Credit Card If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be prompted to provide your credit card information and will be presented with a screen that reflects the amount of your subscription, the amount of fees that would be charged by the credit card issuer for the transaction and the total amount payable.
Credit Cards About 93% of graduating students report they have at least one credit card, including 29% who say they have two or more. Among those students who have credit cards, about 79% report they pay off their balance each month and, as such, their current credit card balance is zero; however, when asked what their current credit card balance is, just 37% say it is zero. Among those with an unpaid balance, the average credit card debt students have is $2,771. None 7% 8% 7% 7% 6% One 64% 65% 62% 66% 66% Two 21% 19% 22% 20% 22% Three or more 8% 7% 8% 7% 6% Yes 79% 70% 81% 80% 78% Zero 37% 34% 37% 38% 38% $500 or less 14% 14% 13% 14% 12% $501 to $1,000 6% 6% 6% 7% 7% Over $1,000 10% 14% 8% 10% 11% Don't know 33% 32% 36% 31% 32% Average (those with credit card) $792 $1,176 $655 $753 $899 Average (those with unpaid balance) $2,771 $3,366 $2,395 $2,745 $3,089 * Total credit card balance and payment of the balance were asked of those who had at least one credit card.
Authorized Sub-processors Customer agrees that MailChimp may engage Sub-processors to process Customer Data on Customer's behalf. The Sub-processors currently engaged by MailChimp and authorized by Customer are listed in Annex A.
Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.
Authorized Access Transfer Agent shall have controls that are designed to maintain the logical separation such that access to systems hosting Fund Data and/or being used to provide services to Fund will uniquely identify each individual requiring access, grant access only to authorized personnel based on the principle of least privileges, and prevent unauthorized access to Fund Data.
Authorized User You may request us to issue a Card to an individual who has no financial responsibility under this Agreement. An Authorized User has the same access to your Account as you do, subject to any limitations we may impose. An Authorized User has no authority to add or delete Cardholders, request a replacement Card or terminate or modify this Agreement. You may terminate an Authorized User’s authority to access your Account at any time. To do this, you must return the Card to PenFed. You agree that you are responsible for all charges and cash advances made by an Authorized User, including charges made before the Card is returned, recurring charges, or charges made without the use of the Card initiated by the Authorized User after termination of the Authorized User’s access.
Authorized Instructions The Custodian shall be entitled to rely upon any Oral Instructions or Instructions actually received by the Custodian and reasonably believed in good faith by the Custodian to be from an Authorized Person (“Authorized Instructions”). Notwithstanding any other provision included in this Agreement, Written Instructions relating to the disbursement of moneys of the Fund other than in connection with the purchase, sale or settlement of Securities, shall be in the form of a Certificate. The Fund agrees that an Authorized Person shall forward to the Custodian Instructions confirming Oral Instructions by the close of business of the same day that such Oral Instructions are given to the Custodian. The Fund agrees that the fact Instructions confirming Oral Instructions are not received or that contrary Instructions are received by the Custodian after the Custodian has effected such Oral Instructions shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of transactions authorized by such Oral Instructions and effected by the Custodian.
Merchant has the power and authority to authorize the automatic funds transfer provided for in the Merchant Agreement;
Authorized Users Authorized Users" are:
Visa Debit Card If approved, you may use your Visa® card to purchase goods and services from participating merchants. However, you may not use your card to initiate any type of gambling transaction. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Funds to cover your card purchases will be deducted from your share draft account. For ATM and one-time debit card transactions, you must consent to the Credit Union’s overdraft protection plan in order for the transaction amount to be covered under the plan. Without your consent, the Credit Union may not authorize and pay an overdraft resulting from these types of transactions. Services and fees for overdrafts are shown in the document the Credit Union uses to capture the member’s opt-in choice for overdraft protection and the Schedule of Fees and Charges.