Verification Plan definition
Examples of Verification Plan in a sentence
Verification bodies should, at a minimum, retain hard and electronic copies, as applicable, of: • The Member’s GHG emission report (printable from CRIS) • Verification plan and notes • Sampling plan and notes, including copies of original activity data records and other data necessary to perform an ex-post assessment of the verification activities • Verification report • Verification statement • Backup documentation, verification notes, etc.
Provide a preliminary savings Measurement and Verification plan for each proposed ECM.
The EE Resource provider must submit an updated Measurement & Verification plan for the EE Resource by February 1 prior to the next PRA in which the EE Resource is to be subsequently offered.
The EE Resource provider must submit an initial Measurement & Verification plan for the EE Resource by February 1 prior to the PRA in which the EE Resource is to be initially offered.
Annex B – Verification plan – details (normative) Where relevant the following three factors have a major influence on the verification plan: Computerised information systems:Where the verification of data takes place within a computer information system the verifier should consider the following:1.
Verification plan using neural algorithm blockchain smart contract for secure p2p real estate transactions.
A Monitoring and Verification plan shall be jointly constructed using the Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP) M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Management Projects version 2.2. This plan shall be to determine whether annual savings have been recognized.
Baseline costs are established as part of the measurement and verification methodology, which shall be based on the Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP) M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Management Projects version 2.2. Details of the Monitoring and Verification plan shall be agreed upon by the Company and Agency and documented in the Technical Energy Audit.
It should also specify how staff are expected to enforce the policy in group workshops and when working one-on-one with participants or couples.
Verification team leader writes up the first sections of the Verification plan and has copies ready for the next meeting.At the end of the Day One session some specific tasks should be clear enough to assign the following:• Harness person.• BFM person(s), at least start with one of the simpler BFMs.• Directory structure person.• Scripting person.