Background and subject. [Add student’s name], a student at the University of Helsinki, and the Organisation are working on a project entitled [add project name] (hereafter, ‘the Thesis’). The Supervisor appointed to supervise and oversee the Thesis is: [add title and name as well as contact information]. The Supervisor is an employee of the University. If the Supervisor is unable to complete his/her duties under this Agreement, the Organisation must contact the Supervisor’s unit at the University to address the matter. Under this Agreement, the University’s obligations and rights are considered directly comparable to those of the Supervisor. The Supervisor serves as the University’s contact person vis-à-vis the Organisation. The Organisation must not disclose Confidential Information, without a separate written agreement, to the University’s employees other than the Supervisor.
Background and subject. [Add student’s name], a student at the University of Helsinki, is completing a thesis on the topic [add topic] (hereafter, ‘the Thesis’) commissioned by the Organisation. The thesis is supervised at the University by
Background and subject