By June 6, 2014 Sample Clauses

By June 6, 2014 the University will amend the published information (hardcopy and electronic) about its Office of Affirmative Action to include the name and/or title, address, email address, telephone number, and synopsis of position responsibilities for its Title IX Coordinator. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: Within 30 calendar days of completion of item II.B.2 above, and prior to publishing the amended information about the Office of Affirmative Action, the University will provide OCR a copy of the amended information developed pursuant to item II.B.2. for OCR’s review and comment. Within 30 days of receiving a copy of the revised information, OCR will notify the University whether the information meets the requirements of item II.B.2. or whether further action is necessary to complete the requirements of item II.B.2.
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By June 6, 2014 the University will provide notice, and training if necessary, to all University Police department personnel of the requirements of the procedures developed and adopted pursuant to item II.C.1. above. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: By June 6, 2014, the University will provide OCR documentation sufficient to demonstrate completion of the requirements of item II.C.2. above. Such documentation would include, but would not be limited to, a written description of the means by which University police department personnel were provided notice of the procedures adopted pursuant to item II.C.1, including the date notice was provided and the name and title of the individual who communicated the procedures to police department personnel; a copy of any written notice provided to police department personnel; and, if training was conducted, the date(s) and time(s) of the training, the name and title of the trainer, and copies of any training materials used.
By June 6, 2014 the University will develop and document in writing procedures for monitoring whether the administrative expectations communicated by the University in a XXXXX XX, XXXX email to student A are being adhered to by student A.2 The procedures will include steps to inform University personnel who have a need to know of the administrative expectations, the procedures to be followed by University personnel or the complainant to report a breach of the administrative expectations, and the steps the University will take in the event student A does not adhere to the expectations. The University will notify, in writing, the complainant and each University staff member with a need to know of the procedures described herein. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: By June 6, 2014, the University will provide OCR documentation sufficient to demonstrate completion of item II.F.2. above. Such documentation should include a copy of the written procedures developed pursuant to item II.F.2., the names and titles of each person who received notice of the procedures, and a copy of the notice provided to the complainant and University staff members, including the date and method by which the notice of written procedures was provided.
By June 6, 2014 the University will contact the complainant and provide her the following information: i. Assurance that the University will continue to implement and monitor the administrative expectations detailed in the email (expectations) of XXXXX XX, XXXX, to student A. ii. The name and contact information for the University official responsible for implementing the expectations. iii. The name and contact information for the University official the complainant may contact if she is concerned the expectations are not being implemented or feels she has been subjected to a hostile environment by student A. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: By June 6, 2014, the University will provide OCR documentation sufficient to demonstrate completion of item II.F.3. above. Such documentation should include the date, time, and place/method by which the University contacted the complainant; the name and title of the University employee(s) who contacted or communicated with the complainant; and the name(s) and title(s) of the University official(s) identified pursuant to items II.F.3.ii. and iii. above. The individual signing this Agreement certifies that he or she has the authority to act on behalf of the University to enter into this Agreement.

Related to By June 6, 2014

  • By December 31, 2015, the Board will calculate the annual amount of a.i) divided by a.ii) which will form the base funding amount for the Trust;

  • By November 1st of each year, the University will provide the Association with a list of all members eligible for retirement without penalty under the faculty pension plan.

  • Agreement Xxx 0000 The Company shall not produce iron ore under this Agreement for transportation in any calendar year in excess of the approved production limit nor shall the total number of the mine workforce exceed the approved mine workforce without the prior consent in principle of the Minister and, subject to that consent, approval of detailed proposals in regard thereto in accordance with this Clause.

  • xxx/Xxxxxx/XXXXX- 19_School_Manual_FINAL pdf -page 101-102 We will continue to use the guidelines reflected in the COVID-19 school manual.

  • CFR 200 328. Failure to submit such required Performance Reports may cause a delay or suspension of funding. 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.

  • December 2020 In the presence of:

  • DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ a) The Institution and the Investigator acknowledge and agree that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all Study Data, Study results, information, improvements, developments, discoveries, inventions, work, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights (existing and future) relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”) conceived by the Institution or the Investigator or Study Personnel, solely or jointly with others as a result of work done under this Agreement, to the widest extent possible under applicable law. The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made or reduced to practice by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel related to the Study. At the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. b) All parties to this Agreement and Sponsor shall retain all right, title and interest in any Intellectual Property that was owned by such party or Sponsor prior to or apart from the commencement of this Agreement. No a) Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející uznávají a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem Studijním údajům, výsledkům Studie, informacím, vylepšením, na vývoj, k objevům, vynálezům, dílům, know-how a dalším právům (ať už patentovatelným či nikoli), vytvořeným, vyvinutým, a/nebo uvedeným do praxe v důsledku nebo v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a/nebo používáním Studijního léku nebo Důvěrných informací společně s právy duševního vlastnictví (stávajícími i budoucími) s nimi souvisejícími (dále jen „Duševní vlastnictví“), které vytvořilo Zdravotnické zařízení, Hlavní zkoušející nebo Studijní personál, samostatně nebo společně s ostatními jako výsledek práce prováděné na základě této Smlouvy, a to v největším možném rozsahu povoleném příslušnými zákonnými předpisy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvořeném nebo uvedeném do praxe Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Studijním personálem v souvislosti se Studií. Na žádost Zadavatele zajistí Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející převod veškerých práv a zájmů týkajících se Duševního vlastnictví na Zadavatele bez další odměny a poskytnou přiměřenou součinnost k získání patentu včetně zajištění podpisu dokumentů k převodu objevu nebo jiných dokumentů. b) Všechny strany této Smlouvy a Zadavatel si i nadále ponechají veškerá práva, nároky a podíly na jakémkoli Duševním vlastnictví, které daná strana nebo Zadavatel vlastnili před začátkem platnosti této Smlouvy nebo na které license grant or assignment, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is intended by, or shall be inferred from, this Agreement except to the extent necessary for each party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise give effect to this Agreement.

  • Consentement Relatif à la Langue Utilisée Les parties reconnaissent avoir exigé que cette convention («Agreement») soit rédigée en anglais, ainsi que tous les documents, avis et procédures judiciaires, éxécutés, donnés ou intentés en vertu de, ou liés directement ou indirectement à la présente.

  • xxx/xxx The list of courses that follow shows the equivalent courses at your institution that fulfill the prerequisites to complete the One Year MBA program at Clarkson.

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

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