By June Sample Clauses
By June. 1 - At the end of the year the employee documents progress on his/her Professional Growth Plan. A year-end conference will be held between the employee and the supervisor to review and sign-off annual progress on the plan.
By June. 30, the University Librarian, or supervising Associate University Librarian where applicable, shall meet with the Member to review the accomplishments outlined in the annual report of activities and to discuss objectives for the following year.
By June. 30 of the Member’s first year of a tenure-track appointment, the Member will submit an Annual Report per Article 18.
By June. 1st of each year, each Occasional Teacher shall be issued a request for confirmation to be maintained on the List for the following school year. Teachers who wish to have their names maintained on the List shall so confirm in writing by July 15th. Teachers who so confirm are deemed to be available and willing to work and their names shall be maintained on the List.
By June. 30, 2015, (for the 2014-2015 school year) and by June 30, 2016, (for the 2015- 2016 school year), the District will submit to OCR the updated roster of all ELL students and the following information:
a. The total number of ELL students enrolled in each school, by grade level and proficiency level;
b. The total number of ELL students in each school who receive alternative language program services;
By June. 30 2015, the district will provide training to district administrators and other staff members involved in the provision of interpreter and translation services on the revised policies and procedures.
By June. 30, the City shall post a list of staff who will be scheduled to work during the shutdown period.
By June. 1, 2014, and annually thereafter, the District will conduct a climate survey of students in the School to assess the effectiveness of steps taken pursuant to this Resolution Agreement or otherwise by the District, to achieve its goal of the School being free of harassment. Students’ participation in the survey will be voluntary. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS:
(a) By May 1, 2014, if the District chooses to conduct a climate check by issuing a survey, the District will provide OCR with a copy of a proposed survey for OCR’s review and approval.
(b) Within 30 calendar days of approval from OCR or by September 15, 2014, whichever is later, the District will disseminate the climate check survey to the School’s students.
(c) By October 30, 2014, the District will provide documentation to OCR demonstrating that the School has conducted the climate check, an analysis of the information obtained by the climate check, and a description of the proactive steps to be taken by the School to ensure a campus free of disability harassment as well as other harassment prohibited by other laws OCR enforces.
By June. 30. 2015, the District wi ll provide a copy of its revised policy on discipline of students with disabilities, including a copy of the revised Student Code of Conduct.
By June. 30, 2017, the District shall conduct a total compensation survey of the following school districts: Bellevue, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kent, Lake Washington, Seattle and Shoreline. Total compensation shall include 2016-17 annual base salary plus longevity pay, spray stipend, and clothing allowance. If the total annual compensation for Grounds III with Spray Certificate is below the average annual compensation for similar positions in the comparison districts, the 2017-18 rates of pay contained in Appendix A-1 shall be adjusted upward to reflect that figure effective September 1, 2017. In addition, the 2017- 18 rates contained in Appendix A-1 shall be increased effective September 1, 2017 by the percentage, if any, enacted by the Washington State Legislature for a K-12 Cost of Living Adjustment for classified staff for 2017-18.