage of opportunities for continually improving his/her skills and relationships with the Board, co-workers, and the public. B. The Association and individual members thereof, agree to uphold and honor the policies, rules, regulations and practices of the Board and sections of this Agreement. Neither the Association, its representatives, nor any member, shall assume administrative or supervisory authority or direct employees to disregard the instructions or directions of the Board unless the Board is limited by this Agreement. C. Secretaries are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of service to the welfare and benefit of the school district. Secretaries, therefore, are responsible for discharging their work assignments with proficiency and making a conscientious effort to meet all the duties of their positions. D. No Association representative, or secretary, shall engage in Association activities or business during employee working hours, without Board approval. E. The Association is hereby granted the right to reasonable use of school premises for its business meetings, after receiving prior approval from the Board, and providing it pays any overtime costs which may be incurred by the District. F. The Association may have reasonable use of the District's mail service and mailboxes for its business and social event announcements and may post notices on a part of the school bulletin boards in building lounges, provided all such announcements and notices contain the name of the Association officer or representative authorizing the same. G. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed to deny or restrict an employee's rights under the Michigan General School Laws, or applicable civil laws. The rights granted in this Contract are deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere. This paragraph is not deemed grievable under the grievance procedure herein. H. When the Board disciplines employees, it will not be arbitrary or unreasonable. No Seniority bargaining unit member shall be disciplined without just cause. I. A suspended or discharged seniority employee will be allowed to discuss his/her suspension or discharge with the President or Vice President for up to thirty (30) minutes. Nothing contained herein, however, shall prevent the Board from requiring the summary removal of the offending employee, if it appears that the safety of any person, property, or the maintenance of order requires such summary removal. J. The purpose of the installation of cameras/monitors is to increase the safety and security in that building. The Association, upon request, is entitled to information detailing where cameras/monitors are located in each building. It is specifically understood that surveillance equipment (i.e. cameras) cannot be used for purposes of staff evaluation or monitoring. It is understood that situations may arise warranting review of video. If any incident of illegal activity of staff is observed on the video, the Association will be immediately notified and will be given the opportunity to review the tape(s) within three (3) days of receipt of the notice.