Baseline Costs. Actual savings are measured against baseline costs, the expenses that the Agency would have incurred had the delivery order not been implemented. Baseline costs are established as part of the measurement and verification methodology, which shall be based on the Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP) M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Management Projects version 2.2. Details of the Monitoring and Verification plan shall be agreed upon by the Company and Agency and documented in the Technical Energy Audit.
Baseline Costs. Confidential treatment is requested for redacted portion. The confidential redacted portion has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Baseline Costs. The Baseline Budget will express costs as follows (for purposes hereof, the “Baseline Costs”): (I) for the Total Mainline Operating Costs portion of the Baseline Budget, budgeted Costs are expressed as a cost per case; (II) for the Total Occupancy Costs portion of the Baseline Budget, budgeted Costs are expressed as absolute dollars; and (III) for the Total GM/HBC Operating Costs portion of Baseline Budget, budgeted Costs are expressed as a percentage of sales. The applicable Baseline Cost measure shall be utilized in calculating the Shared Savings and the resulting Gainshare payable to C&S, if any, for each Contract Year in accordance with sub-section (c) below. For any applicable measurement period, the Parties will determine the actual Costs (expressed as a cost per case, absolute dollars or percentage of sales as applicable for the categories of Baseline Costs as set forth in this paragraph (b)) for such period for the Mainline Operations (with the occupancy-related Costs calculated separately) and the GM/HBC Operations, respectively, based on the actual Costs incurred by C&S and calculated on a similar basis as reflected in the applicable Baseline Budget (such actual Costs, for purposes of this Section 4.7, the “Actual Gainshare Costs”).
Baseline Costs. USFRS shall calculate the baseline costs using 2 scenarios:
1) typical charges (prior to the USFRS XL Project) for pretreating and disposing effluent wastewater under the CWA requirements and for manifesting, transporting and disposing F006 sludges, and 2) typical charges that would be incurred if waste were recycled in compliance with RCRA and requirements for manifesting and transportation of hazardous waste had been imposed (including tax obligations under both scenarios).
Baseline Costs. Clause No.:
Baseline Costs. The estimated costs of fuel, energy or water consumption or wastewater production that would have been incurred in the ECMs had not been installed or implemented. Baseline Costs shall be the product of (i) the Baseline amounts set forth in Exhibit 3 “Baseline”; and detailed in Exhibit 4 “Detailed Savings Calculations”; and (ii) the Utility Rates as defined below.
Baseline Costs. Actual savings are measured against baseline costs, the expenses that the City would have incurred had the delivery order not been implemented. The parties agree that baseline costs shall be calculated using the Baseline set forth in Schedule H, which has been based on the FEMP M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification Guidelines for Federal Energy Projects version 3.0. Details of the Measurement and Verification methodology has been agreed upon by the Parties and is documented in Schedules F, K and V.
Baseline Costs. Actual savings are measured against baseline costs, the expenses that CITY would have incurred had the ECMs not been implemented. The parties agree that baseline costs shall be calculated using the Baseline set forth in Schedule E, which has been based on the IPMVP (January 2012) guidelines. Details of the Monitoring and Verification methodology shall be agreed upon by COMPANY and the CITY and specified in Schedule F (Savings Measurement and Calculation Formulae; Methodology to Adjust Baseline).
Baseline Costs o Monthly fixed fee: €[The amount of the Contractor offer].