Bulky Waste Sample Clauses
Bulky Waste. Stoves, refrigerators (with all CFC and other refrigerants removed), water tanks, washing machines, furniture and other similar items, and, materials other than Construction Debris, Large Dead Animals, Hazardous Waste or Stable Matter with weights or volumes greater than those allowed for Bins or Containers, as the case may be. Bulky Waste shall not include any Excluded Waste.
Bulky Waste. At the beginning of each year, the Contractor shall provide Single-Family Residential Customers subscribing to service, with five (5) coupons per year for Bulky Waste Collection at no charge (with each coupon to be used for collection of one Bulky Item). A Customer shall have the option to schedule up to two on-call Bulky Waste pickups per year, where the customer can use the five (5) coupons provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall coordinate the schedule of these pickups with the Customer. The costs associated with Bulky Waste collection shall be an allowable expense for purposes of determining Refuse Collection rates. The Contractor is allowed to charge Single-Family Residential Customers for on-call collections in excess of two per year, and for each Bulky Item collected in excess of the five (5) Bulky Items allowed per year (by coupon). In addition, Contractor is allowed to charge Multi-Family Residential Customers and Commercial Customers for all Bulky Item collections.
Bulky Waste. Those materials including furniture, carpets, mattresses, White 28 Goods, and Large Green Waste which are attributed to the normal activities of a SFD Service
Bulky Waste. Bulky Waste shall mean Acceptable Solid Waste composed of materials not easily contained in a Solid Waste Bag or Can such as, but not limited to White Goods, furniture, Brush, carpet, and other Acceptable Solid Waste not easily contained in a Solid Waste Bag or Can.
Bulky Waste. All Bulky Waste collected by a Contractor shall be delivered to a Processing Facility and/or Disposal Facility determined by the Contractor.
Bulky Waste. Discrete items of Garbage of a size or shape that precludes collection in regular collection Containers. Bulky Waste includes large appliances (such as refrigerators, freezers, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, or dryers), water heaters, furniture (such as chairs, tables, shelves, cabinets, or sofas), mattresses, and other similar large items placed at the Curb as discrete separate items. Bulky Waste does not include piles of debris, car parts, stumps, construction or demolition debris, overly large or heavy items, or Unacceptable Waste.
Bulky Waste. Large items such as, but not limited to, bathtubs, beds, mattresses, bikes, carpet (bundled, less than four feet in length, and less than 45 pounds), chairs, couches, doors, dressers, exercise equipment, garage door openers, gas grills (without tank), lawnmowers (drained), pallets, sinks, swing set (less than four feet in length and less than 45 pounds), tables, toilets, vacuums, water softeners, windows, construction debris (less than four feet in length and less than 45 pounds), and household items that are too large to fit into the Refuse cart.
Bulky Waste. Company will provide scheduled Bulky Waste pickup service to all Cart Service Recipients on the first collection day of each month of one item. Cart Service Recipients will provide Company with at least 48 hour advance notice with the description of the item and the Bulky Waste will be collected on the scheduled date. Additional pickups or additional items can be scheduled for collection are subject to an additional fee.
Bulky Waste. Bulky Waste" means large items of Solid Waste, such as appliances, furniture, large auto parts, trees, branches, stumps and other oversize Wastes. Bulky Waste does not include waste that has been placed in a bin or drop box.
Bulky Waste. Stoves, refrigerators, hot water heater, washer and dryer machines, furniture and other similar household waste materials.